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Great Asian rhinoplasty experience in Washington, D.C.

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I came on this message board (along with makemeheal) before my rhinoplasty to do some research, and it was really hard because pretty much no one could recommend a great doctor for Asian rhinoplasty on the East Coast. So, now that I've recovered, I wanted to share my experience in case there are any other people desperately researching this stuff late at night the way I used to :smile:

My nose was HUGE and hideous -- it wasn't just flat like the average Asian patient's, it was wide and big and sort of shapeless in addition to being flat :-/ On top of that, I had some specific criteria: I only wanted a closed rhinoplasty (I don't really like the way open rhinoplasty scars look), I didn't want to use any foreign materials to build up my bridge, and I didn't have a lot money.

I ended up going to Dr. Chaboki in Washington, D.C. He quoted $4000 in surgeon's fees (and I had to pay the hospital an additional $1800) -- the total cost came to about $5800.

My nose was narrowed, the bridge was raised (using septal tissue -- I didn't need to do an ear or rib graft or anything), and the tip was narrowed and raised using a graft. I don't have a perfect nose after rhinoplasty or anything -- the doctor was very clear that due to the thickness of my skin, I wasn't going to magically have a tiny nose coming out of the surgery, but it is SO MUCH better than the huge, ugly & shapeless nose I had before. One thing I've learned from my experience is that the doctors can only improve your nose; they can't add some celebrity's perfect nose on top of your face. Knowing that, I am extremely happy with my experience and wanted to share it in case there are any other people going through what I'd gone through earlier this summer (the searching, obsessive contemplation, etc.).

I am so relieved that I found a doctor close to home (I did not have the money or time to fly out to the west coast), esp. one who happened to meet all the criteria I needed, and I am EXTREMELY grateful to have been under the care of a super-competent and talented physician (with great patient care skills to boot).

You can see my complete review and before/after pictures on realself.com:

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  • 5 weeks later...
That's great to hear your surgery went well! I'm surprised it only cost $5800 though, that's a very good price. I think I'm leaning more towards Dr. Charles Lee for my surgery, but I'll keep Dr. Chaboki in mind when I fly over to the U.S. at the end of the year :smile: Also, just a couple of questions - are you still able to do the things you used to with your nose? Like blow your nose and make silly facial expressions?
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Vanillax --

Yes, my nose feels normal and I can do anything I used to do... It was VERY stiff and painful to stretch it in any way during the first two weeks, but then it returned to normal after the third week.

The only thing that really "feels" a little different is that my nostrils are more narrow now (but that is because I had alar base reduction, because my nose was so huge and wide before). I wanted it narrowed.

The cost of the surgery was actually only $4000 -- the $1800 was to the George Washington University hospital for anesthesia and operating room fee.
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  • 1 month later...
Nice to hear that you found the right surgeon for you. Asian rhinoplasty is bit different with the regular nose job. Surgeon should be an expert on this surgery and have an vast experience on operating Asian patients.

i have mine 2 years ago and i've been contented with the result. :smile:
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