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Reasons for Asian rhinoplasty in USA/Canada?

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I know there is already a thread dedicated entirely to Asian rhinoplasty, but the majority of the posts revolve around Korean clinics and surgeons from abroad. It seems to me everyone is flocking to Korea because of their supposed advanced techniques that are specifically suited for Asian noses. But even so, unless you have a very difficult nose to work with, is it really worth it to go all the way to Korea on the belief that the surgeons there have some kind of magic touch that NO American surgeon can match? Surely there are surgeons here that are more than adequately skilled to tackle most Asian noses.

It just seems like many people are dazzled by celebrity noses and the amazing before and afters advertised on clinic websites, and thus go to Korea on the hope that they will receive the same kind of transformation. But how does reality measure up against the fantasy, in the end? This is hard to tell because many posters here drop off after they have their surgeries.

So some cons against Korea I've come up with are:

1) The fact that I can't even communicate with the surgeon without the help of a translator makes me feel very uneasy. I already feel enough like a fish out of water, but on top of that I'd be putting my face (and my life!) in the hands of people I can never feel fully comfortable talking to due to the language barrier. Furthermore, I wouldn't feel like I would be getting a fully personalized service.

2) What if they do a bait and switch and my surgery isn't even performed by the same surgeon I consulted with? (Apparently this has happened.)

3) I don't want a cookie cutter nose or a celebrity nose, and I really don't want to get an implant if I can help it. I am all right with my bridge and would just like a subtle increase. It seems to me 90% of the nose jobs being sought after in Korea involve implants. I want a nose that remains recognizably my nose. (And that's really the point of going to Korea, isn't it? You want some variation of the cookie cutter nose.) I keep reading complaints about bulbous tips, but Asian noses aren't meant to be sharp and defined anyway, isn't that true?

4) After costs of airfare and accommodation plus the price of the surgery, the cost will probably equal what you'd pay back home.

So given that I don't want a very drastic change, is it really necessary to go to Korea? BTW, I'm not bashing anyone wanting to go to Korea. I am very open minded and all I really want to hear are pros and cons for staying stateside vs. getting surgery done abroad.

Finally, can somebody recommend good Asian rhinoplasty surgeons stateside or in Canada? I have been looking into Dr Anil Shah, whom I've seen written about on this forum before. The procedure she did with this girl, where he simply shaped the bridge of the nose rather than using an implant, sounds very interesting. Does anyone know any more about this type of procedure? Here is the link: http://www.shahfacialplastics.com/photogallery/rhinoplasty/patient-11

Other surgeons under consideration are
- Dr Kimberly Lee
- Dr Charles Lee

Any info on these two would be great too!

Thanks everyone! :smile:
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Hello PaperTigers! Sorry to tell but Dr. Charles S Lee from Beverly Hills is not a good PS!!! Me and my 2 friends all have botched surgery by him and living a nightmare since the surgery!!! We all going in Korea for our revision.
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I'm so sorry to hear that! Can you tell me more about what happened? Did you and your friends get a nose job? I thought Dr Lee is famous for his "conservative" approach, so I assume that means he is also a careful and cautious surgeon...?
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Hi PaperTigers! No we all have Asian Eyelid and my 2 friends have revision also and is was worst!!! I was lucky to see there revision and not do it with him. You can read on my Thread and with all the complaints. Hope it help to carefully searching for a PS.
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