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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Thanks Via... :smile: so nice that u lost a few kgs already.. :smile:
The clinic asked for deposit SI I m not sure what to do .. Let me see how it goes thanks again
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Hi there.
Think my questions previously were somehow lost. I'm also going to do liposuction at 365mc , on my thighs. Just read that you said thighs hurt the most... uh-ohh!!:faint:

did you have any leakage of the fluids that was injected for the liposuction and blood out of the wounds? And post 1 week, have the bruises subsided? I understand 365mc also offers post-op care. Possible to take advantage of those immediately?

Glad to know that you are recovering well and losing the kilos!! yippee!!

Theifcat: I'm not asked to place a deposit as well... Good luck!! keep us posted!!
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Yeah , thighs hurt the most yet i think its more common on korean girls (most of them has skinny body but not so skinny leg do this), will be quite hurt to sit/sleep and stuff. For me thankfully everythings good so far, recovering quite smoothly. For you to take the post op care you need to stay quite long like 3 weeks or 1month as the post op treatment will only take place after all the swellings subside, Im only having 2 of them. That being said, without the treatment you can still recover well, Im planning to resume my gym activity after 1 month :biggrin:

Thiefcat : Maybe they asked because your requested surgery date is 'busy' date? Cuz i heard december will be quite crowded. anyway not to worry if you have given them, lipo...they're the specialist, so you're on good hand. Im quite happy with them so far , felt like im being treated like a real individual patient instead of another file another number! tehee goodluck yeah :biggrin:

Just to add on a little on translator, i think we as the customer should be the one who choose not the other way round, i think Z is being picky on customer too much, imagine you got all settled and ready and just with one tiny emails of adjustment she refused to offer her service. I was once there and felt quite terrible , was at loss I just want to go to 2 clinic and she refuses ( she said ok only if you want to go to 3 or if you still unsettled where you gonna go). No hating here alright, so Z customer can chill, I know shes good thats why i went to her at first place but these kind of treatment put me off so so much.But luckily now everythings so good and I have even the leisure to shop/skin clnic/nail/hair and all those vain stuff :biggrin: I cant shop much though cuz australia is summer now whilst korea is winter = all the fashion is winter-ish haha.
Okay, imma log off now i hope i address your urgent question thiefcat :biggrin: , see y'all before all Z customer spam me to death xD

Goodluck all who is having surgery!
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Hi Ladies who have been asking about the "brutally honest" translator. She is a mandarin to korean translator. I will recommend her only after i really met her and experience her service. I don't wanna recommend her to people here without really meeting her. It will be unfair to you all.

I just finish talking to her again. And now i am wondering should i just do eyes and forget about all the facial contouring.

On one hand, i've dreamt about having a smaller face, an oval one all my life. But after talking to her, she told me that she felt that a lot of us go to Korea without actually knowing about the risks of facial contouring.

She said that facial contouring, like vline,zygoma reduction or two jaws are unlike other simple procedures like nose implant, eyes surgery, liposuction etc. Facial contouring is a major surgery and she is always very amaze when she accept cases of people coming to Seoul to do such surgeries.

She mentioned that i shouldn't worry about whether the doctors will change during the surgery, she said it doesn't matter as long as the result is good. She also said that for facial contouring its better to do it at big clinics as they have their own in house anesthesiologist. The biggest concern about this type of surgery is not waking up or ending up with imbalance profile. As this is a bone surgery ,it's irreversible unlike eyes and nose. She told me that as long as you are going for any facial contouring rest assured the result will be obvious, the main concern is the safety of the operation...

Her own idea is that plastic surgery is evil and addictive.lol....

I was set on forgoing zygoma and just do vline until she told me that if my zygoma is prominent, reducing vline will only emphasize the wideness of my cheekbone....
She said since when we get older we are bound to suffer from face sagging and people that decided on cheekbone reduction think that since their skin is gonna sag when they age they might as well do cheekbone reduction. They accept the fact that they might age faster than others for a slimmer face...

It's all about priority.

She also mentioned that it is commonly known among the plastic surgery circle that ID is famous for switching surgeons during operation as Dr park is not available to operate on all the patients.

But i wonder is her information is correct sometimes, she told me that if i decided to do cheekbone and vline the surgery duration will be around 4 hours....
From the email exchanges between myself and the clinics, i was under the impression that vline+cheekbone will only require 1.5-2 hours.
I am shocked that the surgery itself is so long.Can anyone validate this claim for me?

She also mentioned that few months ago , a person became paralyzed after going for two jaw surgery.

I asked her about View and TLPS yesterday, she promised to find out about the clinics for me as she admitted to me that she've not heard of them. Today she replied me that View is a very small clinic and is famous of boobs augmentation. View surgeon always appear on tv when they talk about BA but they are not famous for facial contouring. The clinic itself is way too small to handle facial contouring. Not to say their result is bad but our safety will be compromise at small clinic. Their equipment and manpower is not enough to handle emergency, i kind of agree that we should not take this risk as facial contouring itself is already a big risk.

I am really having second thought and cold feet AT THIS VERY MOMENT. I'm not sure whether i wanna go ahead with the surgery but i am tempted...
two more weeks and i will be in Seoul...it's scary. I thought i was well prepared but after much communication with different translator i realized i am not well prepared. I don't know about Korea plastic surgery practice, i don't know about the reliability and honesty of clinics, etc.
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Thank you. They offer 6 sessions of RF, carboxy and End... U can do these after 10 days when stitches are taken out. :smile:

Strange... Hmmm but I checked the airrrang tv review, seems they are pretty good.. :smile:

My problem is I prefer eye and lipo at same place then I don have to do surgery at different places... Hmm.
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Thanks for posting this. There are simply too many ways to do cheekbone reduction. I don't understand the medical terms in english, how am i gonna understand if its translated from korean to english. how do i ask the surgeon how is he gonna perform the operatoin and what will he do.
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hi helloj, can share your b&a photos. i have really fatty eyelid-look sleepy, there's y all other dr recommended ptosis correction. While I wish to have the minimum surgery to improve the look of my eyes, I also dun wish to end up with an eye that I still not satisfied and can't say its pretty. Women- contradicting. Haha.

I'm new to the forum so i dun have PM. If u do not mind showing me ur b&a photos. Can send to my email? [email protected].

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hello all, after much deliberation i've decided to go with ID hospital, just had my surgery today. was quite a breeze, totally did not remember anything after the GA was administered. no pain at all after the surgery. just look like a swollen pig. had rhino+alar reduction and full incision done. :smile:
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rest well. after 6 hours remember to drink plenty of water.
Now youre swollen, tell yourself it's temporary and you will pull through this.
Congrats on finishing the surgery
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ilove9988...All the best...Keep us posted with ur consultation ya?! I'm also gg to do my eyes in Jan. Still deciding on the clinic and dr. Bon voyage.
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Kimjoo...Glad to hear that your recovery is a breeze. I have shortlisted Grand for my eyes. Are the drs n nurse/assistance all nice and kind. I'm always paranoid when i see dr n nurse with grumpy face.its gives me a signal tt they hate their job. :smile:
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you are kinda lucky that you found a translator like her. Yes i agree that advice like this will make us more confused and lost. but we are talking about our face here, i totally agree that once it is done its either hard to reverse it or irreversible. so knowing all the side effects before hand is better than knowing it after your surgery. At least you know what to expect and so you can re-evaluate the surgery. If you think doing a facelift in the future is acceptable, then i guess you can go for it? whatever you decide, i hope it all goes well for you. =)
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hi itsumo,

what a rude lady. thats unbelievable. ive been changing my mind a lot about ID because of the mixed reviews but i think i'm going to take them off my list now. you wrote that your chin looks too pointy i noticed that a lot of ID before/afters have pointy chin. Did you have sliding genioplasty or T-osteotomy for your mini v-line? You could try fat grafting or filler injection (restylane) to the chin area to mask the bone shape and make it look more natural. btw, if you are going for fat grafting, one thing to note , most american plastic surgeons say that stem cell fat grafting is just a hype and exactly the same as normal fat grafting but more expensive.

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Good luck with your recovery and I hope you love your results! n_n
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Hi Babii namky, how's ur recovery? How much did Regen charge u in total, how the experience and result? i have shortlisted them but couldnt get in touch with them. Would be very happy if you can provide me with some infos...
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