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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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I wrote a long reply about my surgery, my swelling, and my recovery but it has disappeared :sad:(. Will write again soon but I must give my eyes a rest. So sorry forumers.

In short, despite the number of surgeries I have had, there has been no pain. It is so surprising what our body is capable of when it comes to dealing with pain. It just shuts down on the receptors or what, I do not know but all I have felt are some discomfort, dull ache, and tightness in the face. I was chewing on BBQ beef already last night!
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Hi, was it easy for you to bargain down the price? I'm not sure or if I'm able to "talk" them into allowing to bring down the price too much. I'll be alone too.

Did you pay by cash or credit card? Are you from Asia?
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Yes I was alone and I offered to pay in cash. I flew in from South East Asia :smile: .. Didn't find it difficult to insist on the prices I did my research on. Besides, if that is your budget, they can either match it or let you go look for someone who is willing to match it. Be reasonable with prices you are willing to except and be firm. But keep in mind that they are offering reasonable prices already and are more inclined to throw in more small procedures/areas instead of lowering down the price.

What procedures are you looking to get done?
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I'm glad you had a good experience because I would only wish for everyone to have good surgeries and outcome. Everyone who goes to these consultations are having high hopes and believing that they will leave beautiful. My experience was terrible and I am not satisfy but I wrote the reviews only to share my experience, not to speak badly about the surgeons or the clinic. If you would like to see how my nose turned out.. I will be gladly to email you the pictures. To think it is in the center of my face. I am counting down the days until I am back in seoul to fix it. I can barely get myself to go socialize because I am so insecure about it. But everyone recovers differently. Please do go to the consultations and decide for yourself. good luck everyone :smile:
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Hello Jessiie,

I am so sorry to hear about the outcome of your surgery and I hope you will be able to get it revised at Pitangui. I don't see why you should spend more money doing it elsewhere as they should be well aware of what the problem was and feel responsible to deliver you what you wish for, this time, or else they should be in plastic surgery hall of shame.. Everyone wants a good result, nobody would wish for a free revision if they could help it. I feel for you and hope you will get what you want without too much pain and trouble :sad:(

I cannot say anything about mine yet as I am going through very severe swelling. What I said earlier was to point out that the receptionist was not an important factor in my decision making process nor the size of the operating room. I would say that the service and healthcare industry here in Korea are still lagging behind those in Thailand. Boy, aren't they tough and loud here. They cannot be gentle even if they tried. It just isn't in the nature. I will have partial incisions removed tomorrow and I will be able to update some more. Right now, the swelling has peaked beyond belief. Had I not expected the worst before getting the surgery, I would have been very depressed.
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Hey ryry0322,

I totally agree with your concerns... But you have to bear in mind, every person is different. I agree with Snooker, you have to try to come and see for yourself and experience it yourself... In my opinion... Could be that i like this one clinic and you don't.. That's very normal.. I suggest don't really read too mych about what others said. Just choose a few clinics and follow your guts... Good luck ryry!!
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Hi. Is it possible for you to send me a pm of your before and after? Thanks!
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Just came back to the hotel after the post-op service. The nurse and Bonny (a translator/receptionist) were very kind and helpful. I got intravenous shots of pain killer, de-swelling med, and antibiotic. They haven't removed my stitches yet and I was asked to wait a couple more days.

I walked away with a big bag full of fruits and a big bottle of fresh orange juice arranged for me by Nicole (the Consultant/Translator). This small gesture of thoughtfulness has made me feel very well taken care of. It doesn't amount much in term of monetary value but it means a lot to someone who is alone in a foreign country battling some severe swelling and feeling so down. I'm thinking of postponing my departure date from Jan.25th to Jan. 28th as my face won't recover in time and I do not want to scare my kids with an extremely swollen face. Will decide in two days on what to do.

I have an appointment for a deswelling treatment at Pitangui Clinic tomorrow at 11 am.
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I've chin surgery, fat graft and lateral canthoplasty in mind. But not sure if they'll quote me a different price or even jack up a little during the consultation. And i'm bringing an estimated amount, nothing more.

May I ask, with all that 11 million KRW, you paid by cash? That would be a whole think stack of money!

Did you exchange currency in your country or with the bank in Seoul? Btw, do you know which is a more affordable way to exchange currency?
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How much did Pitangui charge you for forehead and laugh lines for fat graft? I wanted to do same parts too.

How much is the lateral canthoplasty as well? I just want to know if they charge same for everyone.
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Yes Vanilla Creme, I have exchanged all that in my country and brought it along with me. I just withdrew 2,000,000 from the Citibank ATM today (there is one right next to Lex Tourist hotel) and there wasn't any charges. I'm sure the exchange rate is pretty attractive too, that is what I have been told by so many world traveler friends (besides charge everything if possible).

This case the price relies heavily on the method you pay and they LOVE cash in Seoul, that was why I took the risk of carrying that much. I figured since I planned to do it right on the day I arrive or the next day, the chances of me losing the money were very slim. You even get a better rate for any accommodation if you paid in cash.
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I need to refresh my memory on those prices as I didn't plan on doing my eyes while I was exchanging emails with Nicole, Pitanpui International Consultant. She turned me down since she didn't see so much drooping from those pix I sent her. I only brought it up again when I saw Dr. Yoo and he said something could be done to make my eyes bigger and younger looking, even by a bit younger ;)

Will need a few mins to come up with those prices. Jotting them all down now ^^
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I believe I got quoted 1.2 mil KRW for Upper Blepharospasty
500,000 for lateral cantho
500,000 for slanty eye reduction

I believe if I were to do the eyes alone, it would not cost me more than 1.5 millions for all three procedures.

Fat graft was approximately 1,000,000 per area on the face. But I got it done on forehead, temples, and laugh lines for 1.5 million KRW because I was getting multiple surgeries.

No way I would pay a mil per area since those are so tiny an area and wouldn't take much time for the grafting at all.

They have quoted me 6 mil KRW for Zygoma reduction, but I bargained it down to 4 millions. I hope these vague guidelines help.
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Hi Snooker,

Are you able to PM me? I can't seems to PM you. How does this damn thing works?!!
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Hi Snooker, yes, you did help me with these, thanks so much!

Pitangui quoted me 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 krw for epi and lateral canthoplasty each. Fat graft 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 krw per part. Double eyelid 1,200,000 to 1,500,000 krw.

You did 3 parts for fat graft. That could have been 3,000,000 krw, but you paid 1.5 mil krw. How did you do the bargaining? Maybe you really did more than 3 surgeries, that's why they can easily lower the price.

I'm set on the chin surgery, just the fat graft parts I still needs to be access by doctor. These are just the surgeries I need for the moment, just unsure if they willing for give further discount if I only got like 2 surgeries. Wanted to do a ptosis correction, but Nicole said it need to be done with double-eyelid surgery as well. I had it done few years back.

All in all, I've got maybe 3 surgeries, Chin + fat graft (if I've enough fats) :sad: + lateral canthoplasty. Btw, a simple lateral canthoplasty can't costs me 1 mil krw right? That's way too expensive!
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