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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Hey TPF's,

I wanted to start a thread on the infamous FAT GRAFTING. I am interested in getting this procedure done for a more 'youthful' appearance.

Anyone here done it? Had a consultation? Positive/Negative Reviews?
I follow a blogger who just recently had it done in Korea, and her results make her look much more young and fresh...

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Thank you very much to sharing the blog! I just finished to read about her experience in Korea for her surgery and importantly how she was prepared by asking to "DocDoc.com". It would be very helpful for my Asian eyelid revision! :smile::smile::smile::smile:
Thank you! Thank you!!!

I have to share also!
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Yes it seems like she was sponsered by Doc Doc or Regen and had her surgery complimentary.
Her results looks pretty good IMO!
Still want to hear peoples experiences with fat grafting since it's SO popular now in asia to have a baby face!! Alot of patients do it in combo with rhino...
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I'm planning to have fat grafting in june or july with a rhino and eye revision.

For a full face fat grafting the price is around 3000-4000usd

I'm just worried about the resorption, if an injection is needed every 6 month it's not worth.
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That does seem quite high price if you have to do it frequently. I hear the reabsorption rate differs from patient to patient.

Ceylon- What PS clinic are you going to?

Milyway- I was reading that if you do it often over time it might become uneven and harder to acheive the perfect look. But is it the same as botox/fillers? Does that stuff get absorbed evenly?
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I still don't know, maybe JW.
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As far as I know, fillers go away and sometimes the skin develops collagen, that is what one doc told me so I didn't need to fill this time but to wait a longer period. But for fats, I thought that sometimes not all the fats will go away so I am concerned if the remainder will cause dents. And I was also told that for fat grafting, the technique is very important for the fats to stay.
I wonder if any reader has done fat grafting 2 or 3 years ago and how do they like it?
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my colleague did fat graft a year ago to her forehead, chin and cheek area. most of it in her cheek area has melted away i think, but her forehead is still ok.. after fat graft, it made her look much younger than before..
it's amazing how some fats at the right parts of your face can make you look younger, while my face is quite meaty but i still look old.. :sad:
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  • 2 weeks later...
The fat graft looks great, at least in photos. Has any one seen someone with fat grafts in the forehead in person? I'd love to do it but wonder if it just makes one look more photogenic but in real life it looks artificial.

Her nose looks great except the columnella, which looks weird, like shorter than the nostrils. Is this a common result? I would not have surgery with this doctor based on that alone. I mean, do they think this looks good, or are they (doctor/patient) just ignoring the flaw because they feel is a minor issue?

Did she have an implant? I could not find that on the blog.
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You know the same happened to me! One of the sides of my face was done too much (and I realized the overcorrection immdiately the same day of the Acculift procedure). But in other parts I still have too much fat (the areas of the face above the jowl area) . So my face looks a little uneven an I am undecided about if trying to go back to the same doctor to do more accusculpt (lipo) and try to even it out, of have fat back injected in the areas that where done too much (but fear having a fat face) . Or maybe both? getting the acculift one day and fat injections soon after... would that be too crazy?
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yes she had an implant but her nose was already high before.
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Indeed it is crazy for the over correction but I m not even bothered to find the same doc to correct it I will find a fat graft specialist since my case is really over corrected
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