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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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oh my goodness...no toothpaste for two weeks....salt water can also not be used right?and yes i noticed when i had consultation via email...Id n grand jus said sliding genioplasty has nothing to do with my teeths....but i read so many negative post about this..
Were you able to have normal speech after surgery or at least are u able now? is ur smile different?
if u dont mind can u pm me ur b&a pics...i know u posted ur a after pic of ur chin but i want to see whether mineis similar to urs n vline plus sliding genio is a suitable procedure for me.

And pls keep updating me about how ur teeth change...thanks a tons MiaAnn

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OMG!!! This gets tougher & tougher to decide! I want nose & eyes and looking at 7 (yes, that's right - 7!!) different places:
- regen
- id
- grand
- teuim
- vip
- view
- dream clinic (before & after, as it's now known)

some places are great for nose while others for eyes. I want to get both surgeries done at the same place, it seems to make more sense for a lot of reasons - cost, recovery, one doctor (too many cooks...)

geez :wacko:...i think i will consult with all 7. why not, since i'll be in korea for hols anyways.

stupid question - does it cost anything for a consult?
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welcome anrisu!

i'm also going to do eyes & nose in korea next year - when u thinking of going?

i have no firm date, but any time after july 2013 (that's when i'll have the $$$ and time)....maybe oct/nov (????)

i will be in korea for a holiday in april so will be doing all my consults then
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hopefully mine will be as wonderful as yours. i know you did yours at regen right? Who did your nose? I wanna have a nose like yours, i did my nose earlier this year but it's still big!! i guess i need a revision. Can i have the doctor that did your nose and mini v?

I am going to 6 clinics for consultation. TLPS,Regen,ID,Grand,smallface and view:biggrin:
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3.5 weeks n still VERY UNNATURAL? oh god... my surgery is going to be a secret.. how am i going to face my family members i really dunno. and i don't dare to think.....
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Hey guys, I wanted to get a nose job and a chin lift either cutting it or implanting it. And that goes same for the nose, getting the cartilage or implant. All to make my protruding mouth less out standing.

I found VIP (seoul korea) and Grand which seems like-able right now. But internet can always lie and I'm just not too sure. Help? Opinions?
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Thanks Bella! I haven't made any solid plans yet, but I'm thinking either in the spring or summer. I'm still looking at all of the various clinics. There are so many in just the Gangnam area alone!
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Hey Egg - yes thank you :smile: Today, I finally see the "old" self in my "new" self again, if that makes sense! lol For a while I thought I was having an identify crisis!!

I think it really depends on which method for the eyes - if you have suture or partial incision, the recovery is much faster. Like you said, after 2 weeks it is pretty much normal. However, for incision method, the recovery is much, much slower, but the results are permanent and better looking if done in the eyes of an experienced surgeon. However, recovery is a total B*tch!

Yes, i am using warm compress and it soothes my face.

Btw - did you use septal or ear cartilage for your nose refinenemnt> I know you had silicon for the bridge right?
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Yes I did = the surgeon that did my eyes is Dr. Kim Junesung. very important to have the right surgeon, not only the hospital. Some surgeons are more skilled in one area than the other.
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Hey MiaAnn,

Not looking worse, just different is a really good way to describe PS :smile:

Omg, u look great! I feel like the swelling went down significantly from ur last b/a pics and it looks even more amazing than ur last 'after' pic! I can see how u still need just a bit more time for the swelling to subside n for ur lids to come down more, but the doctor did a good job.

Hahaha, I too was gonna go wout telling anyone, but it was ur 2 week b/a pic that made me realize i needed to start telling people. When I did nonincisional I didn't tell a soul n went back to work 2 days later. Luckily at that time I worked with mostly blacks and Latinos, so everyone just thought I had like a bad case of pinkeye or some type of infection. So there I was nodding to 'yeah, its pinkeye" lol

But noooo! I really wanted this surgery cuz I'm tired of wearing circle lenses. My eyes went from 20/20 to blurred vision. I'm just gonna have to head to MAC n tell them to teach me how to pack on them dark eye shadows to make the swelling less noticable.

Thanks so much for posting! U r really helping me prepare with the 'afters'. :smile:
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Hey Karime,

Are you from the States? If so, which part?? Happy Thanksgiving - and I hope you had boat loads of Black Friday shopping!

Yes - that's why I posted my "after" pics and I was SOOOO unprepared for this much of swelling! I did A LOT of research previously and I guess I was blind-sided by the "after" pics in the P-S website. A lot of places suggest non-incisional, which may have a much quicker recovery, but after 3-4 years, you can barely see the crease again. Is that why you are going for double eyelid surgery again? you mentioned you did non-incisional previously.

Hopefully my pics will provide some color to those considering Incisional Eyelid surgery and what to expect out of it. The doctor and Zoe both warned me about it - but my perception was biased towards the pictures that I have seen. Now to thikn about it, Dr. Kim said that it will take a few months for most of the swelling to go down. In some cases, for some people, it can even take years! OMG!!! (I think that's a little extreme though).
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Hey MiaAnn

Thanks, happy l8 thanksgiving to u too! N yes, I did do black Friday which was craziness!
Did u?

Hahaha, howd u guess i was from the states? I'm from LA, but i fly back n forth between 2 states throughout the year. Where r u from? East coast? I don't think there r many west coast formers bcuz it seems quiet on this forum when I'm on at nites.

I did have nonincisional done about 8 yrs ago n m still happy w the crease. But because my upper lid on one side is getting heavy and droopy, but the end of the day u barely see it. Not that big of a deal, but I figure why w8 til im 60 when insurance will cover it. So now Im just telling others that I'm not gonna w8 til I'm older, I'm gonna do it now while I can heal faster. One coworker told me she had hers done bcuz her eyelashes were starting to grow inward n it was bothering her. Hmmmm, not a bad excuse to use.

Omg, one year is a lot to w8, but at least ur doc was straightforward. I think thats really important otherwise we wud b calling them continuously during post op care.

Thanks again for posting. It really helped me decide to come clean n start telling people. Total reality check for me.
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Oh my goodness, that is so rude and unprofessional! I'm angry for you. I remember seeing a case like yours on a different plastic surgery forum, where the girl kept emailing ID about a revision because they made her face look 'handicapped'... but nobody responded back to her emails or her calls, so she had to fly to Korea again, only to be told by Mr. Park that he couldn't fix her problem, and that she shouldn't have gone to him in the first place (which wasn't what he said pre-surgery). All I could think was couldn't they have just replied to her email or phone call, and told her that, so she wouldn't have to waste money on a plane ticket?
I've decided to eliminate ID from my list of potential clinics, just because I've read too many negative reviews, or accounts where the person had to get revision. To be fair, though, they seem to treat people happy with their results kindly, but it seems that if they mess up your face, then they just want you out of the way. I understand that every clinic is bound to have their screw-ups, but I've read two negative reviews from a different forum, and at least three from PF, and one from a girl my friend met in the ID waiting room, who was going in for a revision. I understand every clinic is bound to make mistakes but the amount of negative reviews seems to equal the amount of positive reviews, which doesn't impress me at all.

Thank you itsumobaby for sharing your email. I feel so bad that they've been dodging you. :sad: I hope your revision goes well though. You're getting the assymetry fixed by Dr. Park, right?

That would be awesome, but I don't have set dates yet. I'm hoping by the end of January. You'll be going back to Korea in January, or you'll stay there through January? Anyway, I look forward to seeing your updates. Several more weeks, and you'll be in Korea! I'm excited for you. ^^

And I find it really unfair too. Do you know if anyone has ever brought up local vs. foreigner prices during consultation? The differences in pricing are kind of ridiculous, so I wonder if there is some unfair law I'm unaware of, that states we have to pay heaps more.
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Hi anrisu,
Welcome! ^^ I think I was a little scared like you at first, but being around like-minded people on here has made me a lot more comfortable with the idea of plastic surgery. And I think separating your nose and v-line surgeries would be a good idea if you don't want to feel any discomfort with breathing. May I ask where you plan to go?

Hey! I think consulting with all those clinics will be a great idea! And costs for consultation really depends on where you go. Some offer free consultations, while others have you pay money. I can't name any prices at the top of my head, but I think I common number was $20... so not too much.

Yeah, we're really lucky we don't have to worry about those sort of things. Koreans aren't able to post negative reviews in public places, such as cafe threads, so you'll often see posts that are suspiciously very positive. When I brought up this concern with my Korean friend, though, he said that there are over 50,000 picture reviews from the cafe I was browsing, and each was linked with the individual's ssn.. so I didn't have to worry about clinics making fake accounts to up their popularity.

So that's why you have to actually make the effort of private messaging each and every single person with your surgery inquiries. That's when they'll send you stories of their experiences, hardships, quotes, raves, complaints, etc., and you realize that they're just people like us, trying to help by sharing their experiences. I posted the messages I received from locals in the previous thread, and also posted the most recent ones. The B&A pictures may grab our attention the most, but the messages attached are also rich with information that make each experience unique. But I think that because of the language barrier, it's easy for us to skip these important parts of their messages. :sad: I wish I could read Korean. I hate having to bother my Korean friend for translations all of the time lol.
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