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Where is the Best Clinics in Korea for our ''Revision Asian Eyelid Surgery''?

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Milktoki & MaiQ thank you both for writing about your experiences. In the beginning of my research I really wanted big dolly eyes and perfection but experiences like yours are effective warnings. i've learned to have more realistic expectations and try to get something that is less risky but will look good instead of trying to get too much and getting bad results instead. i think we all need to be reminded of it some time. it's so easy to let dreams win over common sense. i hope you both get your problems fixed and will get some kind of compensation for your suffering.
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Just to give balance to this argument that all doctors recommend xyz

i consulted 5 docs and the results:
- all 5 rec non incis (thin lids)
- none rec pstosis
- 3 out of 5 rec epi
- all rec lateral cant

so all i'm saying is if the consensus of docs say u need something i general go with it. also i can't stress enough how important it is to do a face-2-face consult and get the 'vibe' of a doc and whether the 2 of u 'connect'

sometimes u just know when someone is 'selling'u something u don't need - can't describe, u just know. trust ur gut :smile:
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LIKE! :tup::tup:

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True ..... I won't go on with my story....

Once you felt the "vibe" or the "feeling" is not right ....EXIT!!:doggie::doggie:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi. It doesn't sound like there was a problem with the partial incisional method.. your problem of a "fading" double lid line could be caused by the interference of the mongolian fold. Hence epi may be necc: http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=paris85&logNo=90168438954. I am going to this doctor for eyelid surgery and i have researched on him ALOT. He not only seems to be skilled, but he also has a good character. Dr Kwon Bong Shik.
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During my consultation, Dr Kwon recommended that i take the full incisional method too. I still opted for partial incisional as i was uncomfortable with the scaring. I asked him if the fold would last and he said yes. I think i trust him...For partial incisional, there is some fat removal unlike the buried sutures method...
I was thinking, why go for a more invasive method when there is an alternative that can also work? Anyway I chose a thin in-folder type of double lid, not an out folder type which in most cases requires incisional.
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Thanks jillyqueen, I suspected that I need epi, but my creases are not symmetrical and that's another issue. Dr. Kwon is on my list. He has a very good reputation from what I've read. Fingers crossed he can fix my eyes without charging an arm and a leg!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
Hi Hydrolysis,

I am new here and been reading. I have a bad result from an eyelid surgery as well. Who did you decide to go with? I am researching for a doctor who can help fix my eye. My right one has a high eye crease and my lashline droops more that before starting about 2/3 towards the outer corner of my eye. My left eye used to have a crease but now after the new crease, the eyefold is buried just like a monolid. On top of that, my left eyelash is now upturned. When I gaze down, my left eyelid looks a lot more open than my right eyelid, because the left eye is too high and I look shock all the time while my right eyelid droops. I am very very sad and depressed...I have not gone out to see friends because I am ashamed of my eye.
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ladybugz, that's very weird for them to knock you out for eye surgery...
All my friends who underwent eye surgeries here in the states or over in korea or elsewhere had local anesthesia so they actually communicated with their doctors and nurses during their operations...
Please don't be offensive but i'm very skeptical on the situation like what you went through like that i think... that clinics completely knock us out when they need to do something incorrect things, like switching doctors stuff... sigh
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Oh!! I was always curious about it and you are right!!
It could look like people having epicanthoplasty after rhinoplasty, but yes! Our skin is elastic.
It will be restored back to its original position!! Thank you, Milktoki!
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hi everyone in this thread :smile: first of all, i need to thank all of you here for unbelivable information. ive read through and okay, so i realize i need to be cautious of certain doctors who were mentioned here, like dr. lee or huh. what im surprised is those doctors move this or that clinics! thats very scary! that means i cant trust the clinic itself. also, huge clinics seem worse than smaller ones. and no latertal cantho. epi would be fine. nonincision surgery as possible.

omg... i didn't expect finding JUST A good doctor to be this much difficult. but thank you all of you here again!
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  • 5 months later...
I just came across this thread and i wanted to share my experiences on eyelid surgery and a revision. Hope you all found a right doctor who could correct the problem by now. Please excuse my English since its not my mother language. I feel very sorry to hear that the outcome of the surgery turned bad to some of you. I had been there and i waited for 2 years to get in fixed. It was a nightmare. Before i got double eyelid surgery, I got a very small double eyelid on my left eye ,and one single eyelid on my right with a lot upper eyelid fat. I had to use a glue to make double eyelid on my right eye to make it looks symmetric to the left one. Still, i was satisfied with my look and I was pretty enough to turn a lot of heads lol. I was childish and stupid(18 years old back then ) that i decided to get a surgery because my sis wanted to do it and she told me there's no way that you could get double eyelid only one side of ur eyes its not gonna look the same w the other eye. At that time ( year 2007), i chose to go to the famous surgeon in my country who has done many celebrities in Thailand. He was too busy and the clinic was crowded of people waiting to get a surgery from him like a factory. Nurses asked if i wanted to see surgeon or ready to get in the operating table. I followed my sis not to see doctor, but i was really hesitated if i wanted to do it or not. The surgeon came to the operating table and used a toothpick to set my new double eyelid. I wasnt on contact lenses and too shy to ask question. i let him decide it for me out of thinking that he's more professional and he should know what is best for me. I got devastated from the result. The higher double eyelid doesnt look good on me i believe some part oit has sth to do with my ptosis problem and my eyes is short in length. The fat was removed too much as well. I got criticised by a lot of friends they said i shuldnt have done it from the first place. People who never saw me before said i look really really tired all the time ,which never happened to me before the surgery no matter how tired i am. It took me so long to heal too i believe it was a laser method instead of knife. I was left sad and hopeless so i really understand the feeling of those who has gone thru the same experience. I was studying in the US at that time so i couldnt go back home to get it fixed, plus at that time nobody heard of double eyelid revision it was convinced that there was no solution for that. i spent my two years searching on internet and i found a forum of a girl who went thru the same thing. She finally found a doctor who could do that in Thailand.The clinic isnt commercial and surgery industry wasnt competitive like today. Its a small clinic with only one surgeon but hes very famous nowadays. I spent everyday watching her posts. I went back home and got a revision back to my originally small double eyelid. I was so satisfied with the result i got a lot compliments again after my two years of nightmares lol. I loved the outcome and i got my old self again. He didnt think that its necessary to do the transfer at that time. Well, it was a happy ending for me. Anyway, now i get older (5 yrs later) i feel my eyes look more sunken from the fat that was removed too much from my first surgery ,and i heard abt new epi method thats very famous in korea as well, but my second surgeon don't do that. So i wanna go get it done in Korea but i went through bad experience before. Its hard to find reliable sources on surgeons in korea since its all full with advertisements. Im not sure which source i could rely on to. I would appreciate if you all have any recommendation on the surgeon in Korea. And if any of you guys look for a eyelid revision in Thailand, Im gladly to help with all the information. Its a lot cheaper than in Korea obviously and not as commercial :smile:
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