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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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I know right! I think that was one of the my deciding factors, but I haven't set any surgery dates yet. Will have to see how everything goes this week before I make any hardcore decisions. I remember asking her about not having B&As on their site and she said that it might sound weird for a a 25-year clinic but they like to maintain their patient's privacy. Makes me wonder if the pix we see on other sites have permission from patient or not.
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You are getting your eyes done too right? What did they quote you?
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I am in korea for 1mth. I had some other things to do. But i am out of gangnam area already. Stayed in Youngdong Hotel. The hotel was good, nice location, but receptionist was unhelpul. Staying in dongdaemun now... Janghanpyong stn. The paperclip button had a red cross on them. The button for imageshack, etc are frozen too.
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I'm thinking to get my eyes done in pitangy too!i've been thinking of getting it done at teuim,real or pitangui. but i'm more likely to pick pitangy after seeing your comments. how are the surgeries gone so far?hope you'll recover quick!
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I just sifted through my conversation with Nicole. She gave me this list and said that the actual surgery will depend on the doctor. The ranges are $920-1630 if yo add them up. I think that their gonna choose non-incision method since my eyelids aren't too thick.

Double eyelid with canthoplasty

1. Non-incision: 800,000 KRW (730 USD) to 1,000,000 KRW (920 USD).
2. Inicison: The approximate price for this incision method is from 1,200,000 KRW (1,100 USD) to 1,500,000 KRW (1,400 USD).
3. Epicanthoplasty: The approximate price for epicanthoplasty is from 1,000,000 KRW (95 USD) to 1,200,000 KRW (115 USD).
4. Lateral-canthoplasty: The approximate price for epicanthoplasty is from 1,000,000 KRW (95 USD) to 1,200,000 KRW (115 USD).
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So how was your consultation? My mom and I are just gonna stay over at any of her friends' house, but I don't know where exactly. Will you be going back to the clinic? We'll be flying in Friday. Maybe we can meet at the clinic or something.
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I remember sending in an email to Teium but they took too long to reply. But I've read that they are good at eye surgeries too. I just like quick responses and I exactly got that with Nicole.
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What consultation? Anyway i think you prices lack a 0 in the USD amount. I am scheduled to return to pitangui on 21st. I dont visit the clinic often now, coz i stay too far away. How long are u gonna be here? If it is almost 1mth, better to rent a short stay apt. Try to find someone else to share. It is really2 cheap.... Mom was here with me before, so i stay in hotel. My friend who said is coming mid march had an issue, so she cancelled. So here i am in a "love hotel", i didnt notice them when i booked them online. But the facilities are great, but the rooms are small. Well, my room are standard rooms though, not the fancy themed rooms.... :yahoo:

If u are getting surgery, better stay as close to the clinic as possible. After 1 week then u can move out of gangnam as there wont be much post-op treatment after your stitch removal. And pls dont worry if you got lost in the subway transfers/exits. Local pple got lost too! I like youngdong's location, 5-10 min walk to pitangy.
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Hi Feline, try to get info abt the hospital & procedures as much as u could before u come. And make sure you are clear on your expectations & match it with the doctor's expectations. Honestly i was sold on the communication part in the beginning, but through visiting the clinic I think Dr. Yoo is skilled too. Check out the photos & certificates in the lobby. There's also another girl who speaks english in the clinic called Jane. So either one of them should be assisting/translating you, if you decided to get the surgery done there. Dr Yoo also speaks english too, but we actually talked to nicole/jane more. What country are u from by the way? When are u gonna be here? How long are you gonna stay?

Anyway, common post-op syndrome: worries, concerns, minor "regrets" coz u loook reaaalllyy bad and painful. And it might be assymetrical due to swellings. When I had non-incisional in japan, my eyelid swellings is larger on the right eye than the left. The reason is, doctor only raised my eyelid by 1mm on the left eye, while the right eyes was raised by 5-6mm(they are assymetrical by nature). But final result was good, i also sent email to doctor(through my friend) as he wanted to see what I look like 2mths after surgery. And if u sleep sideways, sweelling will be worse on the aide u slept on. Btw the clinic name i went in Japan is "Do-s" in Saga perfecture, just incase anyone is curious. But u need tramslator definitely.

Another interesting thing I found out in Japan PS world was the fact thay I was issued a plastic surgery certificate! Cos we are actually risking looking different to our passports photos. I think My friend mentioned that one foreigner had an issue leaving the country. But i didnt have problem at immigration then. I dont know how it works in Korea though. As long as u dont totally change your whole face like the PS advertisements, should be no problem for u.
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dr kwon didnt even reply me when i took further response :sad: i've always wanted to know all the side effects after undergoing these surgeries but no one seemed to reply me. based on the researches i've done, it should be alright if you take well care of yourself after surgeries.

i emailed pitangy and i loved how they replies. they are always in detail and would answer all my questions patiently. and that their written english is good too, i just hope that there would be no problem in communicating with them face-to-face.
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first of all,thank you so so much to reply me in such details! thank you SO MUCH. :biggrin:

i used to have the thought of going to japan to do eye surgeries too as i heard their work is meticulous and the results are pretty good. i've done some researches based on that i found that most of them cant speak english and most of the websites are in japanese. so i gave up my thought and changed my "direction" to korea. i've emailed people that shared their experiences and most of them didnt reply and some of them did but some like some marketers or advertisers that been paid off to advertise. so i'm always doing my research based on my instinct only and have never asked anybody in this forum cause i felt shy until i saw this thread. i was considering pitangy and out of my curious i replied you ( i'm worried that you wouldnt reply me ) and damn! i think i should have made this step earlier.haha

anyway i'm wondering that is dr yoo doing all the surgeries only? in emails the translator told me that dr yoo will do all the surgeries for international patient. btw i'm from malaysia. i plan to go to korea next yr.and again,thank you so much for the reply.
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Did I? I didn't notice that I didn't place in a zero. Just checked our bags in and waiting for the flight!!! Can't resist to log in the forum to browse around. Wonder if I'll be able to get a glimpse of Park Shin-Hye here in the airport because she's set to come to Manila.
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Yeah, you missed a zero there. They quoted me for 1.0-1.2M KRW ($950-1150) for canthoplasty when I asked. But, I think I'm just gonna stick to having my nose bridge heightened and reduce my alar base.

Are you already in Korea? Best wishes! Keep us posted on your experiences!!!
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At least that's what Nicole said. I first thought that international meant Caucasian faces but she said that he does all non-korean surgeries.

They do have a point there because they won't allow you to board if you clearly don't look like the person in the photo. I remember in January that they wouldn't let a chinese man check in because he lost so much weight that he looked different from his picture.
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Thanks for directing me here, Kian! I haven't checked the front page in a long time hahahah.

It's nice to be able to read more details about Pitangui since I don't see them being mentioned at all.

I was getting nervous about the consultation with them but now I am a bit more relieved.
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