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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Just because celebs endorse them doesn't mean they got procedures there. I think VIP and Shimian are skilled in Rhino, especially for complex, reconstructive cases, and they are also more versed in advanced techniques like using rib. BK and ID aren't bad either, but they're are a little too busy for my taste and crank out the Gangnam Girl face (read more below). All the factory mega clinics are pretty skilled in Rhino it's one of the more basic surgeries. Just check around different clinics, and choose the doctor you feel the most comfortable with. don't worry about price, when it comes to PS you get what you pay for. might as well spend more now, then have an expensive revision later because you chose the noob doctor who charged less.

I live in Gangnam, and usually the clinics that really milk the celeb endorsements crank out what the locals call "Gangnam Girl" face. When you go to a club here - you will literally see clones. At first, I was stunned by hot these girls look, but now it's like ehhh whatever, and I'm kind of turned off by it because after seeing 1000's of them you start see that it's such an unnatural and manufactured look. When I would get girls phone numbers, I would be confused with who's who. Not trying to knock anyone who wants to achieve that look, since you're all foreigners, you will go back to your respective hometowns, and that look will be unique there, but as a guy living in the heart of gangnam it's kind of played out for me. I actually miss seeing traditional Korean beauty, but don't get me wrong, I'll still go for the Gangnam Girl face because I'm a dude at the end of the day. That's kind of what the Brown Eyed Girl SNL video is playing at. Guys criticize PS girls, but still want them haha. There are actually so many girls here with the Gangnam face that's it's becoming a problem, and going out of style, so some clinics have started to incorporate this idea into their marketing (See Banobagi Video Ad Below)

Brown Eyed Girl - Parody SNL Digital Short - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=264nb9wX0Qo

Gangnam Girl Face - http://www.phpschool.com/gnuboard4/bbs/board.php?bo_table=photo&wr_id=51115&page=27

Another example:

Here's a funny Ad by Banbabgi about how you won't get the Gangnam Girl face if you go to their clinic.
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This is amazing - thanks for sharing!

Could anyone also provide an in-depth of their BA?

I've finally picked my surgeon (Silhouette), getting tear drop 275cc using under arm and dual plane placement this coming Monday. Excited 90% and worried 10%! So excited!

This week I visited The Line, Regen (next two top choices for BA) and Wonjin. Regen was insanely busy, had to go back because the doc wasn't available despite already booking him. On both occasions, had to wait at least 1 hour...But he was has a little over 10 years experience, very friendly and reassuring, and had excellent knowledge about choosing the right size for a natural shape. They also had the best before and after photos. To be honest, if I had to pick my BA strictly on this factor, Regen would be my first choice. But it should never be your primary factor to choose a surgeon - esp. for a clinic that does thousands and thousands of BA's per year - photos are merely the best results out of all of them.

For The Line the wait was prob 20-30mins (but everywhere you have to wait), the head doctor was extremely personable, reassuring, had good knowledge, but he didn't spend too much time with me, there was more time with the manager - and this was what instantly turned me off - offered the surgery for 6M won if I booked the surgery today, BUT if I needed time to think about it (which I did!) and get back to her the next day it would be 7.7M won! Ridiculous. The excuse about the need to adjust schedules was pathetic and did not justify such a high price.

I won't spend too much time commenting on WJ - they had an influx of customers (even more than Regen for its building size), I wasn't very impressed by the BA knowledge they passed onto me. They also didn't even have a doctor to speak to me.

I finally went with Silhouette - the doc is the one and only surgeon who does your surgery and your consultation is with him. No manager before the consult, only an assistant after to speak briefly re. prices. He took prob an hour to explain and answer all my many questions, particularly my grilling over the risks involved. He had no hesitation telling me the number of occurrences of complications at his clinic (other surgeons spoke for 2 mins before answering, and some didn't even give me an answer). He also had over 20 years experience doing BA's, and this was his own PS clinic he ran. I was also impressed by the lack of constant flow of people, and I didn't feel like just a number. I think people put too much emphasis on the appearance of the clinic, and how many people and celebrities they bring in, but I found Silhouette and its doctor to be most trusting and honest.
Oh and I forgot to mention that pricing was also a deciding factor for me - the implant I want is around 10M won for some clinics, but because a friend's family member is an acquaintance of the clinic, I was really fortunate to receive a discount and get the whole procedure for 8M won.

Like everyone I emphasise strongly going to see as many consultations as possible, if only to learn more about the surgery you are getting, and getting different opinions from the professionals, and help choose your size, type, etc for your BA.

I really can't wait til Monday, and see them when I wake up!
How did people feel when waking up from the BA surgery? Did you see your new breasts as soon as you got up? How was the recovery process the first night and day after? How long after you could move somewhat? Do you have to stay in bed for most of the two days after? How does it restrict movement? Will it be swollen for the next 5 days or so??
And my bf is visiting me 2 wks after the surgery - how will I be then?
And I really really want to go to Lotte world and ride all the roller coasters - will this be fine after 2weeks or even 2.5 weeks?? I don't think I'll risk iceskating though despite the urge!
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1. If you get nose job or jaw reduction surgery, you won't have to do it again to maintain it. You might do it over if you don't like the results, but there is no maintenance for those kinds of things. Injections for wrinkles and such DO need to get done, generally. I doubt you're talking about these.

2. I want to know this question, too. I think people get help from their families often, but also you can get loans or use your credit card. Medical credit cards exist, too. Personally, I'm going to save up as much as I can and then put the rest on a credit card or personal loan! I want to do the surgery while I'm still young. My plan may be to save up enough for the surgeries but buy my plane tickets and pay for my hotel, food, etc on credit?

3. If you have completely healed, then there's no problem -- not any more than if you didn't have surgery.

4. Once you have healed, you can sleep on your side.
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Just added myself for march. Pretty much booked in for Jw and item!!!!
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I am Elisa ! From sydney going on the 28 feb
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Haha really? What are you getting done? I am definitely going in my mid year uni break so late June/early July. I'm still deciding on which clinic I'm going to go to, but I really want to decide and have everything organised before heading over to Korea :smile:
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How common is it to fly to Korea, go to a couple consults, and book your surgery the same day or the next day?
How many of you booked your surgery even before you went to a couple consults?

Just wondering because I'll only be in Korea for 7-10 days. I don't want to book my whole trip and only have a surgery opening the day before I leave.
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I think i answered this several pages ago, but it depends on the clinic you consult at. Some can accomodate you next day, some can't. I've never read about anyone getting surgery on the same day though, surely it'd be risky as the surgeon wouldn't really have enough time to plan out the operation.

I don't really understand the thought process behind people booking a surgery date before consulting, i'd hazard a guess it can't be done and you can only book consult times not surgery times. Online consults can only answer so much before they need to physically check you out.

I also don't think 7-10 days is adequate time to consult, have your surgery and recover enough to fly. A 2 week minimum so that you can squeeze in at least one aftercare treatment would be the way to go about it for me.
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Hi. Anyone from Singapore and intending to travel to Korea during middle to late may? :smile: I hope we could buddy up and share accommodation costs. Plus we could be of each other's support. Kindly let me know via PM. I wish to drop my email here but it's prohibited. Thank you! :smile:
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haha thats the reason i moved threads too!
winter is peak season and i think summer too... i think from Feb to July time is okay then it picks up during summer then its quiet again then picks up durng winter period cos of the school holidays

Yeah im looking forward to JW - they are top of my list. all the others i wanna see just cos i heard really good things so hopefully itll all turn out good :biggrin:

I def wanna get my tip done and hump removed - if i get my eyes done i might not bother with implant but i dk yet - want a nose like uhljjang Hwang JiMin or Sora Park ! they have nice noses :P
Have you decided what you going to do? I remember you wee having similar to me just without implant? hump, tip and osteo?
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Hey - I had BA done beginning of Dec. I am about 7weeks post op and I have to say I LOVE THEM! I went for 340 round extra high profile naturelle range and had incision under the boob so there is scarring but thats UK - they dont really do armpit incision etc lols

But anyway, I woke up really groggy and out of it, like I am drunk - kept saying thing I dont remember saying and falling in and out of sleep for ages too. This probably was for about 1-2hours before I was awake and proper concious. I even cried too because I was so like omg I have boobbies!!
But I didnt see my boobs as soon as I woke. they were bandaged up quite a bit and they were definitely sore. Huge pressure on my chest. But I was happy from the beginning because I could tell I liked the shape !!
It is pretty painful the first couple days, so definitely rest. The whole chest and the muscle right below the chest is sort and moving about it painful. Like you are done too many situps and can barely get up.
You need to sleep upright as well for at least 7-10 days and cant sleep on side.
After about 5 days I was okay and walking around fine. Lifting my arms up wasn't good and should be avoided but i still did some activity like household chores.
At a week I was fine and couldve gone back to work but still chilled out. I could lift my neice for a bit too but not for long because it got sore.
By day 10 i was absolutely fine and by day 12 i went to a big bang concert and was jumping around find too. So i think after 2-2.5weeks you will be fine
obviously you listen to your own body as well because I had a friend who had her boobs done and she couldnt do anything until 3weeks -
So depends how you are with healing. I took it slow but probably couldve been up and doing things after a week. The only thing that was hard was driving as it felt heavy but everything else was pretty fine!!
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Wow thank you so much for this - I've been talking to girls whose friends/family have had BA and they keep telling me I'll be in severe pain - and I was getting concerned!
I really am not worried about the surgery but their remarks about how incapacitated I will be and the "extreme extreme" pain was really getting to me...now I feel much more reassured.
One question - will I be able to hug someone (weird q I know but meeting relatives) after 4 or 5 days, and hold a small luggage bag?
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