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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Second time lucky I think..Pitangui, well Nicole actually, got back to me with an informative email that gave me a lot of useful info (even though she probably just copied and pasted it from her computer xD). She asked me for a pic of my face like Banobagi did for accurate quote and to see what surgeries she could reccomended. Did you send a photo to them?

Wow it looks really nice....and expensive! Nicely decorated. Are they chocolates in the dish around the candle? (Just out of interest xD)

That sounds like really good value and very convenient. Was it close to the clinics in Gangnam? I wonder if it would be allowed if you pm-ed it to me?

The surgeon must have a good technique/ skill if it was natural and unnoticeable?
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Yeah the place is right in the middle of Gangnam. From there to Pitangui it took 4 minutes by taxi (you could also walk, but I didn't because I stayed there during winter time).

I paid 3000 won (close to 3 US dollars) for a taxi ride.
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Not sure haha. I never touched any candies they offered. My Mom told me to not take candies from strangers. :P
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Oh and while I was waiting in the consultation room (Doctor Yoo's office), I managed to take a photo of his diploma without getting noticed. It's in Portuguese (apparently, he used to practice in Brazil).
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No sorry, have you emailed them yet?

That's very sneaky..haha.... How did they not see?
According to Google Translate it says this:

certifies that Dr Sung Jea Yoo .... completed medical residency at the basic federal district hospital in the basic area of ​​general surgery in the period 19 January 1984 to 19 January 1986 and the area and concentration of plastic surgery in the period from January 20, 1986 to December 31, 1987, whom we confer the title of specialist in accordance with Law 6.932. published in the Official Gazette on 07/09/81

Fascinating I know xD but I just thought I'd put it out there

Is Pitangui hard to find? ( I can't seem to find it on Google maps!) is it the building with the ‘Olive Young’ shop at the bottom? Cause that's where Google maps says it is.. What month did you go and what was the weather like? Was there much snow around at all?
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Don't worry, Pitangui is extremely easy to find. Just take the subway to Sinsa Station, Exit 1, and voila, you're right at their doorstep.

It's a tall building and in front there are banners with Pitangui logo on them.

There's no Olive Young shop close by. Just don't rely on Google Map too much. Sometimes they're not very accurate. :P

Also, Grand PS is right across the street. I was surprised how close these places are to one another.
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I was alone in the room for like 5 minutes while the Doctor washed his hands. He left his computer on, and I was able to take a peek at some of the folders on his computer too. There was one in Korean (for domestic patients), and one for international patients (in English). Apparently, they keep us in separate buckets. :graucho:

I didn't look in details for fear of getting caught haha.
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Hey, could you tell me the contact info of the place because 32 dollars is really cheap. Thanks
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I did send them a picture of myself. I dont remember what they said but I know that they won't be able to give you an accurate quote without seeing you in real life.
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ID hospital is easy to find on Google maps...... I wonder why? *wink wink nudge nudge* haha
I can't even find Grand....pffffft..
It's sounds pretty easy to get to..thank you~~
I don't usually rely on google maps, but I go on street view sometimes to look at things when I'm bored x
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