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Best Plastic Surgery Clinics in Korea -read 1st post before posting.

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Hello everyone, I'm newly registered, but I have been lurking here for months.

I've had alarplasty (ONLY) last year in my home country, the Philippines. The only thing that I don't like about is the scarring, I was very depressed after the surgery resulting on not healing properly.

What I would very much like to do now is
1) rhinoplasty using ultra soft silicon
2) revision alarplasty if possible
3) chinwork but I'm against an implant
(I have a weak chin *I know this, and my alarplasty surgeon even told me about it* and normal jaw but not defined)
4) V-line
5) fat graft on forehead (forehead is normal but I want it rounder)

now I'm pretty sure that I won't do chin/jaw and nose at the same time, maybe 3 weeks apart? I'm REALLY considering Dream because they use Ultra soft Silicon. However I'm considering DAPRS for chin/jaw work.

does having surgeries at 2 clinics makes you a little bit...two-faced (lol pardon the pun). would you do consider it?

I'm still studying so I would probably be able to get surgery summer next year, but it's better to be prepared. :smile:
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I'm researching some of the same things as you, also planning on going next summer!

I am really considering getting my surgeries done at different clinics as well, and preferably on the same trip. But it's better to be safe than sorry, so I guess I'll have to have the different surgeries on different trips.

I am having v-line and zygoma reduction, rhinoplasty and breast augmentation.
So far I've looked into Item Clinic, Banobagi, JK Plastic Surgery and Cinderella.
I started losing interest in most of them but Item, and now I am also preparing on researching more about EverM, Girin and TL.
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that's great, maybe we can be PS buddies if everything goes well. my only real concern right now is having enough money tbh.

I have an oval shaped face with a slight weak chin (not so receded). If I do chin implants I'd have a big chin like Michelle Phan that's why I wanted to do V-line or sliding genioplasty.

my lower mouth area sorta look like this when I smile (kang hyeyeon)
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Totally, that would be great!
I'm not sure I'll have enough money either... We'll look at that when we get closer to next summer haha (:

Oh I see! I have a really protruding chin, and a square jaw I would like fixed.
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Hi guys!

I'm posting in this thread hoping I'll get a response :smile:

I'm going to Seoul next week and I would like to take advantage of the trip and maybe see a few plastic surgeons for two things:

1. Acne scars
2. Temporary rhinoplasty (with fillers)

Please give me some good recommendations!
Which clinics should I go to for the acne scars, and also for the fillers for rhinoplasty?

Thanks a bunch :heart:
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i'm not sure if it's the angle but i think the chin looks asymmetrical and for the price they quoted you can get your vline anywhere. their prices weren't lower than any other clinic's prices except for rhino but i still think the doctor made a mistake when he quoted me on the rhino. also the attitude could have been better.
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Wow, thank you so much! I can't seem to open your albums though. Tried with the password so many times now :sad:
But I'm glad to hear you have a great experience! I hope you'll have a fast recovery (:
That's weird, i tried logging out and tested the password again, it should work. Make sure no capitals and no spaces.
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The password worked for me - thanks a ton Mindy! Mallisa, try to type in the password instead of copy/paste.

Mindy, your swelling improved so quickly. There was quite a bit difference between day 2 and day 4 amazing! You notes are very helpful too. I'll make I get a syringe with me :smile:

Can I ask you a question about the mandible reduction? Did you choose mandible 'coz your chin looks good to start with so no need to touch it? Did Dr. Lee cut a long strip of bone starting from the part that's under the ear all the way to the chin area? I am asking this since I need the same procedure too. And I like this method - no metal screws would be needed to attach the bones. Did you ask for a more dramatic look or natural one?

Enjoy the process of seeing your own transformation!
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Glad my post was useful!

And yes, I chose mandible reduction because I thought my chin was fine to begin with. Hmm maybe I should post a before surgery picture haha. I'll add it to the album later. My jaw is wide from the front and I have a prominent angle. When Dr.Lee drew on the X-ray, he showed that it was a long cut from under the ear towards my chin. The lines don't meet my chin and I can't be sure if he shaved off the sides or not but I think the lines gradually taper towards the chin. So maybe a slight amount is shaved off the sides just to match the angle of the mandible. Don't quote me on it though, best to ask him directly! =)
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Hi everyone ! I'm new here..I plan to take double eyelid maybe two weeks later.. Now IOU ITEM and Duhan are on my list. I not pretty sure whether my choice is right. Is anyone can provide me some suggest about my choice.
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Dear all,

I will go to Seoul from the 15th till the 24th of May.

I'll stay close to the dr Oz clinic and have a consultation on the 15th, and surgery on the 16th.

I'm planning on doing a double eye lid surgery and epi and chin implant.

Actually also wanted to make my face smaller, but that surgery was so expensive...

"Jaw reduction together with chin surgery is called 'V-line surgery'.
The cost of jaw reduction is 5,000,000 KRW."

Anybody also there around that time and want to meet up?
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Hey I'll be there also pm me
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