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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Have just finished packing, getting ready to move hotel tomorrow. When I said Jackle and Hyde, I meant the way the clinic treats its patients (from reading the reviews on here). I didn't mean the persons who wrote the reviews are Jackle and Hyde. Apologies if I have created a confusion.

I was a tad upset but it wasn't anyone's saying. I was just frustrated with myself that I have taken blogging so seriously and I could see how I could be perceived of as something else even though I am definite not LOL. Sigh I'm simply stressed out about my swelling that has gone down too painfully slow hence I'm not being my normal self.

Good night all :smile:
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Petiteminime, thanks dear ^^. I didn't get them removed today cuz my skin isn't healing well enough. I must go back again on Monday and they will check again. Sigh... I miss my kids so badly.

I ended up having another fantastic facial with light treatment. That was good and helped de stress and de swell I guess. The receptionist/translator, Bonny, insisted that I feed myself better and gave me a huge bag of oranges and orange juice. Little gesture but awfully sweet :smile:
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Originally Posted by jessiie View Post
Hi everyone! Just my little input on Pitangui. I had plastic surgery done at Pitangui in October 2013. I had my eyes revised, rhino revision, fat graft and magic thread lift for my laugh lines. I have to say their clinic is very nice when first entering. Nicole and the girls were all very nice. I was told that I will be able to speak to him right before surgery to go through any other details I was concerned about. I went in for the consultation and paid for it all in cash about 8,000USD, which I think is a pretty great deal! I booked my procedures for the same day at 5pm. I went in and they took me into the recovery rooms to change etc.. went into the surgery room to take pictures and take IV. The recovery rooms were not nice, felt like an insane asylum. The surgery room was even worst. It was smaller than my bathroom. I'm not exaggerating. If anyone had surgery here I think they can agree. It did not seem professional at all. Something in my stomach said this isn't right..But I already paid and there was no turning back. As I laid on the surgery table waiting for the chief surgeon, I could hear him working on another patient next door ( doors were paper thin), I can hear a little screaming a little moaning, drilling and what not. I waited about 30-45 minutes before he came in. As soon as he came in, I wanted to say something because they said I would be able to but he immediately started pumping me with meds and before I knew it, I awoke to him telling me to look straight because he was working on my nose. It was REDICULOUSLY PAINFUL. THE WHOLE PROCEDURE. I was crying and telling them give me more meds but they were all just trying to calm me down. I wasn't being a cry baby, I had my eyes and nose done in the US prior to this and it was nothing like this. I felt like I was in a horror movie. After the agony was over, I was taken to the recovery room where I literally laid for 10 minutes before you hurried me out, told me here is my cab and turned back. WTF?! I'm a foreigner, alone, after having 4 procedures doped up on meds.. you just left me there with the cab driver that doesn't speak english? ok..

Anyways that was beyond the point but to conclude, my experience with Pitangui was not pleasant. I had high hopes for this place. I did a lot of research with other places and also went for different consultations at BK, DR OZ, GRAND.. I went with pitangui because the they were around the longest, the surgeon was very thoroughly and knowledgeable about everything we talked about. sighhhhh -______-

As for the outcome, my nose is not all how I wanted it to be. The tip is very bulbous, my bridge is not entered and is too low. I initially asked for a facelift and they said no, it was unnecessary and offered the magic thread lift only. I regret taking their advice because it didn't provide the dramatic change I had hoped for. It's been 3 months since my surgeries, I contacted Pitangui about my problems and they offered to fix my nose free of charge. I am coming back to Seoul in April to touch up my fat graft. Should I let them revise my nose or should I opt to go elsewhere? Any thoughts?

I can attest to this, as some of my friends went to Pitangui and came out with somewhat bulbous nose tips (even after they requested a tiplasty to reduce/sharpen their bulbous tips).

This may come from the fact that Doctor Yoo likes to keep things mild and natural. So for those of you looking for a sharp nose tip or dramatic change, this clinic is definitely not for you.

I'm not plotting against or for any clinic. Just giving my experience based on personal encounters, plus real stories from my own friends whom I trust and whose results I saw with my own eyes.
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I've always wanted to give people here an update about the result of my surgeries because I know how I relied on this forum posters before I went to Korea. However, I didn't want to post any thing right after the surgery since I won't be able to tell the real results than. (It's good to know what happened before, during and right after the operation, but this post's purpose is to let people know the final results)

It's been almost 6 weeks that I had my surgery done at Pitangui. Although I was told I may not see the final result till 3-6 month, I think I am in a lot better position to tell now. I did upper eye lid revision, under eye fat repositioning, forehead fat grafting, rhino revision, chin implant and Paranasal Augmentation implants.

I'm not healing very well, maybe I had too many procedures done at the same time or maybe I'm not in my twenties any more. Either way, My mid face is still swollen quite a bit. Here's what I think for each of the procedure I did at Pitangui:
- upper eyelid revision: the result of both eyes are different, he did a better job on the right eye, I can see the cut was nice and sooth and the left eye not so much. But I think it will eventually be the same since the incision is hidden.

- under eye fat repositioning: similar to above but this time he did a better job for my left eye than right eye. I almost couldn't see any scare for my left eye when they took the stitches out, I was amassed by it. However, my right eye still have very visible scare up until now. My Under eye area is the most swollen area I have so far so I can't tell you the final result yet but it's definitely improved.

- forehead fat grafting: so far so good, very nature, Chang is visible but not drastic just the way I liked. Not sure about the retention rate. I'll remember to update in 6 month.

- rhino revision: all I wanted to do was to reduce the tip of my nose for a little bit but they recommended me to do a bridge revision since I did it long time ago and they said it was not a good job so I agreed. I used silicon implant to replace the old one. I know a lot of people here don't like silicon but I had it for twenty years never had any problem with it. And it was very easy to be replaced or taken out when ever you change your mind vs using your own tissue. So far my nose looks good, still swollen, the change is very subtle, I can hardly see it from the front, it's more visible from the side.

- chin implant: I had a slightly recline chin so my profile looked really ugly. Now my profile changed a lot, I really like the result. However, my chin didn't get any bigger or longer because the doctor said it won't look good on me. So even though I wanted a bit Longer chin, I guess I won't have it, maybe it's for the better. The amassing thing is I didn't swollen much for this procedure and I recovered really fast from it.

- Paranasal Augmentation: I'm still not sure whether I should have done this procedure or not. My mid face swollen is definitely cause by it and I think the doctor put the implants a little higher than they should be. I didn't even know you could do this before I went to Korea. A lesson learned no impulse decisions when it comes to your face. They are not as bad as right after the operation so I feel a lot better now. ( I asked them to take them out when I was still in Korea and they persuaded me to keep them. Said if I still don't like it in 6 month I can get them out in my country easily)

My overall impression about the clinic:
It's a very well decorated place, staffs are nice specially Nicole. The prices were even lower from what they had coded me on line. The prices were also very competitive compared with others. My procedures are very common in Korea, practically every trained doctor could do it, they are all very experienced given the fact that how many patients they see each day. Like people here mentioned before the longer the doctors are in this field the more experiences they have and sadly the less care the doctors are in most cases. Dr Y has been in this industry for over 30 years, he knew what he was doing and he thinks he knew what's better for you than yourself. I think some cases, he's right, some times not. I didn't spend much time with him before or after. Nicole did the talking most of the time. He didn't confirm on what I wanted before the operation as others did. He didn't even arrange another post op meeting with him. I happened to meet him one day during my post op visit, he looked at me for few seconds and told me how wonderful I looked when I was swollen like a pig's face.

In terms of post op care, I went there once to get my hair washed and Bonny told me I had to pay for it, although Nicole waved the charge later. In addition, I had one deswollen facial done which I liked a lot for free. Other than those two I didn't get much of the post op care rather than the regular check ups.

I think Pitangui is a overall good place. The doctor can preform beautifully, my left ender eye and right upper can can prove it. But it's not been pro formed equally. I guess that largely depend on you luck. I met a girl who went to ID which I heard a lot bad things about here but her result was wonderful. They actually switched a less known doctor on her for one procedure but it still came out perfect.

I try to write this post as impartial as I can. I wish my comment helps and good luck to everyone!
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I won't let him! I will listen and combine his and mine together= good result ! Happy soul����
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I had surgery at Pitangui with Dr. Yoo about 15 weeks so so I think I can somewhat accurately reply to this. I had rhinoplasty, chin augmentation, as well as fat grafting.

The fat grafting I had no problems with, so far so good and I like the result. The rhinoplasty I cannot recommend based on my experience. I wanted my nose to project more, and have a defined, pointy tip. My nose is still quite bulbous and the change is hardly noticeable. I was pretty clear with Dr. Yoo, bringing in several photos however I did not get to see him before being put to sleep. So I guess even if you ask something and bring him photos he still does what he wants?

I also really hate my chin shape. We talked about chin augmentation briefly, but Nicole said that he would make the decision during surgery as he decides what's best for your face. I asked about deswelling treatments also, but she said that they were not very effective, and if my swelling was very bad then they would do it.

It's a really quiet clinic, no one was there besides me every time I came in. The lobby is super grand, but the operating room and surgery floor was another story.
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Hi Sadcupcake,
Thank you for being so honest! Again, for being working in OR-surgery- I have notice a few things repeatedly occurred:

1. Surgeon knows what you want but they rather take the - comfort zone' approach

2. In the plastic world, I would "compare" to the hair stylist personality,they don't listened to what you like or dislike.

3. When you are going to a another country, there is absolutely NO comparison in the -POST CARE- STERILE- therefore in your case if you did not have any infection. OK , you had a 70% successful score. I have seen few cases -now (7th weeks) - still swollen with infection. I'm not degrading Petangui because this hospital is on my list.

4. I have a list of all positive and negative cases. Very few negative ( possible got erased). Again, it's is your face that you have depend on luck is pretty worrisome .

5. For my own trip in May. I will bring ALL my Strong anti-biotic with me to take after surgery immediately if I decided to do it. My ticket is confirmed but I still can change my mind if I don't like what I heard. I feel that IF no surgery ...then it's is expensive vacation. And for all future PS candidates, remember your inner feeling is always right.
All surgeons knew that the foreigners hardly ever come back to revise the mistake therefore they are taking full advantages of that situation. And the other hands some surgeons DO love their jobs and do have miraculous touch.

Good luck to All including myself😊
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I was not too strong on insisting what I wanted so I'm not sure what would Dr. Y do if I did. The reasons were because first I thought he probably would know better since he is the professional for the stuff I wasn't sure about. Like my nose, I wasn't clear on how exactly what I wanted I. Just told him I wanted a smaller tip. Like sad cupcake mentioned the change is hardly noticeable from the front, but I can see from the side.The result is nature, although I would like my tip a bit smaller, I'm ok with my nose overall.

The second reason I didn't insist on my own opinion is because I didn't think I need to. It's my face, it's my decision. I wanted to have a little longer chin and fix my chin recline as well. he put the implant in the front so it did fix the recline problem but my chin wasn't ant longer. Dr. Y didn't seem to listen at the consultation nor before the surgery, he didn't give me a chance to talk before the operation at all.

I'm not sure what would happen if I did insist on exactly what I want, so you can try it maybe he will act differently. However, I have a feeling that he is the old fashioned Korean man, very proud, authoritative.

From my personal experience, he is conservative, most changes are subtle, so if you want to see obvious changes you may need to strongly insist on what you want or go else where. I'm a conservative person my self so I think my overall result is far from perfect but it is good enough. However, I kind of want too see more changes after I spend all that money and go through all the trouble.
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One more thing, I didn't have any infection although I had few incisions inside my mouth. They give me plenty medication so I didn't use any that I bought with me. I guess that's a good thing.

The operation room was fine with me but again I didn't have any other to compare with.
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What do you want to know about it? I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you too much. My face is still swollen due to the implants, and i think he put them a bit too high.
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I know that all silicone are PRE-CUT-SHAPE therefore it might no match for all face bone structure, but I know at least two persons want it out. It's has been almost six weeks for you and you starting like it better? I have a very thin face and deep paranasal fold. Been want this procedure but willing to wait for all the inputs....FG is out of the question for paranasal. Can you PM me your pix? And if you don't want to it's OK. I understand��
Thank you
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I don't mind PM you the pictures. But I don't know how and I don't have a good before photo to compare with.
I guess I shouldn't say I like it better, it's more of I don't regret it as much. I originally wanted to do the fat grafting and they told me for this area FG is not a good option because the retention rate is low. I wonder what it would like if I had the FG. why is it definitely out if question for you?
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FG tend to dissolve so fast with person with hyperactive - full energy- high metabolism which I am in that category, plus you need at least to reinforce 2-3 times within 6 months to a year interval. In your case u need to wait patiently, I think you will like it! FG May be a good choice for forehead, eyes.....
All surgeon love to injects Filler because around the nasal area tend to dissolve fast than other . It would be the same with FG.
Muscles around this area take time to heal. So give it more time I know you will b happy, and it is the worse case it can be remove easily.
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