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Fat Grafting In Korea

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Hi, May I know where did you do your fat grafting? Sorry I dont think u can PM me as I dont have enough posts.
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Actually you do not hear much about this clinic...I knew it because I was told that a few days before a person had undergone surgery, and since I was interested in the same surgery, I immediately booked.
There's a post on this clinic : # I found myself well...then, however, I have to wait 3/4 months.
I'm patient...I hope to see soon the results, because now my face is very far from the final look!
But I like my forehead! :smile:
I did f.g. on may 21, until now the fat is left in its place.
The doctor didn't tell me anything about refills, he told me that I have to wait four months to see the final result, and that a small portion may be reabsorbed.
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Hi TwiNnie,

how much does your fat grafting at iou cost?
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Thanks for your reply, is your ptosis fixed after the surgery? Does it look ok now? i'm now 2 weeks post-op from iou, did ptosis correction + dbl eyelid revision. Unfortunately, my right eye looks like it still has ptosis, my left eye's ptosis is fixed but my old crease is still there, resulting in triple fold. I really wish i do not have to go back for fat grafting. :sad:
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I'm sorry for what happened to you! :nogood: Now my eyes are open, even if the heat causes them to swell and, at times, they seem different, but then return to normal.
However, they have yet to heal.
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How long were u swollen for and does it look overfilled at first? Did the doc tell you how long will the fat last? Sorry for asking so many questions!
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I have to tell you the truth, I don't find it overfilled even at the beginning.
The forehead is very different from before, but it is a matter of habit...
I see a little less swollen, but exactly the same as it was before.
The doctor didn't tell me what will be reabsorbed, but he told me it would be a small part.
I'm sorry not to be more comprehensive, but I don't know the percentages of resorption, also because I read on internet that for some people the settling time is even for six months, whereas there are others who would like to have a flatter forehead but now the fat is stabilized and they cann't do anything...
Is also a matter of metabolism, ability of doctor and also postoperative care.
You must not touch, press or "use" the front to prevent them from taking strange shapes. :graucho:
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Thank you for your detailed reply. It will be hard for me not to 'press' the fat grafted area since its the cheeks that I wanted to do fat grafting with. Do u notice any strange sensation on your forehead after the fat graft? And did you use GA ( general anesthesia) or partial ? The doctors that I have seen so far told me they will store the batch of far up to 6 months in case of a second refill.
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