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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Pitangu is a famous clinic and known for its Medical & Beauty, a leading plastic/cosmetic surgery clinic in Gangnam and has been visited by the highest numbers of foreign patients ... my friend have gone for a surgery for lips over there and she is very satisfied with the result..........
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Is pitangui really that bad? I've read through this thread and others where pitangui is mentioned and i've heard a lot of good things but a couple bad reviews as well. I'm just worried because it was one of the top clinics on my short list. They don't have a lot of B&As but from what i've seen and heard they look like they do a very natural job.
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All clinics will have good/bad reviews. Even though I took Pitangui off my list, I took them off because I disliked my email consultation with them. I don't find them to be a bad clinic because of it, just a bad choice for me and what I want done.

There are some clinics I plan to have a consultation next year, regardless of the "bad" reviews they have gotten.
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Thanks you guys for the quick replies, but I do have another question. I currently have braces on which won't be off until two years from now (which is why I'm planning to go for v-line surgery in 2016) but is it best to wait until I get my braces off or can I/should I get v-line surgery with my braces on while my teeth can still be shifted into their right positions.

If that makes any sense!
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From what i read , you need to wait til you take your braces off . Doctor decline to perform the surgery if you still have it on
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Thank you! I guess I will have to wait two years 😩 but I guess it's for the best if I want the best outcome. :smile: I heard that your teeth shift though after jaw surgery?
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Follow up on my previous post...

I've really got to pen this down!! Pitangui sucks to the max and made my blood boiling....

On 10 Sep, I did my fat graft touch with them. My appointment time supposed to be 1 pm. OK, i waited....then they said need 30 mins, OK, I waited....and waited, who the hell knows 30 mins become almost 4 hours of waiting!

I didn't blow my top while the ****ty Dr Yoo came in. Almost 5 pm, came my turn. No comments on their fat graft. But what made me really angry is the fact that his skill totally CANNOT MAKE IT!! When I went to back for my review (please read my previous post), all I get is his ARROGANCE and couldn't care less attitude telling the damn consultant Nicole about the area where he didn't do a proper job (Area below my chin and the nose tip)

All he gave were lots of excuses here and there, but just WOULDN'T admit that his skill was just NOT GOOD enough. He didn't even care to explain what can help to salvage my condition.

Today I went back for my fat graft review. Waited one hour again this time. Only to see Dr Yoo walking in with his arrogance air, standing and asking the consultant do I have any questions?

.....uh...I felt tight my upper lips and smile lines i said. He replied oh...it's normal, it's very ok, now it's still swelling. I said uh..ok..what else? I wouldn't wanna ask him anything else, i mean what else can I ask him now. Anyway, after what he did and no answer. Should I be "thankful" to him my look still is decent and not botched!!!???

I'm pissing off and one hour of waiting, I only get 1 min of reply. When he's about to leave, the most ironic part is he asked ... did I redo my nose? I said YES (but not with him this time). He said " it's deviated"!!

I got shock for awhile. Anyway, next I made a trip to visit the other doctor who did my nose. He said my nose is totally fine, it's not deviated at all.

Please readers, Dr Yoo from Pitangui is a wicked doctor. He knew he screwed up my nose tip and my chin. YET he can come up with this kind of stupid and childish way to scare me just because I didn't redo my nose with him. Only he himself knows what he means! He's just plain wicked.

My experience with Pitangui was really bad. If anyone happened to wanna choose Pitangui, by all means. If only I hadn't visit them on Feb. I might not be here again to fix up this month! It doubled up on my expenses. And this doctor I went to suggest to re-shave my slight protruding bone again.

See for yourself, it's him not doing a proper job! Do not be mislead by his pics or whatever. They were all photoshop. Those who are happy with him is because they appeared to be sponsored!

Do not be cheated into believing they're the OLDEST clinic around and with a doctor full of many years experience. That was what I believed at first. It's all WRONG!

My last word, choose Pitangui at your own risk!
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Calliecat, it's best to wait after your braces are off, as your bite/profile will probably change over the next 2 years, sometimes dramatically, which will change the way you feel about your jaw. You sound early-ish in braces process, since you have 2 years to go, so it's probably best to wait in case you experience significant changes.

Even after taking your braces off, your teeth may shift -teeth shift all the time, due to a bunch of factors (aging, wisdom teeth, gum health etc) regardless of whether one has done braces or not, but people who've worn braces are generally more prone to teeth shifting. That's why wearing retainers are important (or so my ortho tells me!)

Not jaw related but interesting: when I got my braces off, some parts of my face (e.g. temples) were more sunken than before -I was told that it was related to how braces affected the muscles, which I used to chew. Weird huh?
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Hey Vanilla Cream
I'm sorry for your bad experience:sad:
Last May I went and sat in Pintangui 's office , it was the worst feeling. No matter how many times I raised my opinion on this forum that NEVER go for the oldest clinics, doctors, B/a .
I have a forum friend- Snooker/ had PS done at P and turned out beautiful because she is already besutiful. The ONLY one and the rest are disaster!
Pintangui thrown in some good price s but they treat patients w NO bed side matter, no respect, no dignity... The list went on and on.

To ALL new forumers, please not just go for the price. Rather save more money, research, do consultations in a group so u can listen to other input.
The worst part of PS is ,that you have to revise their mistake at the their clinic.

Vanilla C, take your time and let your nose settle. And thank you for your honest post.
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Hi Quick,

That is the greatest mistake I made. To go for the lowest price!

I hope my nose will turn out well. But I knew it'll never be the same as I did the 2nd revision before. Agreed with the part about bed side manner.

Also, the consultant Nicole. Before I did my surgery, she was the most promptest with reply. But after that when I wrote many emails with After pics, she kept delaying with reply and always give me stupid irrelevant answers to my questions!

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