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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Hi, thank you for all the info. Do you remember the initial price that grand gave us, and the discounted price? Thanks
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Hi Manpurse,

Do you mind I ask you something by email? I cannot PM here. And it gets tedious to follow with all the comments.
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Hi everyone! Just my little input on Pitangui. I had plastic surgery done at Pitangui in October 2013. I had my eyes revised, rhino revision, fat graft and magic thread lift for my laugh lines. I have to say their clinic is very nice when first entering. Nicole and the girls were all very nice. I was told that I will be able to speak to him right before surgery to go through any other details I was concerned about. I went in for the consultation and paid for it all in cash about 8,000USD, which I think is a pretty great deal! I booked my procedures for the same day at 5pm. I went in and they took me into the recovery rooms to change etc.. went into the surgery room to take pictures and take IV. The recovery rooms were not nice, felt like an insane asylum. The surgery room was even worst. It was smaller than my bathroom. I'm not exaggerating. If anyone had surgery here I think they can agree. It did not seem professional at all. Something in my stomach said this isn't right..But I already paid and there was no turning back. As I laid on the surgery table waiting for the chief surgeon, I could hear him working on another patient next door ( doors were paper thin), I can hear a little screaming a little moaning, drilling and what not. I waited about 30-45 minutes before he came in. As soon as he came in, I wanted to say something because they said I would be able to but he immediately started pumping me with meds and before I knew it, I awoke to him telling me to look straight because he was working on my nose. It was REDICULOUSLY PAINFUL. THE WHOLE PROCEDURE. I was crying and telling them give me more meds but they were all just trying to calm me down. I wasn't being a cry baby, I had my eyes and nose done in the US prior to this and it was nothing like this. I felt like I was in a horror movie. After the agony was over, I was taken to the recovery room where I literally laid for 10 minutes before you hurried me out, told me here is my cab and turned back. WTF?! I'm a foreigner, alone, after having 4 procedures doped up on meds.. you just left me there with the cab driver that doesn't speak english? ok..

Anyways that was beyond the point but to conclude, my experience with Pitangui was not pleasant. I had high hopes for this place. I did a lot of research with other places and also went for different consultations at BK, DR OZ, GRAND.. I went with pitangui because the they were around the longest, the surgeon was very thoroughly and knowledgeable about everything we talked about. sighhhhh -______-

As for the outcome, my nose is not all how I wanted it to be. The tip is very bulbous, my bridge is not entered and is too low. I initially asked for a facelift and they said no, it was unnecessary and offered the magic thread lift only. I regret taking their advice because it didn't provide the dramatic change I had hoped for. It's been 3 months since my surgeries, I contacted Pitangui about my problems and they offered to fix my nose free of charge. I am coming back to Seoul in April to touch up my fat graft. Should I let them revise my nose or should I opt to go elsewhere? Any thoughts?
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Sorry, but did you say you were the only people there at both clinics or just Pitangui? It does look nice but I am having second thoughts after what you said and the review above :/ Haha that's a funny coincidence that the translators came to/ are from our countries. That would make it easier to talk to them, as you said more comfortable and have more things in common.
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Hi Jessiie,

Do you mind I ask how much did Pitangui charged you for fat graft? Was it one part or you did a full face?

Can I ask how is the exchange rate like now in Seoul?
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Hi. Im sorry for your experience. Now im reconsidering going to pitangui....... Was Dr.Yoo the one performing surgery? I've had my mind set to have multiple procedures done but after your review im reconsidering
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Yes Dr. Yoo was the one performing the procedures. I asked specifically that only Dr. Yoo worked on me because I've read that sometimes they tell you one person and once you go to sleep they let some trainee work on you. He woke me up while working on my rhinoplasty and I'm not sure if everyone also did that. I didn't have to do that in the US.
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Hi Jessiie, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. But thank you for posting your experience, there's hardly any feedback on this clinic. I had my mind set on going to Pitangui, but after your review I definately won't be going.
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Hi all.. I'm in Seoul right now, just wanna share my experience with Pitangui...

I had an appointment at 1PM yesterday, but when i came, they told me to wait and until 1.45PM (after i insisted because i was having another appointment at other clinics), nicole came and told me that dr yoo is still in surgery and it'll take another 1 or 2 hours... Nicole was nice at first, but I was appalled by the staffs (receptionists) there...

After that I came back at 3.30PM and same thing happened all over again... Luckily this time dr yoo is available after 15 minutes...

Although there was nothing wrong with the consultation, I just feel like pitangui is not the clinic for me... The price quoted was not cheap as well in my opinion.. And from the consultation I can tell that their result is really subtle... So in the end I didn't choose Pitangui for my surgeries...

By the way, if you're in Seoul right now, please contact me!! Let's meet up and give support for each other!!
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Thank you for sharing your experience. Now I'm really having second thoughts about this clinic, im wondering if should even have a consultation with them.....
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I have just got multiple surgeries at Pitangui (upper blepharoplasty, lateral cantho, and slanty eye correction, cheekbone reduction by shaving, QMC or mid face lift, and fat graft on forehead and laugh lines). It has been only three days and I am going through such severe swelling which I did not anticipate. But besides that the consultation went really well. Dr.Yoo was very professional, didn't talk much more than what was asked but I was certain of his ability to perform these surgery.

The price I paid for all these procedures was 11 millions KRW and negotiated for an extra night stay as well. I have now moved to Lex Tourist Hotel and haven't left my room since I arrived as my eyes are too swollen for me to feel comfortable wandering outside by myself.

I will try to update you guys as much as I could. I hope the swelling on the eyes will subside soon.
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I have decided to write as I have just read some negative reviews here which I think may have been influenced by the drugs. Dr.Yoo is the only surgeon there. He does all types of surgeries at Pitangui, so if he is operating on one patient, there cannot be another one getting operated. The operation room was that of a clinic which was suffice. It was probably approx 25-30 square meters. We don't need a huge operation room but we do need one that has all sorts of machines that would safe our life if anything should go wrong and the one at Pitangui seems to fit the bill.

I do not have rave reviews to share as yet. But I would like people who are interested to go and take a look for themselves. There must be a good reason why this doctor has been in the business for longer than 30 years. He may not have many people waiting to have a consultation with him but I have observed that those who do come to him, don't go look anywhere else.

On the day of my surgery, I was the third and last one. The first one was an eye surgery, the second one I heard that it was a breast augmentation, and I was the last patient on this past Wed.
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Hi thank you for sharing your experience. I guess we should go in for a consultation to see first hand how everythings like. Were any of the procedures painful?
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Yes, please go for the consultation and see for yourself. I recommend you do your end of the bargain as there is always room for 20% discount if you are not bringing any translator or an agent. I went there myself straight from the airport (with there complimentary pick up based on advanced booking).

Do not see the queue as a good sign for good surgeon. Pitangui is not in anyway as big as other clinic with ten or more physicians. We should look for the quality of the consultation and the skill of the doctor and not if he is very comercialized or not. As I said, people who come to Pitangui are most likely to have a surgery done there and they have done their short listing already. I don't think you will be disappointed if you just concentrate on what matters minus the coffee and the receptionists who won't have anything to do with the way you look before, during, or after the surgery.

Good luck :smile:)
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