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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Hi Vera33, please share w me your friend's experience. Thanks!!:smile:)
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Every dr seems to be saying different things. I have the graft but I can't even tell it's there. so if it gets absorbed completely, hopefully, it won't matter.
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I wondered if anyone has heard about IMI plastic clinic (http://imi.co.kr/eng/sub4_face.html)?
It looks like the doctor there specializes in face remodeling using fat injection. I am very interested because I never found any doctors that only specialize in fat grafting apart from this.
Anyone who has had surgeries at IMI or heard about this clinic, I would be very grateful if you could share your experience.
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  • 1 month later...
Hi Go2Kr,

Im interested in fat graft. May I ask how is your result so far?
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi, im very new to this forum. And this is my first post too! I've been wanting to get ptosis correction and full face FAT graft (with highest fat survival rate, so i dont have to have a 2nd procedure done again and spend a lumpsome money again) in korea. Has anyone had a Full Face Fat Grafting in korean ps clinic?any suggestion on reliable excellent skilled doctor will be helpful to me. Please help me out here, i have booked my flight and accomodation to seoul, but still have no idea which clinic to visit for consultation yet. There were so many ps clinic in seoul, confusing. I'm specifically interested in looking for a doctor who is best in molding face with full face fat grafting with a promising result as well as the one that can offer the highest survival rate of fat, so toavoid repeat procedure. Thanks :smile:
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Itsumobaby, im sorry about your bad experience with dr park. Thank you for letting us know. Dr park was in my list for getting my ps done in few months, and I have just crossed him out!! Thanks to your post. Hopefuly u can get a good revision procedure done to solve ur facial problem completely. I wish u luck itsumobaby.
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Hi, itsumobaby, if you dont mind me asking, which procedures have u had and what has gone wrong? im sorry about your bad experience with dr park. Thank you for letting us know. Dr park was in my list for getting my First ps done in few months time, and I have just crossed him out!! Thanks to your post! Hopefuly u can get a good revision procedure done to solve ur facial problem completely. I wish u luck itsumobaby.
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Hi naturetea, im planning to fly to korea to have full face fat grafting and ptosis correction. May I know which doctor did your face graft? Does most of the fat stayed? Also, can I have the email of your translator? How much do you pay her per day? How many days did you use her service for? Sorry I ask so many questions. :smile: this is my email: FirstTimer@y7mail.com. Thank you very much in advance.
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  • 1 month later...

I had fat grafting done to my eyelid - honestly, for me, it was a waste of $. I think my dr pushed it for the $. I don't see any difference but I probably didn't need it in the first place.
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2013 June, I had full face lift, eye lift, forehead lift, rhinoplasty, fat grafting n breastfeeding augmentation, the whole works, cost USD 33,000. At Bk done by Dr Kim.
Now, I'm typing this from my Note3 on my hotel bed.
It's oredy 6 months n Bk will keep my fats n I get my 2nd fat graft foc. So my face is bandaged now. No pain, just feeling a little swell on my face.
Full story, I'll try to write again when I fly home on Sunday, easier on my desktop.
Nurse said no need to visit them to remove bandage, just peel it off after 3 days.
Oh... Abt Dr Kim, I'm suppose to hv thus follow-up visit wt him, din happen, the 2 nurse I interviewed me n asked me what problems I have n recorded them. I was expecting Dr Kim to hv a little chat. Hell no, he breezed in, look at me for 10 seconds, tell me he's doing great this 2nd fat grafting, drew some markings on my face n disappeared, all in 26 seconds. He's like a shinny God that darts in n out of rooms gracing the paying clients giving them blessings, like a priest or some power giving diety.
If u ask me if he had done all my surgery himself, I hv no way of telling. The place is like a factory wt lots of China clients screaming their loud PuTungHua.
Ok, report again, I'm sure u gals r more interested in the results.
Oh.. Nearly forgot.. That BK hostel, a nightmare for me. 3 levels going down, mine was 3rd level basement. Pitch black, lights off, cannot see fingers, NO WINDOWS, common bathroom outside room. Horrible, gave me 10 days free, stayed 3 nights n checkin at Lex hotel, very good, June was 90,000 wt porridge breakfast.
Ok. Tata.. :P
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