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My eyelid surgery experience in korea

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Post surgery 11th day. Kwon said 2/3 mths then will reduce swell.

On my remove stitches day, kwon said tat my swell is bad. He gave me an injection on tat day itself. After the injection , it was slightly better .

The day before I had my flight back to singapore. I called for another consultation with doc. I am glad tat the clinic assistant tried her best to let me meet him. In short, I was afraid abt the swell and there is a little peak at my right eye. He assured tat swell and peak will go away. He said wait for 2/3 mths. Its too early to tell.

I have no idea why is my swell so bad. Possible causes.
1) nv take sinnech
2) had seafood one week before sugery
3) not enough rest after sugery.
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I cross my fingers for your smooth recovery and beautiful new eyes Goldfishintown!:hbeat: Thank you very much for sharing important info! I am going in 1 week to do my eyes in Seoul and my first choice is Teuim! I don't have yet second choice! They quoted me 5,5Mil for all that you paid for 4,4Mil so its very good to know there's room to bargain!

I wish you best my Dear! :smile:
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My every first consulation with kwon was probably 10 min. ( i came with a list of paper to ask and things to tell him ) It so short. My consultation right before sugery was short too , probably 5 min. He asked me. Is there anymore thing to tell me. And I repeated what I wan and wat I dont wan.

After the surgery itself, u did not get to see him. And I think its not necessary too. Coz I was was too drowsy. Went back hotel straight.

The very next day, I was told to go back to remove tapes and to clean up my wound. Didnt get to see him.

One week after sugery (thursday), i went back to remove stitches. He review my eyes and comment tat my recovery is not doing well. Then he gave me an injection.

Next day, ( friday ) I called up to ask for urgent consultation as I am flying off on sat. I was worried abt my swell and the slight peak at my right eye. Teuimp was nice to get me a consultion.

After I am back from singapore. I had rashes over my hands , face and legs. And both my ears swell. I emailed them. And dr kwon replied my email. Its nth to do with the injection. Its nice tat they responsive and show concern after surgery.
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Hi girl, pls do not be influenced by my posts. Do more search on doc skill and if the doc can give u the result tat u wan or not. Kwon, for skill , I think he is good at epi. V v v good. Anyone not going for epi, can go other doc at a lower price. I belive they r good as well.
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Omg what happened? How did they know it didn't have to do with the injection? What was the injection? Sorry for the bombard of questions. I would be so worried to leave and come home with unknown rashes. Glad they replied to you. Hope all is well and you're recovering fast.
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Post sugery 12th day. Post remove stitches 5 days.

The little wound under my right eye, which was were the stitches were are removing well. The reciovered wound is peeling and I can see my new skin coming out. Yeah. Epi. Successful.

Have been taking pineapple and orange juice. And have been diligently apply cold and hot compress. May I swell go away soon.
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Your post operation eyes look way different than your original eyes. I hope you are very satisfied with the results as there is no going back. Would you kindly send me your unedited pictures? I promise to share them with no one else.
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