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Where is the Best Clinics in Korea for our ''Revision Asian Eyelid Surgery''?

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Would getting rhinoplasty create an "epi" affect with the corner of the eyes? I was playing around with my nose, trying to see what it would be like with bridge augmentation and implant, and it seems like with even a small bit of height, it would lengthen my eyes from the inner corners. If this is possible, then maybe I could save the 1.4mil krw I might spend on epi :P
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I was wondering about that too years ago when I was researching epi but seems like consensus is is that it won't change your inner corners. The skin will just stretch back to where it was. However, don't quote me on it; try to get as many opinions as possible.
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I had the same question when I played with my bridge in front of the mirror. Glad to see cloudbusting raised it here :smile: I can also see the point how it can happen just like Milktoki says that the skin would just be stretched and get back to its original state.

Hope ladybugz see this and share her experience on this if possible. Thanks in advance!
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I think Milktoki is right. Rhino seems like it might produce a slight "epi" effect, but overall I think it will look "off." The doctor would have to do a slight revision on my eyes to balance it all out, otherwise I might end up looking like a humanoid, lol :Push:
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Cost: 5 million won cash

I had revision eye surgery with Dr. Kang.

He lied to me to get my business. He said I would not scar and that he could lift my epicathal. I have scars and my epicathal is worse than before. My eyes don't close because he lowered my eyelid too much.

He tried to blame my eyes not closing on me since I had this problem before. But, he made it 4 times worse! Other doctors said they could easily fix this now it will be much harder because there is no skin left!

Dr. Kang took inaccurate pictures of me while I was on operating table of my eyes not closing all the way. He already shot my eyes and body with drugs, and my eyes were rolled back. He covered my lids with a towel so you cannot see injection marks. He showed me these picture as evidence but my eyelids not closing was not that bad.

I was able to close my eyes fully while sitting down, now there is a huge gap! Almost 1/3 my eye cannot close!

Shame on Dr . Kang for lying to me and making my eyes more difficult to fix. I had other doctors promise to fix all my problems but I would scar.

Dr. Kang lied after surgery saying he only promised lid lowering and scarless revision for 5 million won which is a lie.

There is no such thing as a scarless eye revision for my eyes. Dr. Kang says I can come for scar revision 1 year later for free just to get rid of me. This is a complete joke and awful what he put me through.

I paid 3 million to get my epicathal fixed by another doctor because it was so bad. I will have to wait longer to see if anyone can fix my eyes not closing. My eyes are so dry and hurt. I don't know if anyone will be able to fix it because I have so little skin.

IOU Botched surgery DR. KANG
Dr. Kang LIES to get your business!

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IOU Dr. Kang botched eye surgery

Edit: my eyes cannot close by 50 percent not 1/3 as written above. It is unbelievable how bad it is. You can get permanent eye damage even go blind if you cannot close your eyes.
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So sorry to hear what you are going through. You have my full sympathies. I have the same problem with my eyes not closing and I have been living like this for 1.5 years. However, the lid closure has improved over time. It has come to the point where it is very manageable. However, early on I know how tortuous it is and I had contemplated ending it all because of how unhappy and in pain I was. My eyes were extremely dry, always bloodshot, I had frequent eye infections, could not be on the computer longer than 10 minutes, etc. The eye doctor told me I had many dry spots on my cornea. I had to wear thick nighttime ointment in the day just to function decently. Needless to say, I was pretty blind half of the time because of it blurring my vision.

Keep in mind that you are still early on. My eyes also could not close 50% either and I probably blinked even less than that. Know that it does get better. I am at a point where I can manage this and am much happier. I think my eyes will close fully in a few more months so I am waiting it out. I thought I was the only one in the world with my problem, but know that you are not. You will get through this; it could just be scarring. Did you have ptosis correction with it? Did Dr. Kang excise any skin from your eyelids? I hear he does not take out any skin in his fold corrections.

Now just because it took me over 1.5 years so far to get lid closure, does NOT mean this will be the case for you too. If you are early on, time is your best asset. Ask Dr. Kang if downward lid massage is possible for you at this point. This could stretch the tissues a little to allow for better closure. You sound like you are early in the healing process. Time is on your side with this one. Downward digital massage could be beneficial because it could stretch the scar tissue out. Also be sure to ask if 5-FU or steroid injections are an option for you at this point. They will work to prevent scars from hardening. They will only help if you are early in the healing process so don't wait. Present your question on RealSelf.com to the doctors and be sure to add pictures of your eyes open and closed.

In the meantime, be sure to keep your eyes aggressively lubricated with PRESERVATIVE FREE (the ones that come in single vials) drops (I recommend TheraTears and Refresh Plus) and nighttime eye ointment (anything will do..some are runnier than others. I prefer more solid ones so it will stay in my eyes during sleep. I choose ones with less mineral oil and more petrolatum content). Consider using Tranquileyes nighttime mask and possibly moisture chamber glasses during the day. Of course, drinking plenty of water, taking fish oil, and learning about dry eye (check out DryEyeZone forums) helps immensely.

Basically, everything I told you here is what I would have told myself 1.5 years ago. When I first experienced this early in my healing process, I could not find anyone with my problem online; I had never felt so alone and hopeless in my life. I had to learn things myself and there was so much trial and error that went into managing my condition. Hopefully this post will help anyone else going through this problem. You are not alone. I really hope that this post will bring hope and some comfort to others.
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I wrote a bad review about IOU Dr. Kang and I would like to erase it.

He did not do a bad job but I think the communication could have been better.

It had been two months after surgery so I will wait longer.

Sorry I wrote such a nasty review.
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So do your eyelids close then? Do you still have dry eyes?
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I'm so sorry to hear about your eyes. Who operated on you and is it possible for revision? I hope in a few more months it will turn out more normal than it is now. 1.5 years is more than enough for the eyes to heal, dont you think? What has caused your eyes not to close properly, is it the muscle or the skin? I am very worried for you because it seems like from a cosmetic disaster, it is actually affecting your eyes and your vision, have you check if you can revise it anyhow? I hope the problem of dry spots can be fixed soon!

I'm also thinking of ptosis, but it is because I have assymetrical eyelids: one eye is double eyelids and one is mono eyelid. I think the muscle on my double eyelid side is fine but the one on the mono eyelid eye is too weak, that's why it caused droppy lid and turn into mono eyelid. I've had this problem since I was a kid. Do you know if I do ptosis, the dr will fix both of my eye muscle or just the mono-eyelid side where the muscle is weak? I'm having assymetrical eyelid and dont want it to turn out assymetrical again post-op, because I think once I have one eyelid surgery done it's very hard to revise and cut the skin further.
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Dr Lee Hee Moon from Eye Magic operated on me; he is a very evil man as it turns out. I regret going to him every single day. He just counts his money while I suffer, and does not want to help in any way. I am not sure why my eyes don't close properly. It might be scarring or a ptosis overcorrection.

Ptosis is a dangerous operation. Sometimes double eyelid surgery on one side will help. Maybe what you have is not true ptosis. You don't want to mess with your eyes hoping for perfection and end up with more than you bargained for. I got surgery just to even out my eyes (I had single lid and double on other) when my eyes were not that uneven. 3 years later, my eyes are completely visibly asymmetric with different shapes and sizes. By trying to tweak something to make it 5% better, I made it 100% worse.
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Thank you for your reply. I think your original eyes r also similar to mine (as single lid on one eye and double on the other) so thank you for the warning. I will be careful in consultation to ask carefully for whether the cause of this asymmetry is due to eye muscles or due to excessive skin/fat. I dont want perfection (as in dolly/bigger eye) i just want them to be symmetrical to each other, so I will try the least invasive surgery to correct that. Thank you for this valuable reminder. I hope your eyes will get better soon, the most worrying part is the blurry vision. There is possibly many experienced ophthalmologist who can fix your problem, please have the courage to carry on. About Dr Lee Hee Moon, I think you can voice out ur experience to Korean Consumer Protection Agency (in English)http://www.kca.go.kr/front/english/coun_05.jsp if you had botched PS you can complain to them or http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news...13_101689.html
Regardless of whether filing the issue and getting compensated is successful, they might well be connected with experienced and top
ophthalmologists who can help fix your issues, and possibly due to their connections, the cost can be reduced. More support more opportunities, please give it a try, I hope it helps!
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Thanks; I have been trying to get the KCA involved so I'm waiting around.
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