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Fat Grafting In Korea

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I did engineering as my undergrad and I referred , I am much more interested in biotech and especially stem cell too
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I wonder where stem cell fat graft ja really more durable than normal fat graft, but a lot of docs said its actually the same thing
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I am also very interested in stem cell fat grafting. Wondered if anyone has had this done in Korea, would you please give feedback? I heard many cases of fat grafting but don't know anyone who had the stem cell procedure. I am thinking of paying a bit more to have stem cell fat grafting just for the peace of mind but don't know if it's really worth it.
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A stem cell fat graft is essentially the same procedure as a regular fat graft, tweaked slightly.

The first step is exactly the same for both procedures (liposuction of donor site to produce fat used for transplant). The main difference lies in the fact that after liposuction, the fat sample used in stem cell grafts is enriched in stem cells through further processing in the laboratory (Keep in mind that stem cells are present naturally in fat, the lab processing just concentrates them). This means that the fat injected into you face in a stem cell fat graft procedure will contain more stem cells per mililitre or gram of fat then a regular fat graft.

Why is a higher concentration of stem cells important? Peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that stem cell enriched fat grafts have enhanced survival/volume retention rates vs traditional stem cell non-enriched fat grafts. This means that more of the fat injected into you face will remain after the reabsorption and de-swelling phase. This is why clinics will quote higher percentage retention rates for stem cell vs regular fat grafts, and also why pricing is significantly higher for stem cell fat grafting.

Personally I'm still undecided as to which one I want done. Stem cell fat transplants may mean that the chance of needing a second transplant is reduced, but IMO a touch up should be anticipated for all fat grafts because reabsorption happens, which may cause asymmetry. Also, from my research the prices I've been quoted for stem cell fat graft are 2x regular fat graft.

ALL fat grafts should be considered semi-permanent because the transplanted (and natural) fat is affected by aging and weight loss. We naturally lose fat and muscle volume as we age, so if you want to maintain facial volume, you need touching up years down the road. However, definitely not as often as artificial fillers like juvederm or restylane. There is no such thing as permanent facial fillers, whether fat grafts or artificial fillers.
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May I check those that did fat grafts for the whole face, does your face looks bigger at one side of the face? Is this considered Swelling and normal if it was 8 Wks Post-op?

Any major concerns? Pls advise thanks
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Thank you so much for this value and detailed piece of information for all of us. I get the rough idea of your explanation having read a few medical reports myself, is it true that reports has shown stem cel fat graft does show better results in terms of durability and the level of survivalness. However for those doctors that i have consulted with so far has told me that stem-cell and normal fat grafting are the same thing and will give you the same effect,I dont know whether they are saying that because they dont agree on the skill or they stem-cell concentrator is costly and not all clinics and hospital could afford one---- what are you thoughts on this?
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what is your list?
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did you just do fat grafting in your whole face?
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@Isumobaby: I haven't had the list yet. Am still researching but will definitely have it done in the next few months. Do you know any good clinics for fat grafting, according to your research? I know most of the clinics can do this procedure but I want to go to a clinic that is really good at FG because this is the only procedure I am going to get. Have asked a few clinics about stem cell FG and they quoted around 6 mil for full face, don't know if it's really worth it. Also, a couple of clinics say that it takes them a week to process the stem cells which mean I may have to stay in Korea longer.

@cute-lit-fiend: do you know how long it takes to extract the stem cells if the clinics have all the neccessary equipment in house?
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It's the same with me, I will only got fat grafting the next time when I go to Korea ( I want to do one thing at a time) I didn't know stem cell takes one week to process, but to be honest a few doctors have told me that stem cell fat grafting is no different to normal fat grafting and those who claim that they do stem cell far grafting are only saying that to charge more- I got really scared after knowing that
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What Dr do u recommend from Cinderella and Faceline??
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That's strange that a clinic would tell you they need a full week to process the stem cells unless they send it out to a lab.

Fat, like any other tissue, can't survive outside the body for very long unless special handling and processing/cryopreservation occurs, to the best of my knowledge. A week seems really long to me. I can see how it would be an advantage for clinics to have in-house stem-cell processing. Let me get back to you on that one.
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Thank you!!!! >< !!
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