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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Hmm... now I'm having 2nd thoughts about Pitangui after reading some of the feedback. Initially they were at the top of my list, followed by JW. I somehow understand what you all meant about Pitangui though. Their replies are always prompt (usually within same day) and the first impression is their replies are very professional. But after reading through this forum, I notice that their replies are standard (copy & paste) to everyone. Compared to other clinics, although they may take longer to response and their English is not as fluent, I feel that it is more personal. JW, Banobagi & Teium made reference to my photos and gave suggestions on what procedures I need whereas Pitangui just replied exactly what I asked.
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It never hurts to go in for consultation. I was hesitant too but then again, all these not so good reviews were for consultation only. I stuck with them because I had no other option due to money reasons, but they are good so far. I just need to wait a while to see final results to say whether they did a good job or not. I'll post a more detailed review of them soon.
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You're right...go for a consultation doesn't cost anything, then everyone decides for itself.
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Thanks Cix123 & TwiNnie for your feedback!
I've booked a consultation with Pitangui but arranged for them to be the 1st clinic I go to. Hopefully this stop me from giving in too easily to their sales pitch :P
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  • 3 weeks later...
Pitangui came off as heavily salesmany to me too, but I ended up having two surgeries there: lateral canthoplasty and nose tip reduction.

I originally came in for lateral canthoplasty only, but the doctor also recommended nose tip reduction. I was game, so it was added. During the consultation, Nicole did a thing where she would write down the standard price of the surgery, then cross it out and write a new price below it. This along with other posts makes me think the standard price is artificially inflated so she can make steep cuts later on.

I had the surgeries done the same day as the consultation. The clinic seemed very eager to get it done asap. They didn't say anything about fasting, but it could be because I didn't go under general anesthesia. Everything moved very quickly.

The surgery itself was weirdly pleasant at first. Whatever pain-killing thing they used put me in this state of dreamlike semi-sleep, so I could feel tugging at my face and was vaguely aware of music. One of the nurses was singing along to the radio. I wanted to tell her how much I liked her singing, but I couldn't muster control of my body, and the one goal of "MUST TELL HER I LIKE HER SINGING" became paramount as I lay in the bottom of my drug-haze. I started to cry because it meant so much to me and I couldn't tell her, and they must have thought I was scared/in pain because I kept hearing "don't cry" in lightly accented English and someone held my hand, which was immensely comforting. Then I cried because I couldn't tell whoever was holding my hand what a pal she was. Anyway, total emotion-warping drug trip.

I'm now 6 days post-op and still look a mess. The whites of my eyes are dingy orange and swollen, so they kind of bulge out of the boundaries of my skin like jello globules. My tear ducts are squished inward by the swelling, making hard for moisture to drain, so I have rando tears spilling over my face from time to time. Single, silent tears while I watch Beverly Hills Cop II and do the most mundane things. Look up "subconjunctival hemorrhage" for an idea of what my eyes looked like a couple days ago. My nose is looking bruised but fairly good.

I also had V-line surgery done at EverM the next day. I have nothing bad to say about them, but the recovery for lateral canthoplasty and nose surgery is a breeze compared to jaw surgery. If anyone here is considering V-line, the first day post-op is agony and tedium.
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Thanks for sharing, funny story hahah
So how much of a difference does lateral canthoplasty make?? I want to have it done too but I hear most doctors don't recommend it unless your eyes are slanted up at the ends that need to be corrected.
How is the scarring 7 days post-op??
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I'm with you on the security brought on by singing. It gave me an enormous sense of ease. I had lateral canthoplasty and nose tip reduction the same day on 7/3, then V-line surgery on 7/4.

I'm getting my stitches out at Pitangui tomorrow, 7/10, so if we happen to meet in the lobby, I'm the short-haired girl with the large sunglasses and descending yellow neck bruise.

At this point I can say that lateral canthoplasty has certainly made a difference, but it's difficult to say if it's wholly positive until I heal. I wanted nice, long cat eyes, and my eyes are def longer, maybe by about 2 mm. I can still tell where the natural edge of my eyes would be because my lashes stop there abruptly. However, my eyes look overly wide and distorted from my literally bulging orange eyeballs; it's grosser than gross. It's tough to tell if there's visible scaring because I still have stitches and tape all over the field. I'll update as I get better.
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Oh wow I didn't know you could have such major surgery the day after getting other work done :amazed:

Is there a reason why you didn't get it all done at once? I was planning to get all the things I want done at once but one of the procedures (lip reduction) isn't really that common in Korea, so it limited my clinic choices. but now i'm thinking I can get the lip reduction done at one place then the other procedures the day after somewhere else hmmm
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Hi there,
I am in Seoul now. Just arrived Thursday. I am here for skin laser treatments to get rid of scars, rhino, eyes, and possibly v-lift.

I visited OZ when I first got here and let me tell you it was the strangest place I've been to. First of all its tiny. 2ndly, nobody was there which was kind of spooky. I was the only 1 in the waiting room. Even so, I had to wait for 20 mins for a consultation even though I made an appointment with Dr. Park.

Only 2 ppl work there: Dr. Park and his wife, the receptionist. Dr. Park touched my nose for 1 minute and then gave me a quote. He asked if I want consultation on the eyes and I said no. He wasnt pushy. He knew that I wasn't too impressed. I had my interpretor with me but she didnt need to help me since Dr. Park spoke good English.

The weirdest part that put my translator and I off was that they asked us to pay for the consultation but that was never stated upfront. It wasn't much but enough to not come back.

Now I must tell you that I had really good communication with Dr. Park before coming here and thought of doing rhinoplasty with him but meeting him was nothing like I had hoped. It was a bummer but I am glad I went and saw it for myself.

Tomorrow I am going to Rex, Banobagi, and JW.
Monday I am going to Wonjin and Pitangui.
If you have any experiences or thoughts to share regarding these clinics please email me at: [email protected].
If you are in the area and want to meet up, email me as well and we can exchange Kakao IDs.

Anyone know anything about these clinics
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I'm interested in lip reduction too. Do you know which clinics offer it? Thanks!
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Wonjin, Grand and Pitangui. Another clinic called Golden View offers it too, never heard about the clinic until recently. http://www.goldenviewclinic.co.kr/ unfortunately website has no eng option but it has Chinese and Japanese.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Lacryssa,

Can you send me your after surgery photo to my personal email?

[email protected]

I am considering JW for rhino.

Thanks a lot!
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