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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Really weird cuz I went there yesterday morning and I asked what kind of implants would be better, if they can make my situation better and the doctor check me and answered all my questions, are you sure you have the good email ?
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yes, there's no problem with my emails.
i firstly used the email address which had also previously received replies from them for the simple questions.
i sent several email from that email address, then use another spare email address, still no reply.

if u go to a face-to-face consultation, they cannot avoid your question but the clinics may just throw you some medical terms if they couldn't do what you ask. (i'm not saying that must be the case though)
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Jeez that's so unprofessional even if they don't know they should just tell you so seriously the more I'm learning bout them the more I'm questioning and opting not to do it with them
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  • 2 months later...
Honestly I urge everyone against I.D. They were my very first choice upon learning about facial contouring in Korea about 3 years ago because I saw a YouTube video of their before and after results, but after researching for 3 years I crossed them off indefinitely. I've read constant bad reviews on them mostly botched jobs and awful after care. Especially for foreigners.
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been 3 weeks since the procedure, and the swelling is still quite significant. It's too early to tell if the results are positive or negative... sorry. everywhere I search has a different timeline for recovery. I think I'll make a final call at 2 months.
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That's right, ID is not a good choice ! I heard that your operation is made by the beginner staff, instead of the "talented" surgeons that you meet before the surgery...

But for anyone who has some questions about Pitangui and their work, I am french and I came to Korea for a surgery on February 17th. So if you want some answers about the staff, the procedures, etc, don't hesitate !
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Hey there, please keep me updated on your recovery! Did you have buccal fat removal?
And has anyone had any recent experiences with Pitangui? Their prices are quite tempting.
I'm looking to get a rhinoplasty with them, possibly facial lipo as well.
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@jiaxo I did (on 17th of February) rhinoplasty and lipo on love handles, stomach and back, and their work is great ! I returned to my country without anything visible on my face. Currently, I still have swelling, but it looks "normal". And the nose is really pretty, compared to the original !
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I'm one month out now... the swelling is still there, but I feel I'm making slow progress. I really don't want to endorse or advocate against pitangui yet. I still can't tell.

Make sure you do research on the difference between buccal fat removal and facial lipo. In my opinion, buccal fat removal really doesn't do much. Even the best before/after photos barely show any difference, and that's because the buccal fat pad is underneath the cheek muscles. That's why they can remove it surgically from inside your mouth. Facial lipo, on the other hand, removes the fat above teh cheek muscles, the subcutaneous fat between the skin and the muscles.

Check out fresh clinic. They seemed like they do a lot of facial liposuction, and in retrospect, I kinda wish I paid more and went with them. They just give the appearance that they do a lot of facial lipo procedures, and my slow recovery is making me doubt whether I made the right choice.
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Sorry to hear that. Do you notice any fat being reduced or is the swelling masking any 'potential' results?
Also, how much did you pay for facial lipo and how much did Fresh quote you?
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  • 5 weeks later...
Ok I'm 2 months out. Bottom line: if I could go back, I would still do it, but it's not as good as I expected.

I somewhat naively believed after facial liposuction of the cheeks, I would have that male model look, with hollow cheeks, and the skin looking tight and shrink-wrapped over the jaw and cheekbone. It's not like that. My cheek size has definitely been reduced, and I'm happy about that, but it's not a very dramatic change.

Anyways, like I said before, check out other clinics. Pitangui did mine for 1.3 million won. If you have chubby cheeks, this will help, but be realistic about the results. It wasn't a huge reduction. But for things on the face, even millimeters help, right? Oh yeah, keep in mind that you'll look horrendous for about a month. People asked if I was okay, specifically pointing out my cheeks.

By the way, from what I'm reading in this long thread, I would NOT go to pitangui for nosejobs or eye related stuff. Dr. Yoo really doesn't seem to listen very carefully or have long consultations. He's the longest practicing plastic surgeon in korea, so I feel like he just nods along and tries to speed up the consultation like "yeah uh huh yeah I've heard it all before. Don't worry I've done this a million times" kind of attitude.

Also, the clinic is called Pitangui (a really strange name in korean) because Dr. Yoo studied under Dr. Pitanguy, a famous plastic surgeon in brazil. While South Korea is the world's capitol for face plastic surgery, Brazil is pretty much known as the world's capitol for body plastic surgery. I don't know if that makes Dr. Yoo good, but what I'm trying to say is that I would feel a LITTLE more confident about Dr. Yoo's abilities for things like boob jobs and liposuction. I would guess that unlike eyes and noses (which can be done 20 different ways, and requires you to listen carefully to what the patient wants) things like liposuction can only really be done one way.

So yeah mentally, I thought "okay (1) liposuction can only be done one way, (2) hes very experienced at it, and (3) trained to do it in a place where they're known for it... and (4) the price is the best I've received...".

I just wish I could find more reviews of people who got this procedure done. It's so rare. I don't know if anyone gets this done and says "wow! I love it! what a great choice!" or if they all come out like me thinking "Yeah this was kinda helpful, but not by much"
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