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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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At least you have the confidence to go out, i'm sure i'd be hiding indoors all day until the swelling has gone down :P

You should totally get your hair and nails done whilst you're there, if the swelling permits anyway. Its always nice having the staff praising you once they find out you had surgery.

Btw, are we gonna be getting b/a pictures from you? Not that i'm pressuring you or anything but it would be nice to see View's work firsthand from a forumer.

Also, my username took all of 10 seconds to make, it was either this one or Ritchforever and funnily enough, both mean the same thing ;)
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Hi, does anybody have View clinic email address? I tried to look in their korean website but since I cannot read korean it was a useless attempt
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I think it's a good idea to buy or bring baby wipes. They are just as effective as makeup wipes imo and are cheap. Every time I go traveling I pack some for emergency days where I would need to wipe my face clear and have less access to water.
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Hahaha! I like ritchallthetime! Mine took about a few sec too. i was on the computer n my son was pretending to b a baby saying carry me carry me, so i just quickly spelled it like kari me. Ana-dancer said she thought it was like kareem, which hehe i guess it cud b.

U know what? I think if u come here, u will b fine going out all swollen. I pretty much forget my head is in a wrap n the shades totally help. Im really glad it is winter though cuz bundling up kinda helps cover u up n makes it less conspicable.

I think i might try n get pampered. What i really want is a shoulder/neck massage? Any suggestions of places to go? Sleeping on 3 pillows is killing me. At least i got some sleep. Its been nice since i haven't for awhile.

I will pm u bout the b/a pics. Def not as brave as the past forumers whom i totally admire for posting up their b/a.
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R u wetting the qtips a bit w water? Cuz yea, total stuckness of the eye n hehehe yes blind.

Hey i know u r w ur family n all, but if u wanna meet up one day, wud luv too :smile:
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:smile: hey, hows ur research going? Getting more confusing yet? Omg, i had to stop reading about 3 weeks before my trip cuz it was all to overwhelming, but then in those 3 weeks the thread grew so fast!
Well good luck to ya! Hope u get all the info u need. It is getting interesting cuz ppl r starting to go to smaller clinics now on this thread. i really want to c how babymode eyes r since she went to Designer. I nvr even checked them out during my research, so u will have more Clinics to choose from. Plus im thinking a cpl of forumers mite go to jw too. I think only 2 from this thread have gone there so far.
Much luck to ya girl :smile:
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hi karime i'm glad your surgery went well :smile: thanks for posting your experience so far at view.

i'm wondering if you booked an appointment online before or...? and did they give you a quote on how much v-line alone costs? thanks
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It's actually going pretty good. So I got home late in the early morning a couple of days ago and couldn't get to sleep so I literally read the whole first thread again. :P Even though alot of information was repeated (especially about ITEM which I'm now iffy about) I've decided I'm probably still sticking to my final 3 (view, tlps and jw) seeing that Dream is quite abit pricier in general I think? I know I have to save up 15000 so I'm working on that, and I know I still to do more research but everything is looking good, you guys are all AMAZING especially Marir with her research! I'd never had the guts to go to a random smaller clinic (relatively speaking) if it wasn't for her research. Marir you deserve a friggen Gold medal!!
How's the pain feeling? (what would you rate it a scale from 1-10? Is the swelling still pretty severe? Do you feel like you're dying? Haha
I'm probably not going to designer. I have obsessive tendencies in that if I'm interested or focused on something I research and look up things like mad! So I've already knocked off real and designer (I think Marir's research had a couple of girls from real and one turned out really good) but View still trumps them imo. Have you managed to do any sightseeing with the others, how's the food and shopping?

Regardless of the pain, the sleepless nights, nausea and stress, in a month's time you guys will all look beautiful! So it's all worth it. You only get out what you put in yeah?
Be sure to get your hair done too.

I'm thinking of going to huhu for dermatology after. Not sure about the prices but they seem pretty good?
JW and TLPS are still strong prospects though, it just seems View has more dramatic before and afters?
Sooo decisions decisions~

Hey also do you think the customs people in the airport would be questioning you when you head back? Do you think you'll look really different?
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No worries about the b/a pics, its entirely up to you if you want to share of course :P

I've seen some people say its fine to be walking around Seoul with bandages but seeing some of the after surgery pictures, how can you be walking around with that much swelling, let alone enjoying it. I can understand if you've had your eyes and nose done but after facial contouring? Not for me, i didn't leave my room when i had my wisdom teeth out so God knows after i've had my surgeries.

I've pmed you about the massages, even though its not a lot of help :P

@Crystallinesnow - You don't need to worry about customs, most clinics should give you a letter/certificate saying you've had plastic surgery on your last check up or if not you should definitely go and ask before you leave the country.
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Aweeeeee, you all sound so sweet =)))!!!!
It's amazing how forums can create such supporting communities!
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Yes, yes, yes marirs research has been amazing. O i luv that girl! Im so lucky she came back on b4 i had my surgeries done. I truly cant thank her enuf! :woot::hugs::tup::tup:

If u like the looks of the girls in views b/a pics thats what u will c in the lobby. i really think the zygoma op makes a difference as well gives u that 3d look which is what i really liked n still bumming i didnt do it, but o wells.

i asked view for a more natural look, so i think i will make it outta customs ok since i will still b a bit swollen, so not too much difference now, i think. My eyes tho, idk, i totally have noticeable folds now, so we ill c.

As for pain, really i havent felt any since 6 hrs after surgery n it was like a 3. I m uncomfortable in this headwrap, but its cuz i have so much hair i think it just feels heavy n definitely a bit difficult to sleep in. As for swelling, yea, im pretty swollen, but its pretty minor. Totally wanna do some skin treatment too, but idk what i can cannot do. Will ask them in a cpl of days.

I think a bunch of forumers coming today r planning on visiting jw n tlps. Im actually headed there w snowstream today!

Ttyl :smile:
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O thanks so much :smile:

I did book online, got ms Kim's email from the forum, sorry I promised her I personally wudnt give it out, sooooo...I tried to look for it for u off this forum to give u the pg #, but this forum grew so fast n i can't remember who posted it. If u can't find the email, u really can just go in n wait. That's what I had to do one day, plus u can get a feel for the clinic itself. I really m trying to get u guys an email tho w an actual consultant, they will b btr to answer ps questions.

I think my most expensive surgery was the sliding genio/implant removal, I think for vline it was about 4.0, a lil more than what Marir friend was quoted, but the price sheet was printed out n I saw her tear it from a notepad of all the same forms, but there's definitely room to negotiate. I'm assuming that the operations all include general or local anesthesia, so u can knock a bit off if u do multiple surgeries.

I will try n ask for my breakdown n try to find an email address. I was gonna ask the last time, but surgery happened so fast.
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I think I got a little bit more than I wanted haha. I mean I was wavering between small natural eyes vs big dollish eyes for four years before this, and just last month I settled on small natural eyes. Now I've got a huge crease, not exactly to the extent of the Japanese gyaru type, but still huge. I think it is what I wanted about 4 months ago? Haha. Anyway, I still like it. They are much prettier from all angles, my field of vision is more and I can look up without having my eyelid muscles hurt. So I guess the improvement is not just aesthetic, but functionality as well :smile:
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