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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Oh, that's good to know! How long will it take for the fat to recover? But if I do fat graft with Botox, that would really fix it, don't you think?
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Hi all,
I had full face fat graft on 31/12/13, that makes it 5 months post op. The fat has disappeared from my face completely. I had hollowness on my mid face that I wanted to fill but now there they are again. On my forehead, fat remains only on the middle of it. I can actually see a round mound of fat sitting in the middle of my forehead, either sides are flat and bony. IMO, fat graft is a waste of time and money. Although the result looks very good at first, hence before/after photos. Months later it's a different story. People here have mentioned the rate of fat disappearing depends on how fast your metabolism is, well, mine is slow. So there you go.
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Thanks for the information. Is your face look worst than before fat graft because of the uneven absorbing process?
I was thinking of fat graft, but now I don't think I will do it
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Thank you for sharing your experience. Where did you get your fat graft done?
For myself, I really just want to fill up my forehead to get rid of the ridge at my eyebrows. If only a little fat remains, I think it would be worth it for me...
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I've only had 1 fat graft. My forehead is uneven with dents and bumps, on my face the fat just disappeared altogether. Maybe a top up will fix things up? People usually need more than 1 fat graft for them to be happy. Had mine done at Aone.
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When I was in korea last month for PS, my friend did her FG first then later her Rhinoplasty.
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Hey Black widow, your post did amuse me"). I just did my face graft this morning (mainly the forehead and some other parts that really drove the clinic director nuts because he had felt that the sunken parts made me look old), I look just like a strawberry now! I did liposuction to my lower cheeks and chin too.

I've learnt basically everything about plastic surgery all from this forum and I look forward to sharing my experiences -pay it forward!

Will post my pics when I'm less strawberry like"(. I did excel laser and a couple of other stuff to my skin too so I do have brown spots all over. Promise to post my pics soon Thanks everyone for sharing:smile:
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Hi all, I am 1 yr post FG. Done twice at Grand. Today, my temples, lower cheek and chin have lost all the fat. Looking at things, I'll have to redo it another time. So troublesome!
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As a PFer gearing up for my second trip to Seoul and interested primarily in stem cell fat grafting, I'm hoping to embark on a rather ambitious project with the assistance of all the lovely forumers who have had fat grafting done in the past, or are in the process of doing so.

It's frustrating that there is very little detailed information about the results and longevity of fat grafting. Every once in a while someone pops up and says they got it done, might mention which clinic they did it at, if we're lucky, the doctor performing the procedure, then rarely do they ever come back to share follow up info on the long term results of the procedure (how much fat survived, any side effects such as lumps/asymmetry, etc), which is what we're all dying to know about.

Fat grafting is quickly gaining popularity, but most of the literature I've read on it still label it a temperamental procedure, with rather unpredictable outcomes that depend on the skill of the surgeon's technique as well as a patient's personal variables.

I will be contacting forumers who had fat grafting done in the past, as well as consolidating info and reviews from people who had their fat grafting procedures and shared it on the forum. I'll be trying to gather info such as the procedure(s) done, doctor/clinic, long term result and satisfaction, aftercare done, side effects experienced, etc, in an attempt to gather information that can help all of us considering fat grafting make a more informed decision based.

If you guys are interested in this sort of thing and would like to get in touch, shoot me a message. I'm also interested in mining other sources of PS info, such as Chinese forums, if someone can kindly point me in the right direction.
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I am interested. Thanks for doing it.
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