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My eyelid surgery experience in korea

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Result is there is no obvious scar. But the is a little small bump at right eye. Initially my left eye has it and its gone. Hopefully it will go away. Dr kwon assure me tat they will go away and so far one is still there. So lets see.. will post more pic after 2 mths.
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HI Goldfishintown,

I would like to thank you for your very helpful post about price and experience and Teuim Clinic! I followed you and had my surgery on July 29. Its more than 1 month now! He did a good job so no pblm but I also have a little red bums on both sides of eyes on magic ecanthoplasty! I heard this will go away with time, too! Everytime I ate beef, seafood the red bums appeared swollen. Next day I am good with eating, they are going down again! My upper eyes' fat was supposed to be laser removed but I don't know why my eyes are even more puffy than before surgery! Hopefully this is just swelling! It's still puffy now, 5 weeks post op.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Goldfishintown,

Does Teium still operate? It seems their website is down >.< They're one of my top choices but I feel like I need to see their website to help make a decision. Is there any email that I can contact them with? Also, which surgery technique did he use for your eyelids? Did you feel you were given enough support and care before, during and after surgery? :smile:
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I checked their website and from what little I can understand Korean I think it said their website is under construction but in the mean time if you need to contact them you can call them at the number... seems to be the same number as on naver http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=sscode&logNo=50090431367 (#124 &#53944;&#51076; &#49457;&#54805;&#50808;&#44284;
&#49436;&#50872;&#49884; &#44053;&#45224;&#44396; &#49888;&#49324;&#46041; 590 ICL&#48716;&#46377; 6&#52789; 02-511-5345)

&#53944;&#51076; is Teuim and &#49457;&#54805;is seonghyeong which means plastic surgery just in case you can't read any hangul ^^
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Ahh shinyglittery, you are an angel! :smile: My goodness, is that long list just PS clinics in Gangnam? :o I'm actually planning WAY in advance.. like almost 1.5 years ahead XD I plan to go to korea for a month around late Jan/early Feb, 2015 so I have plenty of time to research. For now, I'll just keep looking out for recounts from Teium customers and hopefully their website will be back up before then so I can make a final judgment. But if not, I will still go for a consult since it's free and they have an english translator :biggrin:
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I'm so glad I could help ^_^ &#44053;&#45224; is gang-nam... try ctrl+f on the page and see for yourself xD (short answer: yes it is!) not to confuse/scare you but I don't think that's even all the clinics... I think some of them aren't even on naver haha~

There are so many clinics it feels overwhelming at first but when you do your research eventually you'll find the right one(s) ^_^ don't rush it though, it usually takes some time... I've been collecting my notes on the different clinics for a while now and I'm only getting started xD but this whole process is really helping me come to terms with the amount of clinics and prepare me for making the right choices :smile: and really the more information you have (good and bad) the less scary it feels... first it feels more scary but then you learn more and then it gets less scary when you realise you can actually make an informed decision ^^ but in the end it's still a leap of faith... but it shouldn't be a blind one~ ^^ and if you really spend 1.5 years researching.... you'll have all the info you need at the end of your journey ^^

I'm probably getting my surgeries within the next 6-8 months... maybe sooner if I feel like I have enough to make a decision but I don't want to rush it so we'll see... ^^
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Oh I see! So you will be going around Feb-April time? I was considering getting it done early next year but I'm scared I won't be mentally prepared or have enough information to make a proper decision. Would be cool to go the same time as other people on this forum though so we could share the experience. What are the surgeries you plan on getting? And which clinics do you have in mind at the moment?
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Maybe... maybe... I don't know!! I have to be mentally prepared too ^^ I mean I am sure I want the surgeries and I'm sure I'll get them but I really need to be sure about my choice of surgeons/clinics... ^^ also I want to get some paperwork done before leaving for Korea but that shouldn't hopefully take long :smile: but that's all to say I don't know exactly when I'll be going but feb-april sounds like the most likely time if I think about it right now ^^ I've been thinking about going at the same time as others as well but then I've also thought "I don't want to show my face to new people til it's prettier" haha xD (does that make me vain? probably... xD ) going together might be nice though... i don't know ^^ it's something i'd have to think about...

I'm planning on v-line and rhino and eyelid surgery, I'm not sure which is a bigger priority for me rhino or eyes, probably eyes atm? Then again a nosejob can change the whole face pretty drastically so maybe I'd like that first? I'll get them all at once if possible ^^ (i've also thought about zygoma but I don't want to overdo it... haha xD )

oh and atm I'm thinking maybe Cinderella or View for eyes, Chungdam U otherwise but their results are natural/conservative (though not as conservative as Item!) and I want a drastic change/circle eyes ^^ also humm... EverM for v-line (and zygoma if I get it), from everything I know about them I have no reason to trust them, it's the clinic I'd feel like I'd be taking the least risk with and v-line is really something I don't want to mess up... for nose Pitangui, Wang Ting (a doctor in Northern China) or Chungdam U... ^^
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haha wouldn't it be different if the person you are meeting up with is also getting surgery? You would have a mutual understanding! Ah eyelid surgery is already a big thing for me, I think it's brave for people to get multiple surgeries done at the same time >.< And especially the ones that saw off a bit of bone, those scare me so much XD Although the cheekbone reduction surgery looks good.. I'm worried I'll keep wanting more surgeries because it's tempting to want to make yourself prettier haha. Don't want to turn into a PS monster >.<

So which clinics are you leaning towards? Are you after a natural result or something a bit more dramatic?
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haha I know I'm a bit scared of that too xD that's why I kind of want to get everything done at once and really hope I won't need revisions for anything so then I can leave the whole PS business behind me after that one go... and if it's really painful because of getting everything done at once then it's not very likely i'll be eager to get more done haha xD seeing the positive in everything~! ^-^

I answered your questions above I think I edited my post... ^^; please read it again! :smile:

and you're right, maybe it would be different... it's something to think about :smile: i would never judge anyone but i'd still be afraid someone would judge me... ah, stupid I know ^^;
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oh ok! I also considered Cinderella! I'm leaning towards natural eyelids but some dolly eyes (the ones that don't look TOOOO big) are so pretty so now I don't know!! All the kpop stars promote Cinderella as well so they probably get free procedures ^^" have you tried the online consultation for Cinderella? I submitted one but they haven't responded :sad:

And it's certain in life we will all be judged ^^" Especially because we are going to do cosmetic surgery. But if it's important to us, we have to grow a thicker skin and not care what they think :smile: After all, it's our life! And they are just strangers who don't know anything about us.
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I can't remember! I posted a few to a few clinics but no replies :sad: oh wait, I think i used a different email and forgot to check xD but at least I didn't get any replies within the first week! I haven't checked the other email after that so I don't know x_x cinderella though, no I remember it took me a while to find their english website! I always find the korean ones first and then the english ones long after xD so no I haven't tried consulting with them yet :smile: I'm sorry they didn't respond to you :sad:

oh I meant more like... judged for my looks now because I have so many unattractive features xD I don't worry about judging as I'm kind of doing this "new face new life" thing haha xD I think it's the easiest... if you can do it :smile: no worries, no explaning... just enjoy your life!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've always heard everyone's been disappointed in the results from Taiwanese doctors... Too subtle, not much change... I'm glad you had a positive experience ^^ How much did you pay? But I don't want to use cartilage from anywhere else in my body...

But I will get drastically bigger eyes, they look good! ^_^ if complications later... more surgery... no problem!

Thank you for your advice on doing the eyes and the nose together... that sounds like good advice... i will try to do that!! I'm doing a lot more than 3 surgeries... hahah xD but I will have time... so it's okay if I don't do them all at once ^^
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