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Lipo - advice needed

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I am seriously considering having lipo on my thighs and hips. I've always been pear shaped and had a modest breast enlargement 6 years ago to balance things out - which I am very happy with - but as I've gained a bit of weight with age since then, I feel out of proportion again. I do a lot of exercise and am toned elsewhere, but have stubborn fat on my legs which I don't think will ever go away. It makes buying clothes difficult - people say they don't notice it, but that's because I dress well to hide it - which in turn means I go on never ending quests for jeans etc. that fit me (I have a very small waist compared with my hips and thighs).

I know the routine for finding a reputable surgeon - I can't really go back to the one who did my breasts as I've relocated since then, but before I go ahead with a consultation I have some questions.

1. What is the recovery like in terms of what you can and can't do? Exercise, compression garments etc?

2. Do you really gain fat elsewhere after the procedure? An acquaintance told me she did (around her middle) but she blames it on not walking as much as she should have done after the procedure. My slim waist/tummy is one thing I've always liked about myself and I don't want to lose that.

3. Can it be done on calves as well? I have quite chunky calves and am concerned that if I have fat removed from my thighs, my calves will then look odd.

4. Does it cause severe bruising? I bruise very easily and the brusing after my BA was horrific and lasted about 6 weeks. At the moment I rarely wear trousers (due to finding it so difficult to shop for them!) so would struggle to keep my legs covered completely for 6 weeks!

5. How long would I realistically need to take off work? I have a desk job, and can get to and from work by public transport if driving after the anaesthetic is an issue, but I don't really want to take too much time off as I am about to start a new job so don't have much annual leave accrued - and I don't get paid for sick leave until I've been there 6 months!

Apologies for the raft of questions but I am hoping someone can help.

Thanks in advance!
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I don't think it's that you gain "extra" weight in other places, but that you *can't* gain weight in the place where you've already had it done, so the weight you do gain looks weird in other places.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Bomogirl,

I have been looking into Lipo for the past 1 year because I thought of doing it in the same areas as yours. I have been talking to (last week):

1. The Line Plastic Surgery (http://thelineclinic.com/). They specialize in liposuction. They gave me a quote of thighs USD$5500 + calves USD$4800. For calves liposuction, they will be performing ultrasound to see the composition of fat and if it's worth doing, because most calves consist of muscle more than fat.

2. BK (http://english.bkhospital.com). They provide quote after consultation only.

3. ID Hospital (http://www.idhospital.com/). Thigh USD$5400, they do not do liposuction for calves.

As for your questions, I have asked them before:

1. You need about 1 month for swelling to subside, no smoking & drinking. Compression garment must be worn for at least 1 month.

2. I did research on fat growing back elsewhere, the only concern is when you do abdomen. Check this website for your concern. ( http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/2719-liposuction-exercise-needed-belly-fat.html )

3. There will be bruising, severeness depends on individuals.

4. Calves liposuction is possible at The Line and BK

5. I asked the hospitals about staying in the hospital after the procedure. Every hospital told me the same thing. We can leave the hospital immediately after liposuction and resume daily activities straight away, except that there will be stiffness and swelling, so might not be as convenient. I was advised to stay in S.Korea for at least 4 days (recommended 10days) for post-procedure care.

Hope these are informative.
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Hihi, I had inner thigh lipo 6 months ago.

1. What is the recovery like in terms of what you can and can't do? Exercise, compression garments etc?
Me: I wore the compression garment given to me by my surgeon which was M size. 1 week later, I changed to S size. 1 month later, I bought XS and switched. 3 months later, i got XXS and been wearing it off and on till now. I never really exercise so that isn't an issue to me.

2. Do you really gain fat elsewhere after the procedure? An acquaintance told me she did (around her middle) but she blames it on not walking as much as she should have done after the procedure. My slim waist/tummy is one thing I've always liked about myself and I don't want to lose that.
Me: Yup i gained slightly on my waist which had always been very small too, but the slight gain is fine with me.

3. Can it be done on calves as well? I have quite chunky calves and am concerned that if I have fat removed from my thighs, my calves will then look odd.
Me: I am sure surgeons do lipo on calves but it depends. For me, I don't have enough fat on my calves, mostly are muscles.

4. Does it cause severe bruising? I bruise very easily and the brusing after my BA was horrific and lasted about 6 weeks. At the moment I rarely wear trousers (due to finding it so difficult to shop for them!) so would struggle to keep my legs covered completely for 6 weeks!
Me: Yes I was badly bruised and the bruises will work their way down to the feet. Lasted about 2 weeks for me.

5. How long would I realistically need to take off work? I have a desk job, and can get to and from work by public transport if driving after the anaesthetic is an issue, but I don't really want to take too much time off as I am about to start a new job so don't have much annual leave accrued - and I don't get paid for sick leave until I've been there 6 months!
Me: I suppose 3-4 days would be sufficient. Well, with the help of painkillers, i went shopping immediately the next day after lipo!

Hope I helped =)
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Hi Clammie,

May I know where you had yours done? and did lumpiness or irregularity occur in the area you had liposuction? I am planning to get it done in less than 2 months, still coming to final decision.

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Hi dear.

I did mine in BKK. Experienced lumpiness till around 3 months and everything smoothed out. The only not-so-good part is the scars and loose skin.
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Thank you Clammie!

That helps a lot in terms questions to the surgeon. I was told by the consultant from The Line that there's a treatment using ultrasound and radio frequency which we have to go through 2 weeks post-lipo to tighten loose skin and smooth out lumpiness. Maybe you can ask the hospital that you had your procedure if they do it.

The Line does thigh lipo with "invisible scars" method via insertion through belly button and tailbone.

Hope everything turns out perfect for you soon :smile: Thanks again darling!
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Hi dear hope everything goes well for u too! :P
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for sharing, Clammie!
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Hi Bomogirl & EP_Hermes, how's your plan so far? Have you guys done it? I just had a lipo procedure on my upper arms a week ago at 365mc in Korea. Will start a new thread and update soon as soon as my account able to make a new thread!
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Hi Joyousbaby,

I just had my stomache lower and upper and flanks done at 365mc two days ago I am in day 3 and feel okay. The Clinic is in Gangnam and if you go suggest you stay at the Mecure its just 2 stops from Seoul University of Education station. I was quite impress with the hospital its a total of 13 stories and the reason I choose 365mc is because they specialise in Lipo. I had my consultant on day 1 , blood test, measurement of my compression garment which I ordered 2 so you can wash on and wear the other. You have a 3D scan of the body and pictures taken on the surgery area which is really cool. You meet your doctor I had Dr An. He was excellent and spent time answering my questions he spoke broken english but I had a hospital translator. On the day of the surgery I met the doctor again and he explain exactly what he was going to do and where the incision would be. I have 4 incisions. Belly button, tail bone and two on the pelvis just above the bikini line. You then get ushered into a sterilisation area. They put in an IV and then the Doctor does his magic. I felt no pain. If you do have abdomen area done you need to bring spare underwear which they will cut reason being that he surgical area needs to be completely flat no indentation. I had no drainage at all as that was one of my fears about the leaks. I just went to get my dressing change and they gave me a tube of arnica gel for recovery. I fly out on Friday so will go back. Basically I am up on my feet went shopping today and feel great. The area is tender and thank god for the compression suit. I notice bruising has started in the lower abdomen and doctor expects that to move all the way to the thighs due to gravity. I have had 2 kids so really wanted to do this and I am so happy with the results. It was immediate. They withdrew a total of 2300cc 2.3 litres of fat!! I exercise alot and but after the two kids my ab fat would not budge. If you need more advise let me know. I would definitely recommend 365mc to anyone want to have lipo. I will have stitiches remove when I go back to HK 2 week post op. I was thinking doing arms too but they recommended against its as it quite alot to endure.
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Hi cxflygal,
Thank you for sharing. May I know how much they charge you for the procedure? I did my nose (rhinoplasty) and forehead (fat grafting) at Busan. So thought I may go back Busan for my lipo as well. I understand that there are different types of lipo and I was told by the Clinic they are using the water jet lipo... Which is less risky? Honestly not been doing much research on it. Anyway so far I had a gal friend did her nose and lipo (tummy) there. She is pleased with it.
Believe come to pricing, guess Busan will be definitely cheaper.
I have 3 kids, so yes I understand is so difficult to she'd off those pounds and every time I wear jeans I look like a muffin!!! Over flow of FATS.. All around. So sad.
So I am definitely doing lipo around sept cos now too hot to wear the garment. I know myself I will not be discipline if too uncomfortable..
Hope to hear from you soon on more updates.. Speedy recovery
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