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Has anybody tried Pitangui?

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OMG! This is exactly how I feel! It's like going for breast augmentation and only going half a size up. Of course we all want natural results, but if the change is so slight you wonder if it is worth all the trouble, cost, recovery etc. My rhinoplasty is barely noticeable, and it does bother me as it was my primary I feel as though for a revision I will have to pay more. If Dr. Y had listened in the first place perhaps a revision could have been avoided.

Weirdly enough my chin, isn't small at all. I wanted a feminine chin and this one is big and feels awkward for my face. I Should have tried filler first, but they quoted me 2.2 million which was only 800,000 less than an implant.

My post-op care was really skimpy in terms of the extras. I did return often for stitch removal, anti-biotics etc, but some of the nicer things described such as facials weren't given to me. I had even inquired since it was on their site saying that post-op care was as important as the procedure but they just said no. I did get a free hair wash though which was sort of unpleasant. They didn't condition my hair, only washed it and were very rough and ripped out hair while detangling. Maybe that's common in Korea, no conditioner?
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Hey guys,

I did my 'virgin' nose job with this clinic last April. I decided on doing only tipplasty and alarplasty because like many of you I was very resistant to the thought of having something artificial in my body, and being an athlete in contact sports I didn't want to compromise on my performance. I had originally wanted to be extremely meticulous in my research (after all, this is my nose and my face) and had a hefty list of clinics I wanted to visit. The entire experience of landing alone in a foreign country after a 17-hour flight with zilch understanding of the language is seriously a shock to the senses, and if you know you're not very mentally strong please don't underestimate the effect this sense of alienation can have. In the end i went for 2 clinics, JW and Pitangui.

The first consultation was with JW. The doctor was not Dr Suh but rather a young doctor who seemed to have been called from the middle of surgery. He focused only on my problem area but insisted that I had to have bridge augmentation on top of my tipplasty and alarplasty. He was also rather blunt about the fact that most of the time patients who undergo rhinoplasty with implants would return for revision after a few years. Ha-ha. Note that he meant this not just for his clinic but in general.

After this consultation I went off to Pitangui. There should have been this sense of foreboding because the JW consultant smirked when she heard that I was going over, and she uhm, wished me luck...

The English-speaking consultant at Pitangui had been very prompt and responsive in her emails, and after JW I was relieved to be able to speak with someone rather fluent in English, the consultant having studied in Switzerland. They were very quick to agree to what I wanted- just tip and alar, no bridge. It seemed good at first because they agreed to what I wanted so readily, but in retrospect the JW surgeon was so much better in insisting that I had to have bridge augmentation too, for they know that onlly with bridge augmentation is the entire overall appearance of the nose improved.

Once I said I wanted surgery, the consultatnt definitely went into hunter mode. It was about 6pm but she was like yeah you can have surgery in an hours' time. Dr Yoo was called from mid-surgery to talk to me. He was weary and looked grumpy, and being so experienced has most probably already become jaded with what he probably sees as the superficiality of the scores of wannabes going to his clinic...I made the rooky mistake too of saying I wanted a nose like the consultant's, at which he sighed, rolled his eyes and went I cannot give you what you want. It turned out that he had performed 5 surgeries that day and was rather tired. By then i knew I wanted to have surgery with them, because the price I was quoted was really low (1300usd if I'm not wrong). Bear in mind though that Pitangui only seems cheaper because the cost of an overall rhinoplasty is broken down into many separate components- if you add them up altogether they are actually more expensive than some of the clinics out there with perhaps less able English translators but more caring staff..

The operating room was indeed as described by the other posters. The staff were... inexperienced I think. Although they were very very nice and sweet. But then again I think that locals in general are this nice and sweet (correct me if I am wrong in this...). I woke up before the operation had ended, which was so scary. I was partially sedated and so was too groggy to panic, but I distinctly remember them laughing and felt the needle going in and out of my alars as Dr Yoo sewed them up... it didn't seem that scary at that time but in retrospect I don't ever want to experience that again. Period. It is also dangerous I think, because even though your senses work the sedatives mean that sometimes you are unable to respond or make enough noise for them to notice you need help.

Post-op care was bad. Sorry. The nurses didn't seem to know what they were doing, and if you looked through my earlier post I had a piece of cotton wool stuck to my stitches, which meant that my alars did not heal properly. Post-op care is nothing to be scoffed at. In fact, I think it's equally if not more important than the actual operation itself.

I haven't had enough experience with other clinics so I will post again after this revision, but after reading the experiences of others I think that it really is a hit and miss, and what matters is that you click with both the surgeon and the consultants, and that you do take good care of yourself and receive adequate post-op treatment. I was quite happy with my alars at first until that piece of cotton wool got lodged in the wound. Also, do remember that doctors do sometimes know what is best for you. My nose is decent but looks awful from the side and at angles because I have a non-existent bridge. Sometimes they are not trying to upsell you but are rather really thinking about what will look best. Also, I don't really think my operation was very well-performed..the tip of my nose remains bulbous and when I went for consultation for revision rhinoplasty even the surgeons didn't realise I'd had a nose job done... whether that is good or bad is up to anyone's guess.

But there you go. My two cents' worth. Sorry for the long rant- I tend to ramble a lot :greengrin:
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Hi. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with all of us
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It really affected someone I think when it's a virgin/primary procedure, as you know if you go anywhere else next time a revision case will be more difficult and surely more expensive. Add in flights around the world and accommodations is just another cost.

Snooker, are you still around? How are your results now? I must say I'm really surprised at your aftercare as they were really dismissive of me after my surgery, and there's no way they would have given me anything.

Regarding the surgery room, did anyone else find it to be a dimly lit room with a steel table and no one around but the anesthesiologist? No fancy looking machines, anything. Kinda almost like a movie, and not a good one...

As far as the girls being sweet, I think that's almost like a Korean thing. Everything in Seoul seemed kinda cutesy and polite.
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The surgery room seems fine to me. Some of the staffs were definitely inexperienced and not professional. During my post op care, I needed to go back for antibiotics and cleaning the nurse had a cold, a running nose and kept coughing. However, she wasn't even wearing a mask that made me nerviose because the weather was really cold and the last thing I needed at the time was to get sick, especially from them.
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Hello Forumers :smile:

Sorry for my disappearance. I moved to Numdaemun and was extremely busy shopping LOL.. I don't have anything to update because my swellings as been so severe that I was upset with myself that I didn't take my age (40's) into consideration when I went for the multiple surgeries, thinking they are minimal procedures added on the the major ones (Zygoma reduction and a mid face QMC lift). I have been very frustrated because I'm healing so painfully slow and in fact my incision would not close. In the end, after 14 days, the doctor sutured me up again (inside the hairline--just my left side) before I boarded for my flight home.

Now, a couple of points. First, the aftercare was excellent. I got three hairwash during my two weeks and five facialsand de-swelling light treatments. A daily disinfection service by the nurse was scheduled unless I tuned it down. Sometimes it was scheduled, and some happened by my request. I didn't beg them, I just asked Nicole if I could have a treatment to speed up my recovery please and she said she would check their schedule and let me know. She did comply every time.

If I must say one thing that was NOT pleasant, I would say that the doctor didn't plan on seeing me before I leave as he came out from the surgery to see me. It just happened that my incision wouldn't heal so he must suture me up (three stitches). If this was done in my country, the doctor would make round every morning or evening. Every time you come in to the clinic, he would spend a few minutes to properly check on you, not leaving it to the nurse. But I don't know, things may be different in Korea. I didn't feel like I have a slot of doctor's time that was dedicated to me, to check on me thoroughly, to get some feedback, or to see his own craft. Maybe he realizes that there ain't anything to see at two weeks post op because majority of the patience would still be swollen. But I think most patience would love to feel that they are being cared for by the doctor himself.

If I can think of anything else, I will write again soon. Oh the incisions on my eyes are healing well and looking quite natural despite the major swelling. The lines on the eyelids are not so red and are quite smooth in texture. Too soon to conclude on results.

I have got several PM's which I have not replies. Apologies. I have just got back home and will sort out my mess. Once settled down, i of course, will reply to every single message.

Have a good day :smile:
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Hey Muppets, thank you so much for your review. I'm planning to do the same procedure as you this year and am quite anxious about a couple of things you mentioned... May I PM you with more questions? Thanks! :smile:
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hi! can you send me a few pictures of your nose if you don't mind of course. [email protected]
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PM away :smile:
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Hey jesiie,

I don't feel very comfortable with sharing my photos sorry, I hope you understand! But I can show you a picture of the stitches from the alarplasty that was performed last year with them... To think that I was happy with it at that time because I thought this was how stitches normally look like, but NO. After seeing how neatly my alars were stitched up with the clinic I have just gone to for revision (I'm only 4 days post-op, so am taking pains here not to name the clinic until my splint comes off and I can recommend it with confidence) I realise just how clumsily my first surgery was performed... I may have brought it upon myself by being really whiny during consultation, but still.. (btw the black things are stitches not dried blood)
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Hey, if you're still around, can I ask you a question about paranasal augmentation?

I know it's a procedure for sunken face and to eliminate those nasolabial lines.

For someone having had the procedure, does the swelling persist? And is it hard to smile naturally?

Part of the reasons I hesitate about getting this procedure is because I heard your smile will be distorted afterwards, seeing how there is an implant right on top of your lips. Also, over time, the implant could move, leading to swollen upper jaw

If you can choose again, would you still get this procedure?
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It's refreshing to read real experiences like this. Thank you so much for sharing.
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I just had surgery at pitangui yesterday and resting in my guesthouse today now...face is swelled up and nose blocked, cannnot breathe properly. Overall was a good experience, i cant really see the results yet cuz of the swelling but i told the doctor that i wanted natural results and not too dramatic.

The operating room was not as bad as others mentioned here, the recovery room was ok too, will post pics when i am feeling better. Will be updating regularly regarding recovery process..
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