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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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It's nice of you to start a hunt for facebook pages. Good job! Let's try to add more so that we can let new comers know their options.

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It would seem natural for clinics to have local and international pages to cater to their clients, but I'm more concerned about the english pages because I don't know how to read korean. I think that people here would feel the same way, too since the majority of us are all non-koreans.
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Sure thing! I saw her online the other day. Don't know why she hasn't posted on this thread yet. Maybe she's just too preoccupied reading reviews on all of the shoes and bags and how to take care of them.

I'd love to add you on FB, but I'm too shy to show my face. hihihi Just keep on posting till you reach 10 posts and have PMs activated. I wouldn't want to post her email here in public and risk flooding her email with spam.
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Hello! I uploaded my picture on the "best ps clinics in korea" thread and I would like to get maximum responses so I am pasting it here as well.

I see the eyes of Pitangui's 2 models and they look great. Has anyone here had eye surgery there or know someone who has? Thank you!
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Haha, I am sure that you look nice! :smile: I give you my emaik so she can contact me!
[email protected]
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No I don't! ha ha ha! I'm positively sure she'll get a chance to read this because she just called me about a post I made here. @danda why haven't you commented here? You're experience is badly needed. ha ha ha
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Lol ^^ I am anticipating her post!
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Hi Cheon! I sent you a PM. Can you send her email address to me as well? Do you have any idea if she has had eyelid surgery? I read that she had jaw surgery. Any help at this point is highly appreciative because I want to re-validate if what I am reading online is "correct" and sincere. Thank you!
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Hi Rochelle! I've just been there a couple weeks ago for consultation. I'm planning to go back in a couple of months and ask the clinic if they have an available slot for my surgery.
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How where they? How did your consultation go? What made you choose them? I apologize for asking too many questions. When will you be going back?
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Sorry for the delay in replies! Been too caught up with consultations, the surgery, recovery and sightseeing ever since I reached Seoul.

Anyway, let's get back to topic. I sent an email to Nicole informing her I would be going with "my boyfriend who coincidentally works as an interpreter/translator". Exactly as quoted. We wouldn't need much help from her since I feel that it will be better for my boyfriend, who really understands what I want from the surgery, to just directly communicate with the doctor. His presence and support definitely makes me feel more at ease as well.

Which is why the way Nicole reacted towards him was a dealbreaker despite everything else. Perhaps she didn't read my e-mail carefully so I won't take it personally. Let's assume that my boyfriend is indeed unrelated to me and I hired him solely as an interpreter/translator. I still don't think it is up to Nicole to decide if he comes into the consultation with me or not. In the hypothetical situation, I hired him and I am paying for his time. I get to decide if he follows or not. Instead, Nicole just acted on her own and didn't allow him to follow.

We were quite angry at that behaviour, to say the least. I give her credit for the good intentions but her methods were a tad too aggressive for us. This experience has nothing to do with Pitangui's skills, of course. However, we were disturbed enough by that to just cross it off the list.

I'll reinstate that Dr Yoo was nice and welcoming (except for the lack of physical examination for my facial features), consultants were kind and sweet without being overbearing, the place looks grand and upscale, and most importantly, the price was good. $5mil won for double eyelids, epicantho, rhinoplasty and alar reduction.

Still have mixed feelings about Nicole. Wondering if I should reply her last e-mail to me after the consultation and let her know what went wrong. It's a shame.

In the end, I went with JW and just got my stitches out today. Dr Kang did my double eyelids, non-incisional. Since Dr Suh was fully booked for rhinoplasty, I just went with the younger doctor. I feel comfortable enough at JW to trust the skills of their doctors. Everything looking well so far. Been updating my recovery daily on April's Kakao group and I will be posting a detailed review of JW soon. It's been a very positive experience and I love everyone there. Got them some macarons today.
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