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Fat Grafting In Korea

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When I had full face FG earlier this year, it took 3 weeks before I looked normal due to some stubborn swelling.
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oh wait hang on a sec...how long ago did u have the fat graft done? Ive been under the impression u had it months ago no?
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You have done gat graft for how long??? And would you mind telling us where you did your fat graft?
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My chin feels hard to the touch, some say it will soften with time, some say it won't. I don't mind the hardness, but I hope it's not like blocking blood vessels or otherwise interfering with the circulation.
Btw what did your dr. Say much about avoiding muscle movements. My dr. Says it's okay to eat chew and drink, which I now doubts.
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Now I don't mind if most of it gets absorbed, as long as they don't move into other areas. And pray to god no blockage of circulation and other wired things. Now with the swelling I don't even look a bit like me before. I didn't like my forehead and chin never realizing these are what made me look Asian, now I look mixed in a bad way. I never wanted to look any bit less Asian!

I wasn't too surprised after the surgery thinking of the absorption, but absorption is happening so slowly, I'm afraid it's all going to stay and the swell on the cheeks will be permanent. Gee...

What I try to think of is that I would have never knew this/believe this without the surgery. So being who I am, this is what I would have done. I try to think how much I disliked my forehead and chin so that I should be happy with it.

Btw would you mind me asking if you felt at first the fat graft was surpassing the brows a bit? My chin is also kinda hard to the touch. Some pp say it will soften with time, some say no...

How does one take care of the skin after the cast off, so much dead skin and black heads, they told me not to wash my face, can I use toner?
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Day 6, I did it with rhino. The swelling on the face is quite bad. When I lift my brows it feels heavy. But again I try to not force it too much. The forehead is soft but not the chin, which in itself I don't mind too much as long as it doesn't cause other problem
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omg ure only at day 6? And here i thought u were like a few months because if that is so then what you are experiencing would be strange. ok time to stop psyching yourself out now lol. You are clearly experiencing swelling there is nothing to worry about. Your main concern would be to stop touching your face too much, do not apply pressure and limit brow movement. The area above your brow has a low survivability rate for individuals who have frequent muscle movement there.
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Thanks, but swelling to the point I don't recognize myself, I'm scared. But, I think it's still too early to tell, so I'm not really freaking out yet. Pray the fat graft goes down fast.
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I think the Rhinoplasty distribute to the swelling as well. And you are still too early into the recovering process, just try to walk as much as you can, watch the sodium intake, sleep with your head elevated. Stay positive and you will be fine. Wishing you a speedy recovery.^^
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Wow. Even for day 6, I didn't realize that swelling was so significant with fat graft! When I did my nose, almost all of my face swelling was gone by day 6!

Ugh. I really hope two weeks is enough time for recovery, since I have to go back to work... D:
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Yeah, maybe I am indeed having some problem. Did u have forehead fat graft? Would you mind me asking you some questions?
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I'm afraid it would be me asking questions. I'm planning to get fat graft to my forehead.

But I've seen a lot of before/after pics and day 1, day 2, etc. photos on this Korean ps forum and everyone has a fish head fore a few days.

Where did you get your nose/fat graft done again? I'm sure you said in an earlier post...
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Well, did any one complained of the fat graft compressing the brows a bit? My eyes have changed but I think maybe things are getting better, cause now I can raise my brows a bit. Kakao me okay? Vk619
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I am at day 3 post FG to forehead, nasolabial and chin.... And I look hideous and terribly swollen. I looking like poppin fresh.
I know how you feel about the Asian part. I look less asian in an alien-looking way.
Trust me, it's swelling. I hope mine goes down ASAP as well. I looked pretty good the day after surgery but right now I just want to hide.

I can barely move my forehead cause it's so heavy. My eyes have gone smaller and swollen up as well.

Everyone on here seems to lose all their swelling around the 2 week mark so let's pray it is the same for us, if not sooner.
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