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Fat Grafting In Korea

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stem cell last forever
DA qouted me 2.5 mil for regular FG..last about 6 months..i have done this 3 times and they were gone.after 6 mos
DA quoted 3.5 mil for PRP GF
just did prp FG. a year ago..still good fat stay 60%..
but i didnt do the temple..want to do on temples and under eyes
Looking for stem cell for lasting result and DA quoted 33 millions won LOL...
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Hi , how long u did your fat graft and how much they quote you ? 😄

Sent from my iPhone using PurseForum
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I really want to try fat grafting
but I heard from some forumers that the effects can wear out quite fast depending on individual.
Someone said theirs lasted only a month before the effects were gone :sad: That's not worth the money.
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For me it lasted really well...........................until i started smoking and hounding them down a pack a day. BAD! Lucky i was already past the 3 month mark so I kept a decent amount of volume. But before i started smoking i had around 70 percent remaining i'd say. then when i began it constricted circulation so i dropped to around 50 now lol. Its ok tho I gots a free fresh top up coming up so I plan to quit smoking again for it!

anyways point is fg shouldn't disappear within a month. If it does it means it wasn't done properly or you were doing something u shouldn't be. To maximise fat graft longevity you should limit muscle movement in the transplant site and avoid blood thinners so nicotine and smoking is bad
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Question to anyone that's had facial FG done...Obvioisly they have to overfill a bit because some will die, so I'm wondering how long before the slightly alien-ish forehead starts looking normal? Lol
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where did you get your prp fat grafting done? what was the name of the clinic? and the name of the doctor? :smile:
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Where did you do accu lift and on which part of your face? I'm also thinking of doing at my jawline but not sure if I'm a good candidate for it.
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why would you recommend Girin?i have heard that they are popular among korean people and good at facial contouring. Have you seen their case for fat grafting?
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Could you tell the name of this good surgeon and his clinic?I really would like to someone who can do a good job in fat grafting.
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usually it evens out on its own if you are newly post op as it might be uneven swelling. Actually....do you mean like acne bumps or uneven lumps. Acne bumps is not the fault of the surgeon but rather the way in which your body is reacting to the fat graft. Lumps you can attempt to massage it out OR if its really significant you may need to partially melt it with acculift. For bumpy acne skin it will dissipate within 3 months when most of you get your final retainment. What helps is sleeping with a clay mask on the affected areas. I used Glamglow youthmud on my forehead when I had that issue to drain the excess oil. Within 2-3 days it alleviated the problem BUT it does come back now and then until you get your final retainment.
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That's what I thought too. Shouldn't we go to a fat graft specialist clinic rather than a facial contouring clinic? That makes more sense right. I would not be ok with ending up with an even more uneven face than I already do now.
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