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Chungdam U Plastic Surgery & Skin

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Turns out my stitches weren't dissolvable and the nurse just missed them.

Anyway I'm kind of angry about the fact that Chungdam U keeps trying to upsale me, telling me I need extra acne treatments and lotions and stuff even after I spent 2,000,000won for my skin alone. They asked for another 200,000won for additional acne treatments, and then asked for more money for even more acne treatments afterwards!

What I don't understand is the fact that I see SO many people from this forum going to Chungdam U because of ME. Increase of foreign clients because of ME. and they can't even spare one more discount or even any free procedures. Instead they try to milk more and more money out of me, recommending me things I don't need, or denying anymore discounts due to the fact that 'they've given me already a pretty big discount on my procedures alone'

For example, my paranasal aug is kind of subtle so I talked to the doctor. He recommended me 'fat dissolving' injections for no fee. I kind of thought about it and how people don't usually remove the fat in their cheeks and usually add more volume. Fat dissolving injections would cause me to look older and thus spend even more money at their clinic on fat graft to correct it. So I inquired about fat graft instead in that area, and he told me we would discuss money on my next visit. Everything is about money, money, money and trying to upsale me as much as possible. Free fat dissolving injections but I have to pay for fat graft in that area? HMMM.. Not even a discount either. After all the attention and clients I've been attracting to Chungdam U...


I even brought my bf to get his skin done with me and he got a discount, but after that they made up for the discount by asking me the same amount of money as the discount, for 'additional treatments' that were not even brought up until my bf bargained his price. Usually skin clinics in Korea do 1+1 deal where you bring your friend and you get 50% off or even free!

Same with a lot of p.s clinics, you bring a friend and you usually both get discounts. I brought a huge amount of foreign clients and I get zilch!

Chungdam U = $$$$$$$$$$

Skilled, but money oriented. Sigh.

I wish I could lightly mention this to the doctor but I don't want to sound demanding or disrespectful. :\
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Hi Chipmunk! Just wondering, what specific kind of blepharoplasty did you do (non-incision, incision, ptosis correction, etc)? I'm thinking of going to Chungdam U too, just for eyes, but I'm not sure what you think about your new eyes? :smile: Thanks!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi chipmunk.. How are you?
i would like to know how is your nose now?
you did paranasal aug, but the result wasn't please you. so did you take "fat dissolving" injections?
What the different between paranasal aug and fat graft?
I have smile lines and i'm kinda interest to do paranasal but not fat graft.
So do you think this clinic is good or not?

i wish you may share your b/a photos. please send to my email [email protected]
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Sorry no, i wont just throw my identity out there. please understand. my face is not very generic

i got my epicanthal folds fixed. they were uneven also and are even more noticeably uneven after the surgery. my revision is soontime

my nose is still a little bit swollen but not noticable and only if i apply pressure to my nose. no i didnt take the fat dissolving injections, if you read my other post i mentioned that people usually add volume to that area rather than removing. i am hoping they provide me with a free fat graft as compensation.... but im not sure if its much to ask. I think this clinic is good and skilled. Also paranasal implants cant help everyone with nasal depression if its deep enough, so additional fillers might be needed but the implant itself does make quite a difference!
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I heard someone on this forum has told Chungdam U about my negative experience. I would like to say that everything is resolved with the money issue and I have gotten everything I have expected.

I have a revision this upcoming Tuesday.

I would like to say that Chungdam U is the best clinic I have visited, I had a lot of misunderstandings that have been solved. I am really happy with the service and I am pleased to announce that they have been treating me really fairly and I got my moneys worth. I have come to understand that what I paid for is excellent considering their skill.

I have visited a few P.S clinics these past weeks and have seen a lot of unnatural looking clients and office people. Chungdam U provides very skilled and careful results with excellent staff (very pretty and natural looking I must say) and friendly doctors. Dr.Lee speaks better English than most of the P.S clinics I've visited. Yes there are cheaper clinics out there, but their skill is unparalleled to Chungdam U. I am excited for my revision and recommend this clinic to everyone. They have finally addressed alll my problems and concerns and we worked them out.

I hope you all consider this clinic for their very personal consultation and perfect skill and pricing. I fear that I would have looked very unnatural and cheap looking if I chose another clinic over them. I also feel very cared for in their hands.

Thanks so much to Chungdam U and especially Dr.Lee :heart:

I am absolutely thrilled with this clinic. :smile:

Another thing, to the people on this forum that I keep in contact with, I do not have kakao anymore :sad: So please just message me through PM here.
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Whats an affiliate referral program?

and yes they gave me compensation but im not too sure if any other benefits can be given in the future from this post. Unless I go back, of course.

I dont recommend pressuring clinics into giving you free procedures or getting money back just for the sake of that, in my case i think it was necessary and deserved.
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You dont thnk it would be too much to ask even though they threw in a free procedure for me? I wonder what kind of incentive I could receive from that since I see more and more foreign patients by the days every time I come in for follow-up treatments and appointments.
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Heres a more detailed review of what happened.

I was initially anticipating to visit Pitangui and Chungdam U. I came to Chungdam U, had a really personalized and patient consultation with Dr.Lee and the skin specialist. During the consultation, Dr.Lee agreed with all the things i wanted to fix which was osteotomy, tip plasty, paranasal augmentation, fixing my epicanthal folds, aegyosal filler, undereye dark circle fat graft and forehead fat graft (during the consultation he said that he would do the forehead fat graft later and I said OK, but he never told me he would remove it from the price which came to a surprise to me since i asked about my forehead fat graft and Dr.Lee sighed and said in korean "what is she talking about?" and they sat me down to tell me it was never included in the first place and that they have a 'chart' to prove that it wasnt included, i wasnt interested in seeing it because i remember i paid thinking that it was included so it kinda putt me off.) I couldnt afford the initial price and asked to remove the skin care but still had a hefty price left for my procedures, they called around ₩9,XXX,XXX. I said all I had was ₩8,000,000 and they said they could do it and went to talk to the head to see about that price. They came back to tell me that they could do ₩8,000,000 however I couldn't receive additional fillers if needed. They asked to see how much money I had and I was nervous and shy and out of stupidity pulled out my bank statement saying that i had in fact ₩8,600,000 and all of a sudden they were like ok price is ₩8,600,000, pay deposit and you can do surgery whenever you want. I picked tomorrow and I was too shy to point out that they agreed to ₩8,000,000 initially. However I paid my deposit and decided not to go to Pitangui because I felt as though Dr.Lee saw what i wanted fixed as if he was in my shoes and their prices were lower than Pitanguis, plus Pitangui didnt have a lot of B&A photos and Chungdam U actually has B&A photos from Ulzzangs they worked on. I decided to do surgery the next day.

On the day of my surgery I was about to pay and let the desk lady know that me and Dr.Lee agreed on ₩8,000,000 which was later changed to ₩8,600,000 upon seeing the money slip I pulled out. The desk lady replied with 'My doctor would never do something like that', I shrugged it off and off I went. I washed my face and was brought to the operating chair. They marked my face, had me read and sign an agreement that acknowledges risks and other stuff, laid me down, put a cozy blanket over me, stuffed doggie in my left hand and then injected me with needle that didnt seem to hurt at all. Next thing I know I'm flying and seeing colors and then all of a sudden I wake up and hear sewing on my eyes and nurses humming prettily to the kpop in the background. It was really relaxing and comfortable. then I winced a little and they immediately understood and gave me a numbing needle for my eye which was relieving. Then they sat me up and put an ice pack on my eyes for a few minutes. Then they said they were going to put me to sleep and I was asleep a minute later lol. Woke up in a recovery room feeling numb and dizzy and very very thirsty. They said I couldnt drink for an hour, but 30 mins later they let me have a sip of lukewarm water and then I was out the door. The first few hours I felt absolutely nothing, then later that night the pain kicked in and I felt a headache-like pain in the middle of my face, if that makes sense. I woke up every 30 mins to drink water cause I wasnt used to breathing through my mouth and my mouth got really dry. First couple of days remained so and I e-mailed Dr.Lee about it and he told me that he understands and that its a very uncomfortable and normal part of the procedure. I was swollen for about a week, eating pumpkin soup and drinking tons of water. My paranasal implants were placed through an incision in my nose, so there werent any stitches in my mouth which i am very glad for bc i couldnt imagine having my mouth really swollen. I realized we had a humidifier in the house and I began to use that, which made the dry mouth problem a heck of a lot better and I could finally sleep normally without waking up in the middle of the night.

By day 10 I had my nose cottons removed, when they removed them my nose started to bleed like crazy and i was quite embarrassed haha. They removed the stitches which hurt less than I expected, there was no pain, just itchiness haha. By day 14 I had my nose splint removed (its usually 7 days for people who dont get osteotomy and get something like implant instead) and was finally able to see my new nose. I was surprised they never cleaned my splint during those 14 days cause when they removed it I had these massive blackheads :sad:. Theyre all gone now though. Dr.Lee cleaned the splint and gave it to me to wear at night. My nose bridge was still a bit fat looking because of swelling and Dr.Lee said it would go away in a few months. I realized a few weeks after my eye swelling subsided completely that I wasnt satisfied with the correcting of my epicanthus and it was still uneven where one eye was longer than the other and Dr.Lee said I could surely do revision if I felt as though it was undercorrected and still a bit uneven. During that upcoming appointment, they said they had to wait a few months before they operated or else there would be a bigger chance of scarring and also they had to see how it healed.

Next, they told me that I was due for my aegyosal and undereye dark circle filler. WAIT? FILLER? I asked for fat graft for my undereye circles and Dr.Lee said that they actually wrote it down as filler because fat particles are less fine than fillers, fat is hard to remove and would cause sagging years later. I found it weird because many other clinics offered fat graft for undereye. So I took out the fillers and opted for skin lasers instead. I had ₩1,400,00 worth of fillers and my skin price was supposed to be ₩2,100,000. Although I made this forum post and even translated their website to attract foreign patients and help them out, they still expected me to pay ₩700,000 which made me super ticked off and i asked why they couldnt give me a discount for the skin. The reason they said was 'we already gave you discount for your surgeries, we cannot give you anymore discounts' WHAT? and then I made a post in this thread complaining and someone from here reported it to Dr.Lee and he asked me to change it or take it down lol. Before this, I felt like my paranasal area was also undercorrected and he recommended me fat dissolving injections for free, I denied because usually people add volume to cheeks instead of removing (which makes you look old). I emailed him about fat graft and he said okay and mentioned discussing price at my next visit. Then finally when I visited about my revision and he was really nice and asked me to remove the negative post and was offering free change of my paranasal implant to bigger, or fat graft or fat dissolving stuff and I said no. But a few days later I inquired about it again and asked for fat graft for paranasal without additional cost for all that ive done and stuff and he agreed! yay! Also i asked to watch my revision with a mirror to see if I would like more or less and he said i could do that too. So im really happy about that and really happy with this clinic now.

Its now 3 months post op and the swelling is down drastically and my nose is looking nicer and thinner week by week. I am really happy with the results and it doesnt look super fake or plastic. It looks like an upgraded version of my own nose with a pretty tip. The tip and bridge is just what I wanted. My epicanthal folds healed really nicely with absolutely no scarring and I am due for my revision this tuesday. Also visiting other plastic clinics along the way, I have to say that hands-down Chungdam U has the prettiest and most natural looking desk ladies. All the other clinics I went to, the ladies had scary looking eyes that looked like they couldnt close properly, fake super pointy upturned noses, obviously scary chipmunk-like fat graft and aegyosal fillers. Chungdam Us desk ladies really reflect their skill and how careful they do their work and not make everyone into a clone. Also how personalized they are and dont have that factoryesque vibe. I have to say that I am really thankful for this clinic overall and how much they shot up my confidence without makeup and contouring tricks. I am super happy with my face and I feel like it was really worth the money I saved up, i wouldve spent more at a more medical-tourism oriented clinic with ****ty skills, a football team amount of nooby plastic surgeons that they could switch off at any point and a super unpersonalized plastic looking face molded with a cookie cutter. I have no regrets at this point and I am excited for my revision.

Thank you Chungdam U and Dr. Lee again.
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Hello Chipmunk! ^^

Thank you again for your detailed review about Chungdam U. I am happy to know that you´ll finally get your deserved surgeries. Good luck with your upcoming revision on next tuesday. Touch Wood. !

Warmest regards
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You mentioned in your post that ' fat particles are less fine than fillers, fat is hard to remove and would cause sagging years later. '
Is it true? I don't really know much about fat graft.
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Hi Chipmunk,

Thank you very much for your review.

May I know if Chungdam U has diffferent doctors who specialise in different procedures or Dr.Lee is the one who does everything? Reading from your posts, it seems like Dr.Lee did all procedures for you including eyes, nose and fat grafting.

I am interested in fat grafting but I want to go to a specialist rather than a general surgeon.
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i cant believe that my thread is the first thing that pops up when you google chungdam u.

I wish I could ask about affiliate referral program with Chungdam U, however I feel as though they will think that I'm greedy and annoying. i wish someone could word it for me and send it to them since i feel like im asking for too much by asking on my own lol, because I know behind my back they will think i`m greedy by saying these things on my own and i dont want that kind of tension with my doctor.

i guess i am a little under appreciated even though i have translated their home page and brought them way more foreign clients.

Yes its true for undereye fat graft. Filler is much better but you have to constantly have to retouch every year. Undereye fat graft is recommended for older people and is also recommended to fill about 50% or so (which is barely a difference) because it tends to sag easily.

Yes, Dr.Kim and Dr.Lee specialize in fat graft.

Also Dr. Lee did my osteotomy, tip plasty, paranasal augmentation, and Dr.Yang did my epicanthus. Dr.Yang is the nose specialist but Dr.Lee is the one who specializes in osteotomy. also Dr.Yang is good with epicanthus while Dr.Lee is good with double eyelid
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