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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Dear Jessiie
When are you going to Korean for your revision. I am going to do revision eyelid surgery btw 1-9 April 14 with Dr Kwon Teuim clinic. I wonder you would like to buddy up and have some good company while we are in Seoul. Good luck all the best with your revision.
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Do you think choosing Pitangui as first and only choice is a bad idea at all? I have exactly 2 weeks in Korea (can only take that many day off!) and I dont want to shop around a lot because it might delay my surgery time. I plan to go for Pitangui as soon as I land. Would that put me in disadvantaged position you think in terms of prices, services etc?

Nicole has advised me to have cheekbone reduction, cheek implant and fat graft. I am quite comfortable with the fact that they dont push me to do jaw surgery, almost all others i contact (grand, ID, wonjin etc) ask me for 2 jaw which I dont think is necessary. Also I pay by cash.

Thank you.
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I think you should consider more than one clinic, do consultation at a few and see if you like the doctors there personally more than Pitangui. Weigh all your options, don't just consult at one clinic.

You could find a doctor who knows better what to do for your specific facial features at another clinic during your visit that you would have missed if you only visited one clinic.

You need to also be careful that you don't trust the photos on the Pitangui website. The models look really, really good in the videos (easy to tell their faces are not edited in the videos,) but they do not look much like their photos. I have a feeling the photos on the website are from the free simulation you get at your consultation, because they look just like the simulation they gave me...

However, whichever you choose to go, especially at Pitangui DO NOT DO YOUR SURGERY LATE IN THE DAY OR AT NIGHT. Dr. Yoo apparently does a lot of surgeries every day and gets tired/is rude to patients after he's done some already. Being tired = making mistakes!

A forumer here had the same procedures I did at Pitangui, but (I think? This is going off the time their consultation was and that they went straight to surgery)
theirs was at 5pm and mine was at 9am. Mine came out great, but theirs was so messed up they needed a revision.
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I tried to avoid post many details earlier about my experience (I was told by a lot of people that consultants read many forums checking for negative feedback and I'm still scared they do that...I asked a receptionist something along the lines, and she said I "don't need to worry as long as I don't post anything..." almost terrifying)


I do want to agree with jessiee, you can occasionally hear a dull sound like a waterlase being used or a dental drill, screaming, and even footprints inside the operating room. Pitangui is a dental clinic with plastic surgery as a side business, I initially thought that that was where the sound came from, maybe I was wrong.

I do think, though, that the operating room was not small at all, it was average-sized. Only a tiny bit smaller than a dental-only surgeon I went to in Japan. Definitely not anywhere near as small as my own bathroom, either.
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Hey MaiQ, I'm just like you, I'll only be in Korea for a maximum of 10 days so that means I have to go for my procedure within the first two days of landing in Korea. I'm also currently only considering Pitangui because of how responsive Nicole has been and am slightly anxious after reading all the reviews on this thread.

Does anyone have any recommendations for me? I'm going to only do alarplasty (nasal flare reduction) and though it's a simple procedure, I know it's irreversible so I need to make sure it's done right at one go.
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Thank you so much Lautan! If I book with them, I would definitely book it in the morning or latest midday/afternoon - that is a great advice!
But how many is enough? Like choosing three best clinic is a good number? Or four? I have heard on this forum many case where you arrived at a clinicn and have to wait for long time there, which kinda over run on your next appointment. If you dont mind me asking, and this is not Pitangui specific, who and how many did you consult with and how long of the gap do you leave in between different appointments i.e. 3-4 hours?
I would really appreciate it.
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Hello there,

From what I was told, Dr. Yoo only performs three procedures a day. The Pitangui Dental clinic is on a completely different floor. The plastic surgery is on 3rd floor and I believe the dental clinic is on 4th. So it isn't possible for anyone to hear teeth drilling noises from the operating room.

I'm six weeks post op and so far am quite satisfied with the result. There is still some swelling but people who don't know me wouldn't know anything. I just look a bit chubby with a very round face.
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I never said the sound came from beside me. I certainly heard footsteps and grinding sound. I also clearly said I assumed it was from the dental clinic. I could wrong as to where it came from, the sound also didn't even stop me from proceeding with the appointment, but I certainly heard it.

Is it okay if I ask who told you he only does 3 per day?
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I can only DM photo of my eyes, if that's okay? (not comfortable showing my whole face)

I'm pretty sure I posted a photo of them in this thread a few months ago, but the skin has matured now and they're not as puffy/round around the crease anymore
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Hi can you send me a picture too? I'm also considering double eyelid surgery too.
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Hi! Is it possible for you to send me pictures of your eyes as well? I'm looking to do double eyelid surgery. Thanks!
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Hi there,
here's a recent pic of me without make up. Sorry for the 'just wake up' look. :P

My left eye is still slightly swollen but much better now already. Will take another pic a few days later to show my progress.

I can smile properly now also too, compared to the past few weeks when my smile is not as wide as before.

Anyway, from what i remember, Pitangui surgery room is on the 4th floor, consultation level is 3rd floor. I'm not sure which level is the dental clinic.
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Pitangui has a sale girl/assistant called Nicole who is very fluent in English. (not to be confused with a private translator also called nicole who are sometimes mentioned in the forum - at first I was very confused!) I have read on this forum that she studied in Switzerland previously that's why her Eng is so good. Also one of the very big reason why I choose Pitangui is that her communication is very fast, it's like you get a reply within a few hours! Try email her at the gmail address posted on pitangui website and you'll understand what I mean.

One thing I am also very surprised of her is that her recommendation is very correct! It's like she has Dr. Yoo next to her when recommending stuffs to client but I think not cos I have emailed her several times at very weird time in Korea before. Maybe it's from her experiences. I mean literally it's the best out of all clinics I consulted over email, Pitangui is the first and only that suggested me to have a fat graft combined with cheekbone reduction - which is what I think myself needs because my face is very flat - whereas all others think I only need cheekbone reduction.

Dr. Yoo studied in Brazil under professor Pitanguy (a legendary in plastic surgery) so that's why he named his clinic as Pitangui. He's fluent in Portuguese, from the feedbacks of all other forumers I have read in the few hundred pages it seems he understand most of the English patient spoke but Nicole will be there always to translate (she work in house with Pitangui so I think it's free).

It's my personal opinion, tbh I really really like Pitangui and hope that there are more positive outcome in this thread so I can be sure of my choice. One of the reasons I am so supportive of it is bc Pitangui is the oldest, longest-established plastic surgery clinic in Korea (Dr. Yoo is advertise to having served clients for 30 years) so I presume they must have got it right most of the time otherwise they would have been out of business.
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You look even prettier without make up, honestly!

I have read in earlier pages that Dr. Yoo dont do drastic change to nose. Did he suggest you a nose tip reduction/ did you do it? My nose tip is slightly big and Nicole suggested me Nose Bridge Augmentation (silicone implant) + Nose tiplasty (reduction of overgrown nose cartilage and soft tissues and defining with ear cartilage). She did not mention anything about allar reduction so I think mine's okay. I wonder how possible it is to suggest him to do my nose tip a bit drastically because from all the pictures from pitangui, it seems like he always prefer a big nose tip.

I am not sure how safe is to use the ear cartilage for my nose tips though, I am okay with silicon implant.
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