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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Please beware! After that 50% discount post that I made, the ID staff called me. She saw the post and decided to take back the 50% discount (anyway I rejected the 50% before she called me) She told me to keep this a secret but I can't condone to this kind of bribery and corruption for something as serious as surgery. I am 100% sure that swt_innocent and eva_lee is the same person, because I did mentioned to her about Grand, thus she is trying to talk bad about Grand. I am doing this to warn the people who are doing surgery in Korea.

PS: In case the ID staff is reading this. Take this, you *****. You're not going to bribe me, or threaten me or make me regret and feel guilty of posting what I did here. This is a forum, we have all rights to say what we want. Stop trying to brain wash and use deceptive methods to get customers. My will is strong and will no regret rejecting your 50% discount, I will even turn it down if it's 100%.
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i think so. That is assuming your clinics are close by one another in gangnam, Its common to wait for around 30 mins before you get to see the surgeon. And before you see them you will spend around 10 mins speaking to the consultant first.
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Good for you twen. I can't believe they read these forum....now I don't know who to believe anymore.
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This is what i said earlier! XD
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Don't believe anyone
Go to seoul and do your own research this is the best method if you really care about your face
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tell you what your best research method is. PROFOUNDLY SUPERIOR METHOD. When you are in the waiting to see your surgeon, not the reception lobby but the actual waiting area, if you are so lucky to meet post op patients there all nice and swollen and bandaged up, ask them how their surgery went. Whether they are satisfied, after care etc. Always the most honest form because u not only get first hand information from their post op patients, you can also look at them and analyse how well the surgery went!
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Hi guys, I'm heading back to Korea soon to fix the horrible chin dent caused by the doctors at Grand after my vline, revision zygoma, and also nose.

Will be there on 20th March and staying there for 2 weeks. ANyone wanna meetup? My kakao user ID is onlyifz
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As the day draws nearer for my revision Korean trip, I feel suffocated cause plastic surgery have caused me more harm than good, and I'm quite emotionally scarred as well after all these. I'm just darn sway (unlucky) to encounter blotched jobs at Grand, but at where I am now, I can't just stop here... I just want to fix the problem once and for all than living and bearing with these "disfiguration". I'm sure you guys know what I mean..

I really need some advice... for the revision this time, if I should go for silicon implant instead or just alarplasty. I have large nostrils which the docs at Grand told me tiplasty would help last time, but darn no it didn't and left a bad scar which I had to go for laser to lighten it.
Now I'm gearing more towards alarplasty but darn worried about scarring due to my tiplasty experience. Anyone did it before? Anyway bad scarring incident?

Also anyone knows a good clinic for droopy eyelid? and normally what's the price?
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several clinics in korea these days prefer to omit an alar reduction but rather project the tip and in turn, stretches the nostrils into an oval shape. This also retains the elasticity of your nostrils and giving you more projection. If you have a bad scar from your tipplasty then i imagine it must have been done through open rhinoplasty.

Ive had an alar reduction before and never had any scarring. But if you are prone to scarring on your face, which is not common, you can use kenacort injections to dissolve it or kelocolt scar cream. The kenacort works wayyyy faster tho but you need a medical professional to do it for you.
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When would it be okay to have skin treatments after surgery? I wanted to go to a dermatologist after my surgeries to get rid of some old scars and generally just get better skin. How long do you guys think I should wait, or if I should even do it, or should I do it before surgery?
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I read your post a long time ago. I do not think you should get a silicone implant, even though I myself had one (and it's been fine on me so far, knock on wood). Here's why: this is your revision surgery, right? You sound like you are wary and looking to be done with plastic surgery. Don't take your chances -- silicone can extrude, become infected, lean to one side, etc. at any time. You've had so many terrible things happen to you already.

I actually had revision eyelid surgery the same time I did my nose. I didn't DARE have epicanthoplasty, lateral whatever, etc. even though I'm sure it would have made me a lot prettier because I did NOT want to go in for a third round under any circumstances. Actually, my clinic didn't do a good job on my eyes (the doctor refused to fix the ptosis on my right eye), but overall everything looks ok -- no scarring -- and I'm still not going in for a third.

Don't be one of those people who are in an out of clinics their whole lives. Good luck!
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Wow,that Jenna girl is a big deal.The first time i browsed IDs site and saw her,my first thought was,wth would they use her to promote shes already pretty.But now that I know that shes transgender,that makes it even cooler lol because if you didnt mention it,I would never have known
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1 month post op (2 jaw,V line,cheekbone reduction)

*My face looks presentable now,i've been told by other forumers that are here now that the swelling isn't noticeable and that I look good.
*The only pain feel is me biting on my gums if i try to chew(which is pretty painful) and I have a slight headache,just slight, from the cheekbone reduction
*Had my 5th and final dentist appointment yesterday and was confronted with devastating news

---- I mentioned before that my gum chewing can cause an infection,so my doctor recommended that I stay here in Korea for another 2 weeks so that they an extract my two lower wisdom teeth,in order to resolve this supposed major issue.My response of course was HELL NOO.I kindly declined but he seemed worried about the issue.

----- BTW I left my last dental appointment almost in tears because it really hurt,my mouth was tender and my doc was just prying open my mouth and pushing and pulling it in all directions. They also wanted to shave down my wisdom teeth so I wouldn't bite my gums but I can't open my mouth wide enough yet so they couldn't do it.

---- So when I go back to the states I will be getting a second to opinion as to whether or not I need to extract my wisdom teeth.

---- The jaw exercises that I am doing is such a pain because it hurts when I put too much strain on my mouth but i'm told I have to do it,so i will

--- I'm not worried about a so called infection because I believe in mind over matter,I get that the doc has my best interest at heart and all but i believe my mouth will heal on its own in its own time without me rushing things.I also believe in natural remedies so what I will do is rub some Bentonite Clay every night on my gums for 2 weeks.What bentonite clay does is suck out toxins so my gums would be free of bacteria or viruses and it also helps the swelling go down.Its what people use for scorpion bites,eczema,acne,rosacea and all that

- I know i've been praising EVERM dental clinic since the beginning and i think they did a good job with my face(I mean I like what I see so far) but i feel like I should have been informed about the possibility of this issue beforehand,but then again I was told that what happened to me is rare and doesn't really happen to anyone else. It only happened because I did my extractions beforehand. I didn't have enough space in my mouth so my gums were squished together between my wisdom teeth so now there's extra skin hanging over both sides of my mouth and it is causing havoc.

---I'm just going to wait another 3 months and see if this issue will resolves itself.Like I said I believe in mind over matter so in my head my gums are already healed and I will do what I need to at home to rectify this minor faux pas because other than this little glitch, everything is all good.The swelling is going down and I can sleep on face(Hell yes)

--- I'm excited to say that I leave South Korea tomorrow morning,I mean I love the place but ive been feeling really nostalgic. I literally cannot wait to see my family and friends again.Feel like I haven't seen them in ages

--- I will not be posting on a weekly basis like I have been because i wrote about the most critical parts of the process already.I will most likely do another update like this a month from now because I have to get back to reality,my vacation is over.It was great,painful at times but it is finally over (The vacation I mean,not the recovery process)
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Hi Makeover

thank you again for sharing your experience with everyone!

The main issue you have is caused by 2 jaw surgery right? No issue with cheek reduction and v line?
Did everm said what they will do for you if you can stay for another 2 weeks? They just want to observe your condition for another 2 weeks?
Do you see any assymetry? That's what I worry the most.

Time flies and you are going back to US tomorrow. Happy for your ps success and have a safe trip home!
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Tanks for the support piyochi.Yes,the 2 jaw did cause my wisdom teeth to squish my gums to the point where i have extra skin hanging over my teeth.Damn its annoying.If I stayed 2 more weeks they would have extracted my wisdom teeth and i would look like balloon face again.I notie a slight assymetry but to another perso they wuldnt notie it.Even before surgery i had asymmetry but i didn't notice,dr yoon pointed it out to me in my consult.I think this asymmetry though is because of swelling,at this point it still exists
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