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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Oh i am very petite in size and i weigh only 37kg and about 5kg underweight but the doctor still managed to get fats from my stomach. I think i did put on abit of weight during cny period. At first the consultant was also concerned that there may not be enough fats for them to draw but after the doctor saw me, he said i have enough. I dont think a large amount of fats is needed though
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I think my worry is unfound. Hope so....

Was worrying about not getting enough fats, and then my trip there will be wasted if without fat graft done.

I'm about 40 kg. Been trying hard to eat a lot of MacDxxxx meals and butter and oily stuffs (which I never used to eat for a long time).... all these for the seek of looking to put on some weight on my stomach...

How ironic.... some have too much fat, but some just don't have enough.....
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mcD is so bad for you! eat greasy Chinese food instead... a lot better! Ha ha.
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im sure u have enough fatty tissue on certain parts of ure body to do it. My friend is like mostly muscle and very body fat. He got a butt lift in argentina and it looks so good right lol. they took from the sides (love handle area) and thighs for him.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm trying this in parts to see if I still get the error message.

I just had my touch-up second fat graft at YnY (Young and Young) with Dr. Julian Yun. I'll let you decide if my two procedures were good experiences or not.

I had my forehead, temples, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and chin filled.


1) I went with Dr. Yun because I'm Caucasian, and he has a proven history of working with those patients. I really liked that he showed me before and afters on his previous Caucasian patients so I could see how natural it looked--most other clinics will not show you patient files of anyone, and so for someone who looks like me it'd be a total gamble. I was interested in doing a full-face fat graft with a rhinoplasty sometime months later when I have the time off. He has obvious skill, and none of the people I was shown looked like they'd had anything done at all, either with their fat grafts or with their noses.

2) You don't have to worry about him overfilling. Dr. Yun takes a very conservative approach, and only puts fat in the areas he feels you need it.

3) He's honest. He will flat-out tell you if he thinks you don't need a procedure, and will never try to sell you something you don't need. I liked that about him.

4) My result: good! It looks completely natural. He doesn't fill evenly on both sides. Instead, he fills enough to make both sides of your face look balanced and symmetrical. He knows what he's doing.
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1) Oh my God, it hurt. This is not to say you'll have the same experience. I have a fairly high resistance to anesthetic, I've found out, and he doesn't put you to sleep (we used local anesthetic and conscious sedation). He'll use the word "sleep" multiple times, but I don't think he realizes what that actually means, or if he does he's lying to make you feel less nervous beforehand. The first time I had a mild panic attack on the table and he had to give me a lot extra to calm me down. The second procedure was even worse, because my resistance was even higher then. I wasn't loopy at all, and was giving him fully awake, research-backed arguments for why I should have more anesthesia while lying there. He refused, and instead offered to "quit the procedure." So I had to endure to get the whole thing done. He's adamant that he doesn't want his patients to "end up like Michael Jackson." That made me laugh at first, but it means that if you're in pain you won't get anything more than he feels is safe.

2) He's very conservative with the graft itself too. If you tell him you want full cheeks, you will not get full cheeks. You will get fuller cheeks, for sure, and it will look good, but maybe not quite the look you were going for. If you want a fuller chin (mine's slightly receded, and I wanted it slightly forward like Jessica Alba), he will argue with you and tell you that it will look like a man's--I think he's very set on the Korean-specific standard of beauty. He will look at the picture you bring along for what you want to look like, but will not really consider it. I would have preferred a slight overfill, because most of the fat reabsorbed and aside from the forehead you couldn't really tell I'd done anything by the end of the first month. The forehead itself was also slightly dented after a while. My face did look overall better, but for the money I would have wanted a more dramatic change.

So we'll see how it looks when the swelling goes down for this one. I'm really debating on whether to do my rhinoplasty with him because of the anesthesia disaster, but the other cases had very good results.
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Tips for those who get fat grafts:

1) Don’t do any dramatic diet/exercise changes around this time. Dramatic weight loss can cause the injected fat to show up in parts on your face, or so I’ve been warned by my doctor. Plus this can mess with the absorption rates. Weight gain can affect it negatively as well. So just let your body do its thing for a while.

2) Don’t worry about initial lumps under the skin. These can take a few weeks to a month to soften and break up, so you shouldn’t panic when you feel them (or even see them). When I had my first fat graft done, I had a large lump on my right cheek, and it even showed through on the skin, although not enough to look terrible. I also had little micro-lumps along my temples. Don’t worry! For the most part, these will go away. If by chance one doesn’t, your doctor can take steps to fix it later. Which brings me to my next point…

3) Don’t try to massage out the lumps! Massaging the area will break them up over time, yes, but it’ll also give you less volume than you wanted in the long run, because breaking them up like that also helps them absorb, and you don’t want that! Try not to worry, your face won’t fully settle for some time. My recovery time was one week to look okay going out in public. I had my final result in about a month, but I still looked perfectly acceptable before that.

*Good luck!
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the laser destroys the fat cells, that is why they use laser! it's like in movies... they shoot a laser and the fat disappears! haha! have you ever watched laser videos on youtube? look for one with balloons. the balloon is your fat cell :smile:
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