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Is there a surgery to correct uneven eyes?

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I'm talking about uneven eye sockets, not eyelids or anything. I've always noticed my right eye being a little above the left eye in position, giving my eyes a really asymmetrical look.

I can't be the only one who has an asymmetrical face!
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  • 2 months later...
I had asymmetrical face with left eye smaller then right eye which I did a double eyelids surgery in Taiwan for the first time at 2009 and didn't really like the result, recently I did it again in Korea at the Teuim Clinic with Dr. Kwon which he finally fixed my problem on top with an epi surgery, I cannot tell how happy I am to finally got the eyes that I want, not to mentioned the swelling are very minor like nothing has happened, cause I swelled like a sausage roll when I first did it in Taiwan. Wish you luck to find a great surgeon !!
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  • 3 weeks later...
I have/had a horribly asymmetrical face as well. It's embarrassing because everyone, from my dentists to my electrologists, have commented on how it's like they're "almost working on two different faces." Getting double-eyelid surgery only further emphasized how very asymmetrical my face was (I've had to spend hours trying to make up for my two different eyes with eye makeup), but a good nose job helped balance my face out. I'd consider getting a chin implant as well, but it's improved to the point where I don't care anymore. Still, I understand your frustration -- my SKIN on each side of my face is literally different! :-/
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  • 2 weeks later...
My eyes are asymmetrical as well. You just need to find a surgeon who you trust and can fix the problems for you. Im going to Korea just to fix my situation since here in the U.S no one can seem to do it. Ive been wearing glasses for the past 10 months just so I can hide my eyes when I go out in public.
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  • 2 weeks later...
My right eye has a higher position than the left too. Although i see it like a common aesthetic problem, i always still consider about it. But after self simulating by putting 2 hands in my zygoma i feel my face looks much much better symmetrical. So i think a zygoma reduction will help you so much.
Maybe you should check this: https://www2.aofoundation.org/wps/portal/surgery/?showPage=redfix&bone=CMF&segment=Midface&classification=92-Zygoma,%20Zygomatic%20complex%20fracture&treatment=&method=Open%20treatment%20with%20orbital%20reconstruction&implantstype=3-point%20fixation&approach=&redfix_url=
I also heard a story of a girl undergone a grand bone surgery in S.Korea and the doctors there sucessfully changed the whole position of her eye balls. But i think the type of such big surgery is so scary and i will never try it.
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Shannen Doherty has the same thing, and she's doing just fine! I bet you hardly notice. If your eye sockets - one higher than the other, surgery will not correct this unless it's the size of your eyes. Double eyelid surgery can correct that but not if the problem is simply one is higher than the other.
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Wow, that link you provided, the type of surgery sounds very invasive and like you said, very scary!

Since typing my first post, I have found a reason for my facial asymmetry. It's a condition called condylar hyperplasia, where one side of the jaw overdeveloped resulting in that side looking longer than the other. I consulted with an orthodontist and he said jaw surgery is what I will need to correct this, but that'll mean getting braces again. The whole process will be 3 years in all, and I don't want to wait that long!
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Interesting! Thanks for the encouragement, but what sort of surgery are you looking to get once in Korea?
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  • 2 weeks later...
It really does depend on what is causing the uneven appearance. If its that one eye is larger than the other, not much can be done. If its that excess skin eg eyelid or bags is causing the uneven look then there are numerous eyelifts to help this. And if its the physical bone of your eye socket- in some circumstances the surgeon can 'shave' the bone of your socket to achieve a better symmetry or they can also add a very small implant near your eye on the larger side to make it appear more even.

Your best bet is to simply book in a consultation with the best surgeon you can find, even if you just get an opinion to start with.

Also maybe talk to an ophthalmologist (eye specialist) just to rule out any underlying problems. I used to work for an optometrist and there was a patient who was devastated to find out that the actual curved shape of her eye was causing the asymmetry. The fibres and nerves at the back of her eye were very tight and were sort of holding her eye in a lower position on one side. And nothing could be done to fix it without her potentially going blind. Bit sad but I would choose asymmetry over blindness any day!
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Braces? Can't you just have a jaw/cheekbone reduction instead because of the hyperplasia? What about fillers to even out the other side? Just throwing out wild guesses.
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yea, i know what you are talking about, it is like when you draw a straight line from left to right, one eye is higher than the other, right?

my right eye is also slightly above my left eye.
I've seen a PS surgeon, but he said that it is not noticable, so i am thinking of not doing anything about it anytime soon. But , i am really curious of any procedures that can be done.
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Went to see two orthodontists and neither think its worth it to go through such a major surgery as two jaw just to correct the slight flaw. They said while i do have facial asymmetry, its mainly in my lower face and rather than risk the pain and complications of a double jaw surgery, getting a simple genioplasty to correct my crooked chin might be all I need... everyone says my eyes aren't asymmetrical but my lower jaw/chin is noticeably crooked. I am seeing an oral surgeon this week, so maybe he will have a different opinion.

Kianpark17 - about jaw reduction ... That's a possibility, Is that a v line surgery? I was adamantly against it at first, because I love the oval shape of my face as it is. My mom used to compliment me on how small my face is. I'm a little sentimental about parts of my face like that.

But maybe you are right, a v line and a genioplasty may just be enough to camouflage the asymmetry in my eyes. Now you got me thinkig about heading to Korea for that... I keep swinging back and forth about going to Korea. If I do v-line, I am really scared of turning into a sharp chinned alien looking person! I'm not a fan of some or the extreme looks korean girls tend to go for.
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That's absolutely fascinating about the eyeball thing that patient had. Poor girl! But there are ways to camouflage this. I remember looking into this four years ago now! I consulted with one plastic surgeon who described doing possibly a le fort 2 or 3 procedure where they peel back your face and crack all your midface bones. No way, it scared me off pretty bad for a while. She did mention the possibility of using Botox to camouflage. The way my uneven eye look, the one that is slightly higher than the other appears to have Been pushed into a higher position by something underneath, be it bone or something else. Should I consult with a surgeon trained in facial reconstruction as opposed to regular facial plastic surgery for something like what you describe with bone shavin?

By the way, so that girl who had too-tight optical nerves.. Is there a name for this condition? And anyway, even if I find out I have something similar I would still want to correct it by some other way, be it through genioplasty or Botox ...

What are fillers by the way?
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I cant remember if there is a specific name for the problem this girl had but I know she developed it over time so it wasn't something she was born with (so probably not genetic).
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  • 2 weeks later...
So I think I might end up getting a genioplasty to correct the deviated chin, but is this a simple procedure? Does it require an aesthetic eye to determine the ideal placement? I could easily find a doctor here in North America to do it, but I wonder if going to Korea is a better idea, since I am Asian?

I have sent a request for a consultation with a max-fac surgeon in Toronto; he is well regarded for his work on kids and adults born with defects and serious deformities. I just hope a serious surgeon like this won't reject me because my concerns are for "vanity" :S
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