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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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I will be in S.Korea 27th Feb to 12th Mar :smile:
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heyaaa i'll be in seoul from the 11th Jan- 26th Jan! :smile:
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- R3Gg13 (22/3 - 4/4)
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Hi all...this is my first post ! I had been following this forum for only 3 week ... So there is still a lot of things that I am not too sure yet( about plastic surgery) , hope that you all out there dun mind to share with me. A few question here... 1) for ppl who did sliding genioplasty I know metal plate and screws will be fix inside your bone but my question is will it set off the airport metal detector? 2) Do you need to change/replace the metal plate and screw? Dose it last life long? 3) ppl who did v line or mini v line the bones that is cut away will it grow back? Cos I happen to read somewhere that say it might grow back?
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I just wondered if anyone has heard about Premiere Plastic Clinic http://www.ips-kr.com/eng/beautry_facial.php. I just did some research and found this clinic. They do laser bone reduction which is claimed to be much less invasive.
According to their website, they only need to make 3 mm incision on each side for mandible reduction and recovery time is less than 1 week, no nerve damage, no bleeding. It sounds so good to be true.
Does anyone know anything about laser bone cutting technique? I wondered if the big clinics like ID, BK, Small Face use this technique as well? But if they do then you should have almost no incision inside your mouth because 3mm is nothing when the wound is healed.
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GOSH! ****ty man, a disgusting 4 million difference?! That's super despicable of those clinics to charge us like that man.

Anyone managed to bargain the price down using evidence that those local koreans gave? 4 million I can do one more surgery man. Think we need to do something about it instead of just being chopped like carrots for them. SIGH!
Further more for those who hire translators, most prob the money we give will become part of their commission as well. Seriously, have anyone gotten the price of the local koreans before?

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Hey Iaan,

How are you doing???! Hang in there buddy! The worse is over - now you just have to be patient and be a good patient by walking a lot and eating well! :smile:

Although I only did a mini-V, I too couldnt recognize myself and thought that my face became too long! After the swelling subsided, I felt much better. So dont judge it yet. It's still too early.

How are you hanging in Seoul? have you eatten the Sam Gye Tang yet? (chicken ginseng soup). Ohh, it's mad good!!! I am back in Chicago and was craving for it that I went to this place in the burbs and it pales in comparison. Try it if you have not.
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I did a mini-V, which included sliding genio. To answer your question:
1) No it will not set off the metal detector. It is a small titanium screw
2) I believe it's lifetime - no need to change
3) not sure about this - didnt ask.
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Hello there,

My roommate while i was in Korea had epi, revisional double eyelid and ptosis correction. Based on what I know, epi is a pretty painful procedure. Many claimed that they teared while the stiches are taken out. Also, my doc said that there will be redness in the epi area for a few months. So, please take that into consideration.

I did see a minor improvement in my roommates eyes, but since she was just a few days post op and she did a few things, it's hard to tell if its worth it to just go to Korea for epi.
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Hi MiaAnn,

your roommate did her eyes at ID too? which Dr did she choose ? thanks
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No, she did it at JW.
I did my eyes at ID though - however, i did not do epi. Just did fake ptosis correction & double eyelid. Doctor did recommend epi for me, but i chose to skip it.
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Thanks.. :smile:
but what is "fake" ptosis correction ? any difference from ptosis correction? Regen recommend me "Blepharoplasty" .. they sound more and more complex just to have double eyelids le .... :sad: How's ur roommate eyes ps? did she like it? any complain about JW? sorry for many questions..JW is in my lists too..
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Haha - yeah, I was like what's fake ptosis correction??!! He basically pulls my levetor muscles up a little so that my eyes will appear slightly brighter. It's not real ptosis, becuase for folks with real ptosis, their eyes are really droopy and mine is not like that.

Is Blepharoplasty removal of eye bags? I think that's the case for the US.

It was hard to tell my roommates eyes because she had her stitch removal on Day +5 which is very early so she was still bruised (this is because she had to leave Korea) Overall, she liked JW and espeically loved Yumi, their consultant.
If you go back to a few pages, I did post my experience with JW because I went with consultation with them as well. My experience was just so-so, but my roommate had no complains. My suggestion is that if you are going to JW, please remember to bargain at least a little and to go for other consults so that you can compare and contrast.
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