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Fat Grafting In Korea

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my first post in tpf!

anyway, hv a personal friend who did it and looked damn good and young. however a topup was necessary 4 months later and she had to fly back to korea to do it. this time, the fats seemed to stay.
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If you see my posts which i put up last yr, i underwent full facial (defined as more than 3 areas) fat grafting in seoul on 2012 dec.

I had fat graft on my forehead, temples, upper cheeks and laugh lines.

now it is almost 6mth after my surgery, the result on my cheeks and temple are pretty good. very even and not overly full. For the forehead, the fat graft removed the appearance of protruding brow bones. But by the 5th mth the dent across my forehead reappears slightly. Therefore, it is not as full as i would like it to be. My laugh lines are lighten, but it is still slightly noticeable, which is reasonable as i have slight protruding upper jaw.

Besides my forehead, i am very happy with my result. No regrets at all and feel i should have undergo this procedure long ago. Fats at right part of my face makes one looks younger and more awake. Friends whom i met 2mths after surgeries do not notice abt my PS. Some just commented I look different (but cant tell what changes) or simply fresher. Only one or two experts in PS guessed i did something to my cheeks.

take note that your face will be supper puffy 1 mth after surgery. After 2.5mth there wont be much changes. From what i learnt, after 6mth, there wont be much changes (unless you age of coz).

The retention rate for me is around 60%-70% assuming my puffiness from surgery only lasted two weeks long.
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Hey Naturetea,

I read your posts but I could not determine where you had your procedure. Can you say which clinic it was, and did you have it more than once? Thanks!
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I had my procedure done at Regen, as I feel very comfortable with the Dr and consultant. Also, i kinda know two ladies who had fat graft done at Regen, one with okay result another with good result.

Both of them including me looks natural after around 3-4mth. if you ask me, it is quite a long time to recover for such a (relative) petite surgery.

Any questions, do forward it to me.

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I know there are very little info on the forum on fat grafting and i get a few comments on that as well. so I will share my result and a little of my experience with everyone. :biggrin:

Feel free to forward me any questions!

I had fat graft, under eyebags fat repositioning done at Regen by Dr. Park Sung Wook. I hired Zoe as my translator and go head with her recommendation with Dr. Park. First by what i have observed, reviews (from friend and my friend's friend) and a little of my instinct. Dr. Park seems to know what i want and i have no trouble communicating with him about my needs, unlike other consultations that i have been to. (FYI, I visited two clinics with Zoe and 3 other clinics by myself)

I have some trouble estimating the retention rate, as it is really subjective and my eye are not trained to do so.

However, I am pretty sure fat grafting solves my problems of producing brow bones, sunken upper cheeks and temple. And it lighten my laugher lines, as mention still kinda visible.

My upper cheeks has the best retention rate is on my cheeks, still looking overly full after 1.5mth which got me really worried. By the 4mth my cheeks looks really natural in perosn and have a nice vol. Quite a few ppl says i have gotten prettier! Sadly, my cheeks may appear to be kinda chubby in photos, something that im not use to, as I previously have really skinny and long face.

Before the procedure:
- Set the expectation right
- Communicate with ur doc.Make sure you surgeon is on the same page with you and you have no trouble communicating with him. (areas to inject, desired vol etc)
- ask what happens if you did not achieve desired result
- ask about recovery process for you

After the procedure:
- get plenty of rest! I live in stress free environment and got plenty of sleep (clearing my sleep debt too) for about 2mths. :P
- eat lots of healthy food (esp fruits)

I will add if i could think of anything else, wrote the above off my mind and may miss out some points.

Feel free to ask any questions. :biggrin:
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Hi Naturetea,

Thanks for sharing! Just curious, did you always have high metabolism? I heard that people have high metabolism absorb fats fast, whereas people like me (low metabolism and get fat fast) might be able retain the fats longer.

Any comments on this?
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Yeah, from scientific point of view it seems logical that people with high metabolism rate has will have lower retention rate. Though I have not read anything about this from creditable source.

FYI. Guess I have very screwed up metabolism rate, coz i under gone a few periods of crazy diet and exercise regime. You can categorize me as having lower than average metabolism weight.

To take metabolism into account (just in case, but i was told not to gain weight as my face may become too fat), I stopped my exercise regime (normally it is a 5km jog and some weights conditioning) one mth before surgery and up till early May (about 4mths).

My weight maintained after surgery but dropped in May. Kept to a healthy diet to maintain weight and make sure i get enough nutrients. Oh, i ate a lot of vit C too.

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Yeah, baby face is the in-thing in Asia.

Oh dear! Yeah I have read a total of two horror stories that people went blind after getting fat inject around their eyes. Scary.

May I know more about skin trouble your forum friend is facing? Coz I had two really really big acnes and serious clogged pores on my upper cheeks. But is all okay now after some intensive home treatment with appropriate skin care products. my skin is kinda sensitive now, turns red easily, but it may be due to frexel treatments i did?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Naturetea, may I know how much u pay for that on grafting ? Is e pain bearable? I also shortlist Regen But emailed them already no reply yet. Can I personally ask u more question if u don't mind...
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Hi naturaltea,

Thank you for sharing your valuable experience, I have undergone acculift (lipo) on my cheeks in ID last year and they made a massive mistake of massively over correcting so now I have sunken cheeks and I will be needing far graft- I was wondering how long should I expect the far grafting on the cheeks to last? And is dr park the fat grafting doctor of regen- as in he only takes care of fat grafting? Cheers!
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