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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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I haven't had my v-line yet because I haven't really decided if I truly need it, my jaw is actually not very angular or prominent, just the shape of my chin that bothers me. If I do proceed with V-line, I'm considering JK Plastic because of the results they've posted of their Chinese patients. I don't really want the dramatic pointy V, though, so I'm not sure how much it migth help you
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I finally have photos! I had trouble locating a "before" photo that wasn't entirely covered up, so sorry it took longer than expected.

I don't think I mentioned before, but I am male, so I didn't try for "dramatic dolly eye" or even a very high crease, I just aimed to look more awake and attentive.

The left photo was taken in 2011 and the right photo is 45 days after

It's hard to tell in the photo left because it was taken with a nintendo DS and therefore very blurry, but the actual fold sits about 2.5mm above my eyelash line. It's almost fully matured and is usually partially or completely hidden behind my eyelashes

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Dear all,

Anyone going to Korea in November? I intend to leave on end Oct or 1st week of Nov. Will buy ticket soon.

Please PM me if you are going in Korea?

I'm looking for a travel buddy...

Thank you, PSP
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Hey all,

Im new here and I chanced upon this thread while doing my research on having plastic at pitangui.

Its such a good thing that everyone has been so informative on their experiences there.
I've sent in emails to ITEM, BK, Pitangui and also 365mc.

I intend to get fillers and botox done on my face and arm lipo too (but im rather scared) because I read on negative side effects or risks that may be involve with lipo.
I would rather get a non-surgical one but I bet the results wouldn't be seen in one treatment.

I'll be only in korea for 10 days in November so Im not really sure if I should confirmed my surgery with Pitangui over the email with Nicole or should I do it after consultation.

She quoted 1m KRW for fillers in each facial part which is freaking expensive considering the fact that the effect of fillers don't last for long.
Im intending to get cheek, loveband, nose tip and chin fillers for the v line effect.

and 1.4m for arm lipo which is still reasonable to me.

Can anyone share their experience if they've done any arm lipo or other lipo in korea before? I heard 365mc is good though but its rather pricey.

And should I actually accept the price offer that Nicole quoted now and book the surgery or should I decide later. Im just afraid that it'll be a wasted trip if I don't get a surgery scheduled over there during the 10 day visit.

Please advice!
Thank you so much (::P:P
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Hi Cookie,

Nicole will gives u discount if u opt for multiple procedure. Anyway the individual price She quoted us reasonable as compare to other clinics

But no need to wire 10% to them until u r in Korea for the consultation

If u still good after the consultation, then u place a deposit
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Hey PSP!

Thank you for the information, I've sent in an e-mail to Banobagi too. I'm quite interested in their procedures though because they seem to offer a lot of other techniques for surgery.

I'm just worried that Pitangui dont do a good job because it seems like it is not as popular as the rest.

Hopefully I get to decide on one then.
Have you done any procedures yet?
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Hi cookie,

Don't go by the popularity of the clinics mentioned in the forum. Hopefully by now u know there are many promoters in the forum.

The best is you check w those who went to the clinic for procedure ask them about their result (the best is u know someone who went there, or through PM or email). Are they satisfied? How is the clinic's post surgery care? Etc

Of course no guarantee that the person who went there is the promoter or not.

Cross check your list of clinics with the blacklisted PS clinics posted by Riko12.

Don't take chance w clinic that is blacklisted no matters how popular it is. This makes me pondering how can a member still hv the gut to go to a blacklisted clinic??? I salute their gut ^」^

My latest list of PS clinic include clinics that nobody ever heard of.

I based on (1) the doctors' years of experience; (2) how they response to my email & lastly (3) pricing - please be smart to compare price among clinic. Don't be rip off....

According to a super helpful member, she had shared w me the general pricing of all the procedure that I want to do. Actually doing PS is not that expensive if u are thin skin enough to ask for discount!

During consultation I will decide base on:
1) is the doctor overwhelmed with too many operations? Too many patients means I am just another number on his planner

2) is he patient w my question? Or only hv 5-10 min w me? How can I trust someone with my face in 5-10min?

3) Experience. Experience. Experience of the doctor. I'm not going to let Junior doctor work on me. If I hv to pay more for senior surgeon (who usually is the founder of the clinic), then I'll try to do lesser procedure this time and leave the rest to next trip.

My own preference: I won't want to go to a clinic that take long long time to reply me too bcoz I will freak out if anything happen after I return to Singapore and they don't reply me.

Above is my selection criteria, I hope it is useful to u....

We are in a quest to hunt for good skillful doctor to mk us beautiful.

Let's be diligent and do our our research thoroughly bcoz revision is painful n waste of money.....
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hello PSP

this is very helpful

thank you!
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the most popular clinics are also the clinics that most people get bothced surgeries at... and kill themselves or come back here to tell a horror story... because they're the clinics recommended by illegal "translators"... people who have agreements with certain big clinics who don't mind hiring people to do illegal "consultation" because it makes them more money. and they don't mind other illegal things... like switching your surgeon to an inexperienced intern... you might be his first attempt or 50th... who knows... I agree with PSP don't go by popularity! ^^ I have never seen a badly done anything from Pitangui but that doesn't mean there aren't any, but all the results I've seen are good ^ ^ ps normal price in Korea for fillers (restylane) is 750000원, 1M is what Pitangui quotes before you go for a consultation but you can get the price down if you negotiate when you go there... fillers are expensive and if someone offers them for very cheap... you're not getting what you think (not the filler you think and not the hygiene you think... maybe they reuse half syringes from last patients... only way to make it much cheaper...) the cost of fillers is almost the same around the world, I think because they are made by the same companies? 1 just googled... 1 syringe of restylane costs 600000원 in the United states. So it depends on how much restylane they use... the more they have to use the more the cost and more areas need more fillers... but I recently read a blog post about botox and there someone wrote that the price of botox (for the doctor, when he buys them) is the same in thailand and america... 660000원 for a "bottle" (i don know how much is one bottle) and thailand is a cheap country so if it costs the same in thailand then in korea too...
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Awww thank you so much for the info. PSP ! I really am not good at judging which doctor would be the right one for me but now that you've pointed out I guess it'll be better. Initially I wanted to visit VIP but my friend got a blotched job so i guess it'll be out of my list. And now that I've actually read through the list of blacklisted clinic, I realize how true it is.

Thank you so much for the info ! (;
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Hi Shiny, I do agree that fillers are somehow quite expensive haha but Im still hoping to get a discount for the multiple areas that I want to inject on. The fact that we havent heard anything negative on pitangui may be a good reason. Im still considering between fat grafting or restylane though. Have any of you been through fat grafting yet ? ive seen the list that you've compiled ! its so concised.
Thank you so much (;
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yes I agree... I wish they lasted longer for that price... haha ^^ I hope if I get fillers in multiple areas that I get a combined discount... ^^ you're welcome! we are here to help each other ♥
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