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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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bro. i got something to ask you about the accommodation! need some help!!!

cant use pm service yet!!!

thank in advance :sweatdrop:
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i am thinking of going back to seoul this december for maybe a vline and a forehead implant. Since the fat graft i did three months ago in Korea disappeared mysteriously-________________-

however i am worried about silicon implant in forehead being very obvious..i saw pictures of some girls with silicon implant in their forehead and they look like aliens with strange moving creature living in their forehead,it's as if the forehead has life of its own.

Initially i wanted to do vline and zygoma, but after going to ID for consultation and dr Park said i am not suitable candidate as i m under the high risk of sagging because of my chubby face. However i am still looking at the possibility of having a smaller face and wanted to go back to Korea for another round of consultation. When i was in Seoul for consultation last December, i went to ID,Regen,View,Profile and only Dr Park told me about sagging issue. The doctor at Regen told me my skin is elastic and should not have sagging issue. However my translator told me to believe Dr Park as he is the pioneer and no doctor would reject any potential client by saying the untruth...

I read about people mentioned that vline is a big sugery but i've seen girls who recovered and coped really well just one day after the surgery...
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I'm not saying I want to become Asian, but I do like Asian aesthetics ok so I wouldn't necessarily mind that. I am not considering scratching Grand off the list, now I need a replacement... My flight in is on the 25th of March btw, so very soon :amazed:
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Any time the Australian media deals with anything Asian, it's always treated as 'foreign' and 'exotic'. You can tell its tailored for the white demographic. It makes me cringe me so badly. Especially with all these cooking shows. No it's not a exotic dish of the south east Asian orient, it's a badly cooked Vietnamese pancake.


Haha. Gangnam Style was actually satirising the self absorbed and yuppie culture of that district. A lot of people miss the point that he's making fun of them.
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Just make sure you stay realistic man.

Don't end up like this guy -

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Yeah, I know. But when you think of it, isn't it why we're having plastic surgery here in the first place?
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Well that's the thing, they are just that, rumours, no one know if it's true. I think it's a bit of both, Dr Park and his trainee working together but that is my opinion I don't know this as a fact.

At my consultation, Dr Park did bring in his trainee and introduced me to him. I never asked him who would be performing my surgery as I didn't think for one minute it wouldn't be Dr Park. However after my surgery I remember asking Dr Park lots and lots of questions about my surgery and he could answer every single one without hesitation so in my opinion he was definitely there be it his hands, someone elses or both. What I will say is their aftercare was second to none, they really do take care of their patients, you will read this from other people on this forum.

Yes I will be in Seoul from 9th to 30th April. If you go at the same time we can meet up and I can try support you as I've already had V Line, Genio, Rhino, Paranasal and Lateral Epi at ID.

When are you thinking of going?
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MY GF and her friend just randomly got their eyes done yesterday (revisional). It turned out pretty good, I'll check the name of the clinics they went to. The doc was their friend, and has known them for years, so he gave them a fat discount.
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Sometimes you need up to 3 fat grafts to get the result to stay. Did the clinic freeze your fat for touch ups?
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True, but PSY completely flip flopped once the cash flowed in and he got elevated to national hero status. He quickly changed his intentions for the song as fun song with no particular point.

Gangnam is like Las Vegas, when you see it for the first time you're bedazzled and allured, but after a year it becomes a circus full of clones, and one big facade. Looks good on the outside, behind the scenes and on the inside that's another story that people passing by don't see.
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Oh wow, i guess thats the difference in culture right there! People in the west will randomly change their hair colour or something, not have revisional surgery on their eyelids :P
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lol even though i've never been to gangnam i completley agree with your point. i use to watch a ton of kdramas so looking at korean celebrities all day made me want to run to korea and get a ton of work done. but after a while all that awe fades and you start to see the reality of things which isn't so bright, kinda like los angeles alot of people aren't all there.
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Yeah, I was actually a little upset about her being so nonchalant, when she knows I actively research these things and take precautions, but a lot of Koreans have hurry hurry, just do it attitude about these things, which doesn't mean it's right. One of her friends is coming into town on Monday and renting my place for vline at Regen, she's going to meet the doc and book the surgery the next day.
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Many of these celebs, specifically the females who are up and coming, need to have "sponsorship," which is a Konglish industry term for a rich well-connected sugar daddy. The women need to provide sexual favors to the sponsor in exchange to be cast in a TV/Movie role and also have money for their upkeep (surgeries, clothing, cosmetics, hair, apartment, food, photos, etc...) Eventually, all that soul-selling catches up with them, and some of them develop personality disorders that lead to very dark extracurricular activities and some breakdown and commit suicide.

"Jang Ja Yeon... she wrote pages about sexual abuse by her for the sake of getting the role. In her writings, Ja Yeon has also written more than 20 big names in entertainment and media officials ever to harass or physically treated them shamefully." - The 5 Beautiful Korean Actress Dead By Suicide

The KPOP effect is no joke. It's backed by the Korean government and they provide large amounts of government funding and loans to these companies to generate new stars and content. Why? since K-drama and Kpop have a seductive allure and the Korean government sees it as one of the most effective propaganda tools to promote a favorable image of Korea to the world and other Asian neighbors. As ridiculous as that sounds, it works - because it brings in tens of thousands of tourists, medical tourists and drives a favorable image of Koreans in countries of concern like China and Japan (they're winning hearts and minds of the people like Mao did)... who see this on their TV set and think, "I want to look like them too, they're better than me," and the hypnotic story lines make people think that by mirroring them, they can have that persons life. The Korean KPOP wave also gets Korea's foot in the door of oil-rich countries because Korean broadcast companies provide these show to middle eastern networks and Arab housewives of powerful men eat it up, by the way East Asian medical tourists are a maturing market, the next target market is Arabic women in 5 months time, you'll notice a new language being offered on clinic websites.

All these girls you see walking around Gangnam with stylish bags, clothes and perfect noses, breasts, chins and eyes are a by product of KPOP and are mostly mirroring it and Gangnam culture reinforces and rewards this behavior with validation through envy and admiration. Now since many of them don't have sponsors like the celebs I mentioned earlier, and usually are not working beyond secretarial roles (average $1,000 per month) they take a "special night job" and skimp on living essentials to keep up the look. When you walk in Gangnam you will see plenty of fliers on the floor describing what I mean by "special night job."
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