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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Hi guys. This is not about Pitangui specifically but it's about plastic surgery.
I wanted to let you guys know that everything not as simple as it seems, or at least to me it wasn't. I flew to south Korea 2 weeks ago with my sister and a friend and we all went to have plastic surgery done.
I had my nose and eyes done. For my nose I had my nostrils reduced, my rip reduced and a silicone inserted for the bridge.
Before the surgery all I really wanted was for my nostrils to be reduced, but I got sucked in to heighten my bridge. What I noticed afterwards was that I didn't like having silicone in my body. It is foreign, different and im having trouble getting used to it. My nose cme out nice but I cannot bear with the fact of living with a piece of silicone in my nose. I have decided to have it removed, even though I'm only 2 weeks post op. I think the results look great, but no one prepared me for the psychological impact that it will have on me.
For the past few days I've been crying alone and been scared looking myself in the mirror.
All I want to say with this experience is that you shouldn't get sucked in by this plastic surgery craze. Id you really must go through with it then do what u really want to do. For me I only wanted my nostrils fixed but they convinced me to do my bridge as well. It looks good but I don't think it's something I was prepared for and im definitely not going to keep it in.
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Hi Ryry0322,

Thanks for sharing about your experience. May I ask what feels different about having the silicone in your nose? (I have been debating about whether or not to do my bridge or just my tip.) Does it only feel weird when you touch it, or what do you dislike about it?

Also, how visible are your alarplasty scars?

Wishing you a good recovery, and hope you cheer up! The good news about implants (Esp silicone) is you can take them out, so it's reversible! Sending you lots of good wishes :smile:
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I'm going for a review with them soon.

Right now, I will not give bad comment on my previous surgeries with them. But it was unsatisfactory. 2 out of 3 surgeries turn out undesirable.

I'll be sure to write about it once it's settled. Having many years of experience doesn't necessarily means ones skill is good.:dots::dots:
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I totally agreed with the statement of years of experience does not necessarily mean the skill is good. I'd my surgery with them last Nov. Even if they give you free revision, will you want to go back to them?
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Hello. I dont know if it's because I'm still healing but I feel restricted with my movements. I fear that if I move there'd a possibility that it will move, and it does happen. Also I only had a 3mm bridge and it totally changed how the light hits my face, it looks weird.
When I touch the bridge it's really hard and it doesn't bother me that much.
If you want you could just do your tip and them have fillers don't on ur nose, the ones that last 2 years. That way you can see if you can really live with the height of your nose and it's only temporary if you don't like it.
The alar plasty actually barely left any scars. It's hidden in the area where the nostrils connect to your face so I don't even see it.
Thank you so much! I was able to pull myself out of depression because my family's been supportive and I've been contacting some doctors regarding the removal, most of them suggest I wait to see if it's post op jitters.

Back to something related to Pitangui. I went for Pitangui for a consultstion and I would rate the consultstion 2/5? The staff were really nice but the doctor seemed to be moody. He didn't seem to care and as soon as he saw us (there were 3 of us) he just said that we needed to do certain things. But he didn't really specify the procedure, healing, how we will look afterwards or anything. Either he was really busy or he was extremely cocky, he didn't seem to care about what we wanted.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi all readers here.

Finally I want to write about my experience with Pitangui on Feb this year. Pardon my poor grammar and vocab. Hope I can expressed well enough what I wanted to write with my fair English. Please forgive me.

On Feb this year, I booked my trip to Seoul for the 3rd time to have my first consultation with Pitangui. After having some research here, I exchanged many emails with their English consultant, Nicole. She seems nice and always prompt with follow up to all my inquiries. This made it kinda of ensuring for me.

Although I've read through some bad reviews about them on the thread. But I'd just decide to go ahead and see for myself. On the day when I arrived, after leaving my luggage at the hostel. I made my way straight there. Nicole was there to welcome me. She was a nice lady and quite accommodating. I was brought to room where they did 3D scan for me. After that they arranged me to meet Dr Yoo, with Nicole by my side to do the translating.

My first impression of Dr Yoo wasn't that kind of pleasant. He came in and sat down promptly like he's been out from some kind of surgery. He touched my nose tip, pinched my chin and then talked hastily in korean to Nicole. I cannot understand what he's trying to say but I can somehow figured out he's quite an aggressive person from the way he speaks.

Nicole translated what he said to me. And then, I tried to ask some else technical. But he seems to be in a hurry to go off and seemingly impatience. And everything was wrapped up like under 10 minutes! He stood up and walk off! Man... I still have so much to ask him. Sorry, by the way.... I'm aiming to do a nose tip surgery, fat graft on my smile lines and cheeks and my chin shorten.

I agreed totally on what ryry0322 have mentioned here. It's either he's cocky or he just didn't want to care about what we wanted. He just seem like the kind who will not listen to what you want.

Somehow I know the vibe was not there for this doctor. But having known he's one with many years of experience and the clinic have been around for the longest time. So I decide to place my bet on him. Yes, I guessed I haven't think much the consequences etc. Cause the only thing on my mind was my "budget". They're able to quote me based on my budget. And so I decided on them.... the rest is up to God.

I had my surgery with them the next day. Drr Yoo shaved my chin bone and a bit on the side. And fixed my nose tip with ear cartilage and also fat graft on my cheeks and smile lines. To cut my story short, on the day when my nose splint was removed. I can literally tell my nose tip will not turn out nice. Somehow you just will know it. And I cannot tell about my chin until time goes by. After returning to my country, everyday I was like living in depression. I can see how my nose didn't turn up "desirably" the way I wanted it. And the tightness and numbness on my chin didn't go away till today. Everyday I waited and I've been emailing them to and fro many times about the problems and worrys I had. Hoping they'll not ignored me.

Aug is my 6th month post surgery. My right chin was not shaved properly, resulting in unevenness as compared to my left which was slightly smoother. My right profile on below chin, I can see a bit sagging and the slight uneven. People can't really tell if they look at me on the front. But from the side profile, you can see if you have "plastic surgery eyes". My nose tip turn up badly done. The angle of the tip was weird. And suddenly my implant looks obvious from the side, although my previous implant was not touched.

Much as I do not wish to made another trip to Seoul again. I'd to do so. Forking out another part of my saving to make another trip here again to fix my problem. I really regret my choice for choosing Pitangui. It was a wrong move. I should have followed my gut feeling that day! I'd never spent my money in a way like this in my life! I only wanted to fix a problem, now I'd to spent more to fix another! Only God knows what I mean......

On my return trip on end Aug. I went straight to Pitangui to ask about my condition. I knew after that 6 months. Nicole is no longer that nice lady as before. When she first saw me in the clinic when I visited that day, she was not there. She only "came in" same time with Dr Yoo to talk about my case. And her expression everything was FAKE, she was like ... "Oh, Hi Trxxx, how're you?" And then sat down next to me with Dr Yoo.

This time round, Dr Yoo was more impatience. He blah blah blah in korean nonstop to Nicole and hell knows whether what she translated what actually what he said!! He purposely told me now due to my budget which I had. Chin shortening by bone shaving will not give me that kind of smooth look on the chin. Reason because if you can pictured this, if you cut at two corners, one corner might came out smoother than the other or both will not balance equally. That's the excuse he gave! And that what I need now is to smooth out the chin line with skin lifting. OMG... I will not have all that money now to fix all these again!

Without showing any concern to help fix my problem and my nose tip which was badly done. They said they didn't move my implant and said nothing about it either.

I was totally disappointed with the way they handled me. Out of the 3 surgeries which I did, 2 didn't came out good. Although it's not really botched, but still can't stand to live with that for now. I will go back to them for my fat graft touch up on Wednesday.

If there's anyone who can offer me some advice what can be done for my chin, I would really appreciated that. I'm still recuperating from my surgeries and my mood has been rather down due to the extremely slow healing process. I'm still bruising and swelling on 12th day, so I took some time to write these out.

My last word... Do not choose Pitangui!
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Wow I feel for you and sorry about your experience. I've heard similar things about pitangui. When I was new at this whole research it was #1 on my list

Just a few questions...why did you put money on him besides the price? It seems like the consultation was less than pleasant and if you had consulted with other clinics, it wouldn't be very far off the competition. Seems like everything was negative then you still wanted to go with him?
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If I remember correctly Ppl chose Pintangui because of the reasonable price and Almost everyone talked about the Famous-Cold-Cranky Dr Yoo.

Older Doctors have great experience but they also very tired, ran out of patient And a Patient Care. Plus in other country sometime they don't quite keep up with new technique , seminars because they are too busy making money.
1. Young Dr- 30ish/ brandy new , not much experience but has the new approach. Patiently and willingly listen to your concerns .
2. Middle Age: 40-55 this is the best range cuz they are still "Happy" with money, their successful....
3. Older - 60ish.. Experience but tired , no personality, arrogant,stubborn... Because he thinks he knows it all.

Being working in the medical field, I stayed away from all cranky Doc , I asked for their opinion but chose not to work with them in the OR room.

Vanilla cream- sorry abt your experience. MANY experienced with the disappointed with Pintangui and 90% are not happy with the Dr.

I advice you if you are thinking about revision then don't go back to P. If they didn't do a good job @ 1st try then don't bother.
Yes, get your FG done then leave!!
You can PM me if you need to chat.
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Vanilla cream,
Thank you for taking the time in explaining. I was just a bit confused about the earlier part of your info.

But thank you so much for still being strong and kind enough to come back to post this information! And you are so strong for continuing to go to korea to fight this problem you have with revision and the initial surgery! Good luck !
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Quionly 14,

You're totally right about it. He is old and stubborn. Refused to admit his poor skill and try to blame it on another area where in the first place he never said so! Totally attitude problem and cocky!


If only my English is better, I could had written it more detailed and fluently to describe more. And I spent a long time writing that out. All these while, I felt I only want to expose what a lousy clinic they are! Just waiting for an opportunity to do so. And I'm angry for the fact they did nothing at all to help my undesirable result.
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Hey Vanilla Creme, sorry to hear about your experience ): I really don't know anything about chin surgeries, but I know a lot of people on here do! I'm sure some of them will be more than willing to give you advice/suggestions! That's what we're here for :smile:

Pitangui was actually one of my top choices a couple years ago but I was put off from the very start just from emailing. I just got a really bad vibe :/
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