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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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Update! I mentioned last time on here that I decided to go with Pitangui for my eye surgery. I got incisional and ptosis correction in one eye and it's only been a few days but it looks so good! I have a bit more swelling in the eye that had the ptosis correction obviously but the lines look very even and the incision line is perfect. I'll do a full update soon!
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Wow! Congratulations on your surgery! Please update us and post pictures so that we can have a more definite idea of your surgery and have photos from Pitangui since they don't have too much to show on their site.
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Hello Lacryssa! Congratulations on your surgery with JW. How are you doing? I read through your previous posts and I understand how you feel. I would've acted the same if that happened to me. I think you should try to email her to see what went wrong though but that really wouldn't matter now that you've already had surgery. Please keep up posted on your recovery!
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Hello missmae! Will you be posting any photos of yourself here? Please do! I am planning to correct my slanted eyes and probably have canthoplasty. I am also thinking of nose bridge augmentation with silicon and tip plasty with ear cartilage.

I uploaded my photo here, but so far, there have been limited responses.

Please do share your experience because I have Pitangui on my list, so far.

Thank you and may you have a speedy recovery!
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Hi Missmae! Long time no hear! Good to know that your surgery pushed through! I'm feeling more envious and anxious and excited at the same time and I can't until we go back to get mine (I mean ours since my mom is set to have a facelift, lol!). How are you doing? Are you still in Korea? Have you considered undergoing their de-swelling treatments? If so, please do tell! I want to recover as fast as possible, but I'm kinda hesitant if it really works.

I wonder if you and AlexisV met up since she said that she had surgery at Pitangui as well.
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I'm doing well! It's been 8 days since surgery day, swelling it up a bit because it was a friends birthday weekend and it's pretty hard to avoid salt at restaurants here :pout: I never asked about de-swelling treatments so they never brought it up (maybe because eye surgery alone is simple)!

I actually live here so I never bothered looking at the meet ups :shame:. I'll post some pictures once I get to the 2 week mark!
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Lucky you. At least you won't have to worry about overstaying! I sent an email at Pitangui and their response is really good. Either that or their online consultant spends a lot of time online. Can you recommend any decent bread and breakfast? I would like to know my options if I do choose Pitangui. Can not wait for your pictures!!!
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Hello Lacryssa!!! How are you healing up so far? I will be watching out for a similar response from Nicole and see what happens. So far, she is responding beyond my expectations and have answered all of my questions. I hope she shows the same when if I decide to have consultations there.
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Thank you! I came back home yesterday and today is the 13th day after the surgery. Feeling normal and recovering well! I went for a last checkup at JW before my flight and doctors gave the green light. I am writing the full review and experience on my surgery with JW as well. Yes, I think I will reply Nicole and let her know.
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Hello! I am recovering well and faster than I expected. It's the 13th day and I am already feeling normal. Will be posting up my full review on best clinics thread very soon. Wondering if I should set up a blog for it as well. Yeah, you don't have to worry much. Nicole responds very well and except for her behaviour towards my bf, I'd say she is very helpful.
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These days I'm communicating via email with Pitangui.
They are very fast and precise to reply!
This makes it difficult to make a choice, because the other clinics with whom I exchange mails are considered very good, but never respond!
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I had incisional double eyelid surgery at Pitangui about three weeks ago. This was my second surgery as I had previously had the non-incisional procedure + epi at Grand Clinic about five years ago. I posted a while back about how my right eye would sometimes morph into a triple fold that was very high and just plain ugly. Even though it only lasted a couple minutes at a time, it seriously stressed me out so I decided to go to Korea and get it redone via the incisional method. I actually found out at my consultation that the reason that would happen to my eye is because the thread had become loosened and my double eyelid was coming undone.

I don't know if this is really gonna provide you guys with a fair assessment of Pitangui clinic because it was the only clinic I went to. My aunt is good friends with the head surgeon's relative and so my cousin and I were able to get a deal and had our surgeries on the same day at the same time, about two hours after our initial consultations.

The first time I had my surgery, I was really picky about what I wanted and made sure to tell the doctor at Grand how I wanted my eyes to turn out. Unfortunately, I don't have any before pictures that really show case how my eyes turned out, but I wasn't really happy with them. The surgeon at Grand cut my corners was too sharply and my double eyelids didn't start right at the corner of my eyes but a little above so that it made the corners of my eyes look crooked..instead of being a straight line (i really hope I'm making sense here). Although I'm not 100% satisfied with how my inner corners turned out as a result of my first surgery, I opted not to have them fixed and just chose to go ahead with the incisional double eyelid surgery at Pitangui. I know there's always a huge risk with any revision surgery and I really just didn't wanna risk it by fixing two things at once. Maybe somewhere down the road I will but knowing the risks and complications that could potentially arise, I'm pretty sure that I'm just gonna live with what I have right now.

So the day of surgery (I wasn't even expecting to have the surgery that day) I went for a consultation with my cousin. I was only in Korea for about 9 days so I asked if I could get the surgery as soon as possible and we were told we could have it done that day. I washed my face and put on a robe that they provided. I met with the doctor right after his surgery very briefly. He looked at my eyes and that was that. My surgery was done by the head doctor or won-jang-neem. He was friendly and we talked a bit during my surgery. The worst part was definitely the needles they injected into my eyes O_O..was totally not expecting that as my first surgery was through an IV. In any case, he mentioned that my eyes were bleeding a lot during the surgery and that can result in a not so pretty end result..but I mean..there really wasn't anything I could do to not bleed!

My cousin and I went back the next day to get our eyes cleaned. I have to say day two was the WORST! I didn't have any bruising on day one but when I woke up the next day..BAM! Angry purple bruises around both eyes. -_- Everyone who saw my eyes said they definitely looked much better than the first time and I'm hoping that once they settle I'll be able to see what they mean. Right now I can't go out without dark-rimmed glasses to somewhat cover my swollen and extremely high double eyelids!

I'm currently at week three and the swelling is going down slowly but surely. I wanted to post progress pictures but I'm not really sure how to do that. If anyone wants me to email pics just let me know!

Sorry for rambling and I hope my post was somewhat helpful :S
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thanks for sharing with us!hope your swelling will be gone asap. i'm still considering between pitangui and JW haha. you're really lucky that you are able to get your surgery done on the consultation day itself. some clinic are so fully booked that all slots are taken up!
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pitangui's reply is really impressive!credits to nicole haha. you can check out their facebook page too,they post day-to-day recovery of the "cinderella" and you can see that the end result is really natural!https://www.facebook.com/pitanguimedicalbeauty?fref=ts
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Thanks..I hope so too! :smile:

I say you should wait until you get a chance to go and visit the clinics..I wasn't 100% set on going with Pitangui (even with the connections and discount) but when I got there and saw their office and the girls working there (most were pretty but didn't look fake) I decided to just go with it!
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