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Chungdam U Plastic Surgery & Skin

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Hi, I am 10 days post-op and have met only one other person on this forum who has chose this clinic due to seeing various celebrities and famous ulzzangs going to this clinic for skin and plastic surgeries. If you've had any experiences with this clinic please feel free to share!

My experience


I booked an appointment on Kakaotalk and forgot to give my name so when I arrived, there was some confusion regarding my appointment.... However it was the end of April on a weekday when most people are at school, they weren't really busy and so they took me in without an appointment. I sat in a cozy little room and talked to Dr.Lee (one of the head doctors who speaks English bc he studied at Utah State University). He never rushed me and even kept making sure I had no questions on my mind, he explained the procedures I asked about and gave me different options and approaches for what I wanted. I was nervous and was at a lack of questions haha. The price consultation sat beside us to take note of what I wanted. They showed me the prices for procedures if I paid in cash and if I paid with a credit card. I told them I would pay in cash and they quoted me around W10,000,000 for eyes, osteotomy, corrective rhinoplasty (not so much a 'hump' on the nose, but i wanted a curvier nose), tip plasty, fat graft for aegyosal, dark eye circles, forehead, paranasal augmentation (silicone). I asked them if I could do W8,000,000, they said they could and asked how much I have. I was pretty sure that was my budget. I made the mistake of counting my money infront of them, realizing I had W8,600,000 and they put the final price at W8,600,000. (All my money down the drain T_T) They said bc I lowered the price so low that they can't give me complimentary fat fillers if I needed more... SIGH all my money gone but I didn't complain bc I thought of all the people who paid much more for way less procedures. >< Anyway I was set to have surgery the next day.

Surgery Day
Didn't eat or drink since 12am the prior day, I was really hungry and thirsty... This day I was only going to do some of the procedures (eyes, nose, paranasal) bc fillers would be ruined by my bandages if I did them on the same day. I went there around 2pm the next day, the lady who looks like Shin Minah brought me to the sink to wash my face, then brought me to a room to change my clothes. Then a lady came in, tied my hair and took my pictures. I went to the surgery room where Dr.Yang (the head plastic surgeon) marked my eyes and Dr.Lee marked my nose. They put an IV in my right arm, a cute stuffed dog in the other and then I was flying to different planets with upbeat kpop music in the background... LOL. All of a sudden, I heard a voice telling me to open and close my eyes and I felt like my eyes were a ripped pair of jeans being stitched up. No pain though, just sound effects. I made a sound through my mouth and I guess they assumed I was in pain so they numbed my eye a little more. Finally they placed an ice pack over my eyes and then a few minutes later they were like "okay time to do your nose!" and after a minute I was out cold haha. I woke up in the bed with a numb face and was very thirsty. I found out I couldn't drink for 2 hours so I just went back to sleep until then. Had some water, and was on my way. No nausea, dizziness, whatever, I was just numb and happy I finally did it. I think the surgery took about 4 hours in total.

Day 1-3
First night I couldn't sleep at all. Wasn't used to breathing through my mouth and woke up every 30mins for water. Plus I had quite some pain and a headache in the middle of my face. Day 2 and 3 I took the medicine I got and minor pain in the middle of my face along with slight headache and I couldn't really do much or eat anything but liquid foods (which was still pretty difficult to eat)

Day 4-9
Pain significantly less and less, able to walk around and shop. Took walks every night, can start to chew food. Still wake up sometimes bc of dry mouth. Appointments at the clinic every few days for an IV vitamin thing, supposed to help me heal faster. One incident they put some kind of laser healing light on me and I got a severe allergic reaction from it.... They gave me a needle in my buttocks and it went down in an hour. Wasn't pleasant though.

Day 10
All stitches out. Nose cottons taken out. Stitch removal isn't as bad as I expected. Rest of bandages taken out except for nose splint (comes off on day 14) No pain except when apply pressure to the nose. Can finally breathe through my nose and eat anything I want. My nose feels free! I want to peek under the nose splint, it looks good so far :smile: Unfortunately I feel like my eyes are undercorrected (the change was more subtle than I would've liked), in my opinion (I guess not the doctors) therefore I'm going back on Thursday to re-do them. If you want a dramatic change to something, you must tell them or they'll automatically make it look pretty natural.

Famous Ulzzangs






The website is in KOREAN. (Don't worry, there is an English speaking doctor and English speaking skin specialist.)
So I translated it for people who are having trouble.


Step 1) Go to http://dryang.co.kr

Step 2) Log in
User: purseforums
pass: purseforums
OR create account

Step 3) (only if you're creating an account)

Step 4) Navigation

Step 5)
Online consultation (It's fine to consult in 100% English, they will reply to you thoroughly in English)

Click Online Consultation (&#50728;&#46972;&#51064;&#49345;&#45812;)
Press '&#50416;&#44592;' button at the bottom right side of the page.
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Thanks for this review! Hope you're happy with the results. I'm still so impressed by their B&A photos.

Question about the size of the clinic is it one of the smaller ones? or is it big like ID, BK etc.
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Hi I'm good!! :smile: It's now 18 days post-op and so far so good cept they undercorrected my eyes (epi reversal cause one eye is longer than the other, didnt have epi before tho), but i'll be doing revision in 2 months. I guess undercorrected is better than over corrected. I didn't tell them exactly how I wanted it so for anyone going to this clinic, they make things pretty natural unless you ask for a dramatic change. kinda bummed that i have to revision tho

thank u! and yes they did jawline for an ulzzang named &#54889;&#51648;&#48124; and she looks great

no problem. im impressed with my tip plasty
its a small clinic and only the head doctors will operate on u cause theres no other surgeons except them. :smile: its a cozy clinic.

no im sorry i dont want to post my picture publicly for privacy

thank u though. i didnt stay in a hotel i stayed with family. airfares depend on where u live, just google "flights from -location" to seoul"

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HI Chipmunk,

Can you give me the email address for Chungdam U?

The website is all in korean and I cant find it.
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Thankyou so much! :smile:

Yes, the head doctor, Dr. Yang did my eyes while Dr.Lee preformed my osteotomy bc he is skilled with that. Dr. Lee also did my tiplasty

replace (AT) with @, I do this so that spam bots won't take his email address.

They don't post the e-mail address on the website.


- My nose tip looks great, its not too fake and looks very nice. My nose tip is no longer bulbous.
- My paranasal area looks much better than before, not so depressed anymore
- Osteotomy looks very nice so far.

- I asked to shave the bridge to give me more a curve because my bridge is very straight, not worried about height bc I already naturally have height... However the change is barely noticable and if they shaved my radix a little bit more... It would be perfect

- The epi reversal, I was hoping my eyes would be more evened out because my left eye is already longer than the other. It seems as though after surgery, my problem is even more noticable. They did not fix it. However I'm getting a free revision in about 2 months.

- I had post-op laser treatment which I had a severe allergic reaction to, I had hives all over my body and they gave me an allergy shot in my butt... lol

- From my understanding, I had forehead fat graft. He said something like "but we can't do it now because your nose bandages will ruin it" but he did not mention removing it from the price. Then a couple of days ago I inquired about it and apparently it was never included in the first place, and apparently they have 'proof' because it wasn't written on the chart from day 1. This really threw me off. When I asked about it at first, the doctor said in Korean 'ugh... what is she talking about?' he said it like he was so frustrated, probably thought I couldn't understand Korean... it made me quite uncomfortable.... :sad:

- My first day of consultation I came to ask for fat graft for my dark eye hollows. I don't remember him saying he would use fillers, but also a few days ago he told me he would use fillers (Resylane, which lasts only about 12 months or a little more) because fat would make the undereyes sag years later. (But I thought that a lot of clinics do fat graft for under eyes....) I felt a little cheated with the price I paid because I don't remember him mentioning fillers OR removing the fat graft. I'm not looking for life-losting results, just results that would last quite a few years.

- Although I got a paranasal augmentation, there is STILL a little bit of midface depression. I understand that partially is because of swelling from my nose, but Dr.Lee said he would inject 'fat dissolving' injections around that area (cheeks). Although I'm a little worried because I think the fat in my cheeks makes me look quite young and to 'dissolve' it would perhaps make me look old...? idk. But I was hoping to maybe fill the depressed area rather than dissolve the fat. So I am a little worried about that..

- Right after my surgery, he gave me his email so that I could e-mail him if I had any questions. When I mentioned the above issues^ (minus the nose bridge because i feel uncomfortable to say so), he stopped replying to my e-mails. But whenever I would come in for an appointment, he would mention it. I feel kind of neglected that he no longer answers my e-mails through e-mail.

- Dr.Lee seems colder everytime I visit him

- There seems to be a lot of miscommunications and supposed changes of words. I don't know whether it's because of the slight language barrier or if they really are changing their words ever so cleverly.

Despite all these cons, they are very skilled doctors. My problems are rather under-corrected than overcorrected, which I'm thankful I didn't get a 'botched job'.

I recommend if you come to this clinic, know exactly what you want, details down to the mm of what you want adjusted. They do things very naturally, so if you want a dramatic change you MUST not be so vague about it. Also have someone who can speak Korean incase you have some communication problems (which I did, thankfully)
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Also Id like to mention that the original called price was definitely unde W10,000,000 but over W9,000,000.

and that im getting my skin lasered there soon.

^ the mod wouldnt change it -_-
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Im really sorry for the triple post.

I complained a while back to Dr.Lee that I still had stitches in my nose, because I sneezed a blue thread out. and he assured me that all the stitches were removed and that a stitch might have just fell into my nose when the nurse was removing them. He got the nurse to -check my nose again and I was on my way....

anyway I have been getting hard, dry mucus that has been blocking my nose everyday since then. everyday I would pick the mucus out and it would be huge. I kept wondering why the mucus would get stuck on my nose, when i tugged on the boogers i felt slight pain as if they dried onto my nose hairs. Pulled them out anyway... and to my surprise, last night a blue string came out along with my booger. I inspected further and there are still stitches in my nose!

All these complications and you'd think they'd give me compensation or even a little discount for my skin laser.... :tdown:

Here is the knotted stitch, which was still knotted in my skin.

Left nostril with stitch hanging out (blue string)

Both nostrils. Right nostril stitch is visible towards the left side of the right nostril (blue string)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello! I am considering doing rhinoplasty, had a few other clinics in mind but after reading your experience there I am also considering Chungdam U! I am currently in Seoul so I only have my mobile to work with and unfortunately it is hard for me to translate the page haha. What is the address of chungdam u? Do they accept walk ins? Have emailed them asking for a consultation but i'm not sure if I will get a reply..

Wish you a speedy recovery!
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