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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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I will be having my surgery tomorrow... I initially ask for facial contouring coz my face is big. But i ws told, my bones are fine and I actually require fat grafting instead to make my face more 3d and thus seem 'smaller'. 2 clinics i consulted actually recommended this procedure instead of face contouring

I will be getting epicanthoplasty as well. I actually want lateral too. But doctor said it is fine as it is. I will try to see how the simulation goes today. Oh, i will be reducing alar base, get nosetip & nasal bridge. Honestly i am really nervous for the nose procedures... I had non-incision double eyelid done in Japan before, and they are OK. Except for the pain of injecting the anaesthesia.
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Wow! Good for you princess! It's nice to hear that they offer options that are based on your actual features. I've read that some clinics actually do surgeries that aren't even needed in the first place! The thought of adding fat instead of facial contouring is just wonderful since it's less invasive and the downtimes should be cut down. Can you share your pictures?
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Hello! Just talked to her the other day and said for you to give your email address. =)
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When u go to surgery, it is best to be able to communicate expectation with surgeon. And actually match the expectation with surgeon. In Japan, i was told ALL SURGERY is the same, they are all good. Difference is only in the services. But my personal opinion, if you can communicate expectation with surgeon, and match it... it would be best.

The beauty standard in korea and other countries are different. I came from Indonesia, and i showed the doctor the photo of an Indonesian actress. He asked me whether this is the beauty standard. So my opinion is, get a translator. Get a good surgeon, and of course a picture of the eyes/nose you want to look like. Dont get a caucasian picture if you are an asian. Get a photo of someone with the closest feature like yourself. I got an actress photo with a wide alar nose like me, it might not be the most ideal nose. But i think it might be the best possible nose for my shape.

Anyway, i will update soon! One of the reason i chose pitangy is the excellent communication. ANicole the online consultant spoke good english, they have chinese and japanese speakers too(i think)
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Oh, when i was in Japan. My friend translated for me.... So result is really good,even though it is just non-incision double eyelid ;)

PS: I actually wanna take photo of the waiting roo. I am in now.... But i dont know how to upload it. I can only link to a picture on a website
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OMG!!! It's so exciting to finally found someone who's actually there!!! I replied on a post you made on the "best plastic surgery" thread wondering if the Pintagy you mentioned and Pintagui are the same. Are the facilities as good as the pictures on the net? At least you'll feel comfy and feel less nervous. I'm set to go there in 10 days for a consultation. I'll be visiting other clinics during my visit as well. So excited for you Princess!
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Hello! When you hit on "qreply" click the "go advance" at the bottom and then find the paperclip button at the top to attach the files and upload.

Wait let me check if it works. he he he
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Have you spoken to Nicole? I had a favorable response form her as well. I had no problems communicating my needs which is why I booked for a consultation. =) I've also scheduled with some others just for comparison, but from the way she addressed my questions, I already felt like I was in good hands. I just hope that it's actually her once I get there next week. OMG!!! 7 more days to go!!! I soooooo can't wait!!
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I am using ipad. I still cant upload photos... The buttons cant be clicked. It might be easier if i am using PC. I told my friend to share her photo too. Dont know if it is possible though... We are both using ipad. Tried imageshack but unable to load them either, tried the App too. Dont know whats wromg...
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I don't know about that since I'm using an android device. Their apps (ios/android) are temporarily down as of the moment. Do share you pictures once it has been resolved. Will you be there until next week?
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Yeah I'm talking to Nicole too! Probably the most informative out of any of the clinics I've talked to; I just wish they had more before and after shots
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