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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Hi guy,
I have read and see people state that if we have FG for under eyes, maybe cause sagging, is it true?
I used to take out my eyes bag and I want to do FG for tighten it up. Or is there a better way for tighten it up because now my under eyes make me look so old. :sad:
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Everyone's case is different. FG under eye is perfect for those who has hollow and thick skin under eyes. But the amount of fat injected is also key. My Dr told me that many people, including myself, has thin skin under eyes, that's why is not suitable for FG as there's potential risk of lumps and puffiness.

Alternative is to have non-invasive fillers such as Teosyal Redensity, Restylane, Sculptra, which last from 6 to 18 months.
* Teosyal Redensity - hyaluronic acid. Suppose to help with skin aging, and lighten dark colors. But my Dr said this is not suitable for Asian.
* Restylane - hyaluronic acid. Good for filling up lines and hollows.
* Sculptra - poly-L-lactic acid, suppose to to stimulate collagen formation. But I've heard cases that the Sculptra particles are too small that they moved from under eyes to cheek due to gravity.
* Juverderm - It's good for face filling, but heard many bad reviews for under eyes. So didn't really look into that.

You should ask your Dr which option is best for your case. Make sure you find an experienced Dr, who has experiences in different kinds of fillers.
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Honey, I want to meet u. I'm kinda sad really. So, by week two can I expect parts of my face that I didn't touch to return to normal? My face is like twice it's original size.
For the chin, did ur dr, say if u can chew? Mine says no problem at all but I'm having doubts. My chin is also kinda hard. It's a bit uneven but okay if absorption happens as it should...
Pls add me on kakao 619. I hesitated before doing this... Fat graft is quite unpredictable...
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Would u mind pm me who is this dr.?
I have thick skin so they say it's okay. Now I doubt. But my problem isn't really lumpiness but rather over correction and swelling
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Sorry is my local Dr, not in Seoul.
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Hey, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
Did you have fat graft for nasolabial lines? (laugh lines).
I want to get it done combined with my rhinoplasty, 'cause I have protruded mouth and I look older than my age. Do you think that it could help? ^^
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So for forehead fat graft, have u experienced brow suppressing/ heaviness, will it get better. Do u happen to know what can fasten absorption and de swelling, without causing lumps. I like my side view but my frontal view is like crap right now. I just wish they didn't over do it so much.
Ps. My face is swelled up like a pumpkin, is this normal? Day 8
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Has anyone got fat grafting for chin and nasolabial lines? Could you please tell me if it lasts? Does the fat grafting into nasolabial lines improve your look? I heard that we needed at least 2 grafting to get a permanent result, is it right?
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Hey girl, why didn't you like your sunken cheeks after your acculift lipo at ID? Isn't that what you were hoping to get? Like high cheekbone defined bony fashion model look? :loveeyes::loveeyes:

I'm looking into all the options to slimming down the face to without making it V shape because I dislike that, I like high cheekbone and square jaw
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It's me again, haha. I just also did my second fat graft last week, including the smile lines and chin area. I still can't tell how long it will last but they do improve the look i.e. smile lines become fainter and chin is sharper. Yes, you need to do it at more than once, that's for sure. But I'm not sure whether after 2 times, it will last.

I'll update again after a few months time on my FG results. :smile:
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Thank you dear ;)
Did the first grafting already improve your look? Or you needed to wait until the second one to know that it works?
There's one thing that bothers me about fat grafting: since I don't live in South Korea, I cannot afford to fly twice a year just to get the second fat graft done you know.
Do you think if it's possible to get the second graft 1 year or more after the first one?
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Hi Anna,

You have to do it twice within 3 months to see the lasting effect. Even so, after the second procedure, the fats still get reabsorbed, but to what extend I still don't know cos it's only my third week after my second procedure.

If you can only do it once and come back a year later, please look out for stem cell FG, where they inject the fats into deeper layer of the skin so that they can stay longer and also include FG with PRP which also helps to retain the fats more. :smile:
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