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Fat Grafting In Korea

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I don't see why you would have to go under for your second and third FGs though. From what I understand sedation is mainly because of fat harvesting. The way they talk about fat grafts on Korean forums, it always sounds like a quick touch up they popped in for. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong :smile:
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Anyone has experience with PRP injection with fat graft? I heard it supposed to helps the fat last longer. Would love more information about PRP because I have not heard about until recently. Thanks!
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There's a forumer who did that. But a year later, she said all the effects are pretty much gone.
Man, it must be nice to live in Korea and have access to all the ps you want.
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I agree! And it's so much more affordable!!!
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Hi there,

That will be very kind of you to sum up all the reviews from people who had it done in the past. I can't wait for the final conclusion whether or not fat graft is worth doing, or even worse than fillers, uneven & doesn't last at all.

I'm planning to do fat graft next year, so I will be one of the readers here who will anticipate for your sum up. Thanks!
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Hello, so I just had fat graft. Chin and forehead. I was very happy with the result at first then the swelling is catching up, my whole face became twice as big. Now the only reason why I did the fat graft was to make my face appear smaller, but so far it has been the opposite. Is it possible that all the oil that has been reabsorbed from the forehead now settling on my face? I have never really though of this possibility witch is kinda crap. Also the forehead fat graft is suppressing my brows and eyes a bit and limiting my brow movements. Is that normal? I also noticed some slight asymmetry for my chin. Would you suggest that I have it corrected I since they still have some of my fat, or do u think it's better to just let it be? I figure with the absorption it will be less noticeable.
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Did you mention to your doc what result you want? Problem area and expectation?

My understanding that FG is to fill the sunken areas and pump up the volume making the face more youthful. We loose fats on our face as we aged. FG doesn't help to make your face smaller. Those who have overhaul face jobs like facial contouring, cheek reduction will make a face smaller, in conjunction with rhinoplasty and fat grafting shall give a more 3D and heartline cline face - very dramatic before and after.

Most ps offer free touch up within 3-6 months so u should go for retouch for the areas u need to refill for better result. I believed the doc will highlight this point before the procedure.
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why did the surgeon suggest fg to make face smaller? :S Its more ideal for people who have areas lacking volume.
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It's to add dimension to the face, and make it appear smaller, that and I do have slightly recessive chin and forehead. Otherwise it won't work.
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Yep I forgot to mention that I do have somewhat recessive forehead and chin, so my side profile is a bit monkey like too. Having the face less flat and more 3d makes it seem smaller. It did immediately after the surgery but, now the swelling/what ever is going on is changing it. Actually immediately after the surgery I noticed that the chin was a bit uneven, but I was dizzy and thought that maybe it was uneven swelling and maybe it will less obvious after absorption. Now i did try to tap the higher region down, but I don't think it's a good idea. Anyways, the absorption is not happening much yet, I am wishing for maybe 50%? My only worry is that where the absorpt fat will go? I understood that it will go with the veins and back to the body and not settle on surrounding areas.
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well it is actually the fat cells that do not survive. So they won't settle in surrounding areas or go back to the body. But rather gets flushed out by your body as waste matter.

from what you are describing, my guess is the possibiliy that the transplanted fat may have dispersed due to muscle movement. I had that issue during my first week post op after fat graft. I had too much brow movement and to remedy this my surgeon used botox to restrict movement. A couple days later the problem was alleviated.
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Yeah, thanks. I was trying to describe that but couldn't. The thing is this brow suppressing effect happened after the first night. Can the fat be dispersed lowers down? Cause I thought the brow muscle pull things to the side. I remember what you have shared in your post, and asked dr. About it and he said I don't need Botox, muscle movement will just kill the fat and not really move it around much. In any case I hope it can't be fat going to the cheeks...
And hee... How long does it take for the fat to settle down and no long affected by muscle movements?
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i was told anything remaining after 3 months will most likely be yours to keep. Sigh fat grafts are a real pain sometimes aren't they. So unpredictable. Ive had my fair share of problems with it. If it weren't so non invasive i would have opted for silicone instead
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That's what I have been told. I hope it's not the fat suppressing down on the brows but rather swelling. I have contacted some pp who have had the procedure done, and nobody said anything about it. I'm caught off guard.
My face have swell on to the point that I don't really recognize myself. My pictures just after the surgery was good, now it's so wired. I hope with the swelling goes down it will be back to normal. I am correcting my diet and grabbing some pumpkin juice. This is so unexpected.
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