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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Hi guys! I sent you a pm with my friends email add. I think she already created an account here because she said that she's hooked on to reading designer bag reviews.
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Hi Kianpark,

Could you please share Pitangui email for consultation? I can't find any email address in their website.

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Hi Turningpoint! There site maybe down. I just tried but got a bad server connection. It's [email protected]. You'll be replied to by Nicole, their online consultant. Who, btw, was very helpful and accommodating earlier. I wish every center had people like her.
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I just posted this in the of the main threads and thought that it would be best to paste it in here if anybody is interested.
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Thanks for sharing your experience, Kian! Pitanguy is the first clinic I have a consultation with and I am looking forward to it already. Dr Yoo sounds like an honest person, it's a relief. I am told that he will be overlooking my consultation too, can't wait!
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thanks for sharing!i'm happy you've made the right move. btw what surgeries did u do? hope you'll recover fast !
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Nice! He really is. I just felt like he cared the most out of the others I've spoken to. Even if I explicitly said that I'll be back in a couple of months, he didn't force anything to make me sign up a consent form and have it done asap. But I hate the fact that they didn't have any other before and after pics to show except from the two girls they have on site. It is kinda odd for a clinic that old not to have anything to show but I understand what they meant by respecting our privacy. Makes me wonder if the ones we see in other clinics were given any permission by the patients themselves.
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Ha ha ha! I'm just too lazy to write a new post specifically for this thread so I just thought that I'd just paste it in here. Actually, I didn't have any surgeries yet. Nicole said that I could either make an online appointment or just send her a message whenever I'm ready and that she'll give me a schedule of available dates. I wanted to see other clinics before I make my decision and I wanted to make sure that this is what I really want. I didn't want to dive in right away without being 100% sure. We might come back in May and that's when I'll probably set an appointment because as of now, I'm liking Pitangui more than the others.
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Yeah, I was wondering about the lack of B&A photos as well. Perhaps the clients get to decide if they want their photos shown or not. And I just found out today that Eunji is actually Nicole! She told me her English name and said patients gets confused sometimes. Her communication is really great, I like it.

By the way, did you see any other local or foreign patients while you were there for consultation?
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Hi Princess! I will be staying in a "love motel" near Janhanpyong station too. You're right, I didn't notice it at all when I first booked the hotel. Will be there in 9 days so we'll probably miss each other.

Hope your surgery went well and that you're recovering quickly! Would love to hear more about your experience and opinions about Pitanguy's staff and post-op treatment.
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Hi Princessdiary,

How many clinic you went for consultation ? and why u choose Pitangui over other clinic? How is your result so far ? Do you like it and how much they charge you? Sorry for many questions, i am liking this clinic too based on email consultation. Just want to hear more info from who really have done PS at Pitangui.

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Yeah, and we get to save on hiring a translator. :smile: Although, I'd really recommend finding one or going with a friend that speaks Korean because some of the clinics don't speak english at all. It's more like sign language and finger drawing on pictures to understand each other.

We came in early so there weren't that many people yet, just this one girl who came in before me. She didn't look Korean, but was definitely Asian. Nicole said that my timing was perfect because she was expecting 3 americans and 2 canadians apart from the other asian clients but I didn't ask how many were scheduled.
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Ha I was probably one of those Americans! When I went it was pretty dead but I think it's because I went at an unusual time. Nicole was super sweet and informative, and the doctor was very accommodating. Definitely my favorite out of all the clinics I visited so I scheduled my eye surgery with them a few weeks from now!
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Thanks for answering my question!

That's what I thought too! Her English is so good, as if it's her first language. Just to be safe, I am going to the consultations with my boyfriend, who's coincidentally working as an interpreter/translator between Korean and English. :lol: We were planning to just have fun but then decided it would be very convenient to have my surgeries while he's there on work vacation. But so far, the clinics I made an appointment with (Pitangui, OZ, Grand, Banobagi) have good command in English anyway. Double measures, I suppose.

Oh, and I saw an ad for promotional models on Pitangui's FB page. I asked Nicole about that and Dr Yoo said it's possible to let the clinic use our B&A photos for PR purposes. It can be discussed during consultation with Dr Yoo so both of our expectations will match. We'll be able to get discounted surgeries too, just that we have to stay in Korea for at least a month. Maybe you can consider applying!
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Really?! Too bad we didn't get a chance to met up. I still haven't set up a schedule yet. You? We're planning to go back a couple of months. I hear that there aren't that many tourists during the monsoon season and prices go down around the shopping centers. ha!
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