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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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haha, I guess i brought up the topic of buying drinks/food.

My exact question to a said translator was "I'm worried about post-op because I am going to Seoul alone. I know you work as a translator, but I heard many great reviews about you, so I would like to check with you beside bringing your clients to clinics, do you provide other post-op services like helping your clients with meals because I do not know simple Korean to get myself food and know exactly where to head to if I require other help"

That said, I'm sure she is a good translator otherwise there wouldn't be many great reviews about her from her ex-clients in this forum and others, but just that my personal experience with her wasn't that great probably because I mentioned that I didn't need her along for consultations, just for surgery and post-surgery and perhaps she felt that I shouldn't approach her since she's a translator. Partly my fault, but I thought there wasn't any harm asking anyway. :P
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pm-ed you! =)
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haha.. You know what you may have done wrong? You asked her too nicely.
I would have just sprang that sh on her when I was there lol. She can't say no to a swollen bandaged up chick with big ol puppy eyes can she? Unless she's heartless ;)
Asking her if she does those services would have definitely be met with a 'no' or a 'only if I have time' bc yeah, I can expect her to not want to be taken advantage of (in the sense, she'll be running after you 24/7 buying you food/drinks etc) which of course you wouldn't do, but she needs to look out for herself foremost aye.
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I did not use a translator, but I think this should be said:

From what I gather, Zoe works as a translator for people who need translations during their surgery consultations. Any post-op care translations would be directly related to the surgery like when you're in the recovery room and and when you are discharged from the hospital (to hotel or wherever). Once you're at your hotel, it's up to you to figure out what to eat and how to take care of yourself - something Zoe will most likely translate the post-op steps that the nurses will tell you upon discharge. When you go for follow-up appointments, she will be there to translate whatever else you need.

I believe this is what a translator for plastic surgery does. Please also keep in mind that this is a very busy season for plastic surgery and every and any change in your schedule will affect Zoe's schedule. It seems unfair that she's getting negative reviews from people who have not used her services before.
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I believe ZXX is taking a cut from the clinics and based on all the posts I read, she always recommend "Regen".

However, based on many earlier reviews, to be fair to her, she did a good job in translating, bargaining and taking care of you and providing moral support as a friend.

What we need is a good support in a foreign place so it doesn't really matter is she takes a cut right? It 's a win win situation.

Anyway, I believe all transalators take a cut from the clinic.
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agree. but if shes busy or doesnt wanna help. its fine to me, as long as she replies politely and im okay with that. hehe=)

I also agree with sorbet 0408, theres no harm in asking right?..if zoe cant help, then.. she cant. thats it..she dont nd to be rude or whatsoever. (i'm saying IF she was rude) =)

Thiefcat: yup like i said before, i believe she's good in translating too. and good support is really very important..those who dont mind paying more can pick her as she sounds more experienced based on reviews.
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Actually there is no need to argue which translator is good or bad, people are all entitled to their opinions whether they feel is good or bad. Just like how when we choose clinic, we havent receive any treatment from them we can judge from emails how detailed/understand they are to our situation. I find it weird everytime somebody mention something bad on Z , tons of quiet others suddenly get all worked up. Just chill, we merely sharing what we feel, nothing can ever be 100% positive. Even if some of them who didnt get any service from her are entitled to share their opinions (link back to how we choose/shortlisted/blacklisted clinic based on emails/feedback/overall impression).

Anyway, i'm on my 7 day post op, didnt feel any pain since day 1 only swell and tight, bruises going down and able to sleep more easily :biggrin:
Sidenews, I'm also going to my skin treatment tmrw, I have 3 sessions (attended 1 out of 3 now)and so far so great! My skin is now so much smoother and all , satisfied so far. I may consider doing some other laser the next time i come seoul! during one of the first few days I went to this specialised skin clinic which i mentioned earlier they offered me to do ultehra laser (said its all in one solution , make your face totally great). Luckily I hold up and went back to check what exactly that is, turn out in US its a laser thats normally taken by 40yo and up people, well theres people in their 20s that take it too but I think its more of anti aging stuff, too invasive if you arent in your 40s up , it will just destroy your collagen framework . Kinda glad i didnt do it, I went to another skin clinic and took up the procedure that i need (whitening+freckles+pore reductions+ tight) simple procedure but its good so far yeay! So i suggest all of you dont agree to whatever the doctor said its good, FILTER first , most of the time if its too good to be true it probably is. Whilst this laser is good, its not for me JUST YET.. just sharing my skin clinic filtering process xD

Also i bought back tons of facial masks, its really so much cheaper here xD

Have a nice day!
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So, did u use her service before ? have you done any ps in Korea? pls advice which clinic you went to... I am sorry for many questions.. i can't simply find any of your show about your experience .. and seem like you are not looking any info for future ps as well..
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Same here Via.. I find it weird too.. they may not even strongly recommend to clinic which chosen themselves ., but come to this translator topic, they will write about long long post the defend her. I am getting sick of reading about her.
btw.. how much skin clinic charge for ur treatment ? tks
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EXACTLY. this is what i wanted to say actually..i just couldnt spit it out with words. haha

thats a good news! glad to hear that and by the way you described your treatment, it sounds really good. hehe =)
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Agree! Let's move on from this particular topic - everyone, just make ur own informed choice re translator...no translator is perfect & tick all ur boxes 100%. I think both Z & N are good, just depends on who u 'click' with more...& I'm sure there are others put there!!! I certainly will be researching for other options :smile:

Now back to researching skin clinics...hot damn I wish I knew Korean!!! LOL
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shall we contact Lee Min Ho/Tae yang/ Lee Jun Ki to hire our translator and op post-care ? :P:P
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hello, could you please pm me your translators name please? =)
and if its true that you'll need face lift few years later, i think its not worth to do the reduction surgery. sounds risky.
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half of the docs said i need jaw surgery and zygoma.
my side view is pretty bad..
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