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Lipo - advice needed

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Hi girls,

sorry to hijack this thread but apparently im too new to create a new thread for my own question. Thus here i am!

I just had chin + cheek liposuction at 365mc and after some slight bargaining i managed to get the price down to 4.4mil nett (from 4.93mil as quoted by them). I paid everything by card btw.

I know this is going to sound like im crying over spilled milk but......... The cost information mail that i received prior to the consultation stated that the price for chin and cheek lipo was 1.8mil each, which means that it should only have been 3.6mil and it seems that i overpaid by a whopping 30%!!

I agreed on the price because

1) i forgot the price stated on the email and just assumed the price that i was quoted was the standard price

2) i assumed that 365mc, being such a big hospital, wouldn't resort to these marketing gimmicks like the other smaller clinics (quoting 1 price and charging another)

so i made my payment and had the surgery.

Looking at the cost information mail now, i can't help but feel imbalanced.. actually im fine if it's a couple hundred dollars since the skills of the surgeon is my top priority but 1mil won is enough to pay for my air tickets -.-

I approached the staff at 365 (nicely) and asked them about the price discrepancies and was told that the automated email that was sent with the cost was actually the outdated one (might be believable cuz i think no one really updates the english website).

So now, what do you guys think? Am i too naive to believe what i've been told? Is there still a chance to get back the 1mil won if i have indeed been overcharged?

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If you are going to get liposuction, then there are few points that you must know about this surgery like various precautions that you need to take before and after liposuction, complications of this surgery, disorders and their preventions etc. Read the blog http://blog.credihealth.com/thinking-getting-liposuction and know a brief detail.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I emailed them regarding liposuction and these are the following quotes given:
upper arm-KRW 3,750,000
thigh-KRW 6,000,000
liposuction AB-KRW 6,000,000

I wanted to know what machine they used for liposuction and what post op treatments are included but they haven't gotten back to me. 365mc quotes much lower price.

Any one else had experiences with the line or 365mc? Not sure which Dr to choose if I choose 365mc. So confused
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365mc quoted me 4,004,000 KRW for laser lipo on face and double chin..
I am going to consult in a few days. I am not sure if I can get discount.
I asked Wonjin as well. The quote is even more expensive but they said I could get discount.
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Consult in a few days? Are you going to Korea or consult through video?
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Not true. Here's 365mc's reply on laser:

" We have Dual laser and Lipolysis Laser

Dual and Lipolysis is the laser which destroy fat cell and also melting fat with our powerful medicate liquid (for lipolysis) but it is basically for small area and provide skin elastic rather than destroy fat like liposuction surgery.

*Dual laser
Lower part of Abdomen 310,800KRW (V.A.T included)
Inner thigh: 310,800KRW (V.A.T included)
Outer Thigh:310,800KRW (V.A.T included)

*Lipolysis Laser
Lovehandle: 1,848,000KRW (V.A.T included)
Inner Thigh:1,540,000KRW (V.A.T included)
Outer Thigh:1,540,000KRW (V.A.T included) "
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What are the difference between these methods? How many methods are there in total? How do I know which one am I to go for?
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365MC is an obesity centre. They have many different kind of procedures. They will help you with decision making during consultaion. But it's always good to shortlist a few right procedures you want. Main question to ask yourself is:

1) Invasive or non-invasive? Usually, non-invasive procedures are for smaller amount of fat and it takes around 3 months to see the results. You'll need to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. For invasive methods, results are immediate, but there will be risk of scarring.
2) Are you against anesthesia?
3) For non-invasive methods, area will be one of the factor. As some machines are not suitable for certain areas. E.g. Liposonix only works on fat layer of >2.5cm, and Coolsculpting only works on area that the machine 'head' can fit.
4) How long are you staying in Korea? Some of the procedures at 365mc takes weeks to complete. E.g. their HPL program takes 30 days, Liquid Lipolysis takes 8 injections.
5) Other procedures? If you are planning to have fat grafting as well, you cannot undergo any procedures with laser as it will destroy the fat cells.
6) Is skin tightening one of the main thing you looking for? If so, anything with laser can have skin tightening effect.
7) Price range

You should email them your criteria and ask them for suggestions. :smile:
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  • 3 weeks later...
I've sent an email to THE LINE for full body liposuction - arms/abdomen/back/thighs ~ and because i was not the average weight/size ( i dont know what they mean by average size - what is their average size?) They charge 500,000KRW for EVERY 5KG exceeded from the 'average size' (UGH!!!!)

apparently most of the 'bigger' and known clinics have their standard 'average size' and when you are bigger/heavier than their 'average size' they will be an additional charge.

WHY ARE THEY SO HARSH! we wont need liposuction if we are 'average' size already righttttttt! :sad:
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  • 3 weeks later...
hi, I'm new to this thread. I'm planning lipo with 365mc this dec. I'm hoping if anyone can recommend a good doctor at 365 for abdomen, please share with me.

or if there's anyone going in december, i would love to touch base too. my appt is for 10dec
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