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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hey everybody. First of all, I would like to apologize for not responding to all of the messages I got while I was gone. I've been super busy, and I haven't had the chance to continue my research on Korean cafes. I'll get right back to it mid December when my classes are over.

Meanwhile, I just wanted to share a story from a friend of mines that recently returned from a nose, double jaw and eye surgery in Korea. She looks amazing now. I can only imagine how much hell she had to go through for all of those procedures, but I was surprised, because all she could talk about when she came back was the amazing experience she had. She recommended that I use the popular online service she had used, which connects travelers with hosts worldwide that provide free temporary accommodation.

My friend's host, in particular, was a Korean college student living at home with his family. She had contacted him a week before she left for Korea, saying she'd stay for only two days. She was too embarrassed to say it was for plastic surgery consultations so she said it was for traveling instead lol. Anyway, when she arrived in Korea for the first time at night, the student picked her up and brought her to his house, and introduced her to his entire family. She told me she was really taken aback by their hospitality (they had waited all day for her to arrive), because she expected Koreans to be less friendly toward darker foreigners. But the mom made a special dinner that night because everyone was really happy she was there. She stayed the 1st night, and she had three consultations the next day. She was initially going to keep that a secret because she didn't want anyone else to know, but she ended up telling her host because she felt like he was a genuine friend. And he responded with, "I had my eyes done before going to college! Don't be embarrassed. A lot of people do it. My grandma had her nose done too." lol So that day, she ended up canceling her translating service, because he insisted to go with her to her consultations instead. Then she stayed over the second night, and he also translated for her during her consultations the next day. Anyway, she was only supposed to stay for two days for consultations, and booked the rest of her stay after surgery at a hotel. But when she told her host family she was getting plastic surgery done, the ahjumma was totally against it and wouldn't let her leave the house lol. The family insisted that she stay longer, because they didn't want her to be alone during the healing process. So for the next three ish weeks of healing, she stayed at their house. They took care of her, provided her with meals, showed her around, etc. When she told me her experience, I pretty much bawled my eyes out when she shared all the stories about how loving the family was to her. They now consider her a dear friend of the family's, and want her to visit anytime she's in Korea.

Anyway, I just wanted to share a condensed version of my friend's story, because it really touched me. She said she had initially gone to Korea with the sole purpose of enduring plastic surgery hell to look beautiful, but she left with one of the best experiences of her life. She said she wouldn't have know what to do without them, and that even if she had come back home without the transformation, she'd still be happy. I just wanted to share because I, too, am planning on doing the same thing she did: finding a host that'll allow me to stay for 1-3 days, depending on how many consultations I want to have (I don't want to be in a rush)... and getting a bit of the Korean culture that way. Hopefully my host will be as amazing as my friend's, but I don't want to have any expectations lol. I initially just wanted to go to Korea for plastic surgery. But now, I'm going to make sure I experience the Korean culture, even if I'm in pain. It's not every day we get to visit a different country... at least not for me. :P

EDIT: If you're interested in a free place to stay (at least for consultations so you don't feel rushed), or just want to make friend(s) during your stay in Korea, I highly recommend Googling "couch surfing." I won't provide the link because I don't want to be seen as promoting the site, and I do think think there are other available hospitality exchange sites you'll find helpful. My friend just happened to use this one. She made sure to contact a verified member with a lot of positive vouches. If you aren't interested in staying at a place with others, then this website might help (https://www.tripping.com/). It's less popular, but it allows you to actually rent rooms/apartments/houses for yourself. For example, if you're staying in Korea for 7 or more days, a person in Seoul is on vacation and renting out their apartment. It houses one person, but can fit two if you want. The price is only 17 dollars a night, which is even more of a steal if you split it with another person! (https://www.tripping.com/search/view/1146056) Purseforum, please don't ban me. T_T I'm just trying to help.
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I edited my previous post. ^^ Just note that I just Googled it myself, and read an article about how a Moroccon man had taken advantage of the website to rape a Chinese woman visiting England. :nogood: This is a rare case though, as "99.6% of the couch surfing encounters are positive." And after looking over a few of the hosts located in Seoul, I wouldn't worry too much. But if you do have plans to use the site in the future, just make sure to go with a host that's verified and has a lot of positive vouches from other members.
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Me too..I only wanted to do my eyes at first..after reading and reading all these pages, I am considering to do my nose.
If I'm not such a coward, I would have wanted Vline as well..

However my friends are advising to just do eyes first and if I'm still not satisfied with the look, I can always do my nose later.

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Hi Bellelele,
I also hired Nicole haha. I noticed you are doing rhinoplasty revision, could you share what you learned from your past rhinoplasty experiences...why the results did not match up to your expectation. Was it surgeon technique, different view of beauty...etc

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Hi violet989,
Oh that great! So you will be in korea from 17 dec onwards? how long are you staying?I hope we do meet!
I have done my first nose job in yanhee hospital bangkok, that was when i was 19, the doctor used I shape implant. After a few years i feel that it is deviated to a side. I decided to go bankok again and I changed to Tokai Clinic, Dr Pat.This time it is more painful as there is the dosage is not high so i am quite awaked during the surgery and can feel what he is doing to my nose!! I feel so scary and pain , i keep telling mself everything would be over too. haha. He uses L shape implant btw.My nose recover fine but after a few years later, it seems deviated again :sad:
seems like in bangkok they really cant operate well ?I also can feel an area sticking out from the rest in my nostril when i touch it, although i asked dr pat and he say it is normal, but these did not happen after my first rhinoplasty.
The doctors there are also more conservative and i heard so far they only perform closed rhinoplasty. So now i am set on going korea after hearing so many positive feedback, :smile: are u staying at highland hotel too and where are you from? I am from Singapore lol!
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Hey fantasyface!
I've been emailing violet! because we are going at the same time.
I get there Dec 16 and my surgery is on noon Dec 17 at BK Clinic.
I'm getting rhinoplasty and facial contouring.
The three of us should get together and heal together so to say :P
If you email violet at her gmail ask her to cc me =) and we can all plan a get together which would be really ncie =)
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cjchen, all the best for your surgery! can't wait to read your experience with BK and how speedy your recovery is! I actually wanted to go around the same time, but was put off by the fact that I have to spend Christmas in Seoul alone with a swollen face! =x hehe

Anyway, I heard mixed reviews about BK, but would like to hear your experience with Dr. Kim. Hopefully everything will go smoothly and great for you!! take care.
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hi u r back! can u share which clinic ur fren went for her two jaw surgery?
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you decided on clinic without going for multiple consultation with different clinics? will dr kim be doing your facial surgery or dr hong? did he inform you about the risk?
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After seeing before & after pics on a LOT of websites, it just temps you into trying for the 'perfect'face - I guess that's how some ppl get áddicted' to ps.

however my nose and eyes always bothered me - so that's what i've decided to do...i'm going to pass on vline.

One decision made...now to make a million more (before surgery) lol !!! :cray:
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Yep super expensive and if you ask me, the end result is just so-so. not that the dr's here are bad, I just don't think they have much experience with asian face...so i think sometimes nose looks unnatural and don't even get me started on the áfter' pics for eyes. So it didn't take me long to decide to go overseas
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Hi Bellelele..

Best of luck to u... pls share ur exp with Dream after consultation.. very little info about Dream in this forum.. I'm keen to check it out Dream too..
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