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My eyelid surgery experience in korea

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I am going to Seoul late May too, interested in joing me? Teuim is my top choice and i am considering to stay in Young Dong hotel
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Teium is not at the top of my list, but I will consider it. Do you know how much it costs at Teium?
My May trip isn't set/officially confirmed yet. I still need to work things out.

I plan on staying at an AirBnb apartment by myself. That way, I can cook for myself and be more comfortable. No offense at all to you or anyone else, but I don't want to risk anything (stolen $$$) with a roommate I'm unfamiliar with. I especially have that fear with hotels, as I've had items stolen from me before. :sad:

If I do go, we can still hang out. I plan to do a lot of shopping hehe :smile:
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haha dont worry, let me know how things are going :smile:
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi. I will be doing my double eyelid surgery at teuim soon. But I'm concerned about the pain...
1)Did they put you to sleep before the numbing shots?
2) Were u put to sleep for epi?
3) I am aware that the patient is awake for part of the surgery. was there pain?

Basically, please describe how u felt during the entire surgery process. It will help a lot in getting me mentally prepared.
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Hi Jilly

I had eye surgery at teium about a yr ago....

Teium is good for a natural look. if u want dolly i do not suggest you go here, but the dr is skilled and i have no scarring.

i had my procedure done (non-incis with epi) under LA - when they inject it into u...it's hard to describe, but i seriously was humming "yellow submarine" and picturing a yellow submarine floating by with the beatles inside (I'm not a beatles fan, but apparently this MV for this song was the result of the beatles tripping on some acid) LOL so why do i bring this up - well i never did drugs, so i figure when they injected me with LA, it's kinda like tripping on LCD (back in the 60s) :biggrin: no pain, just a weird sensation and u start thinking or dreaming about some weird things. i swear I saw purple and red swirls in the air...this only lasted a few minutes

after this they inject some numbing drugs just above ur lids - there was some discomfort but no pain. it's like if u were to press on ur eyeball (with ur lids closed) and apply some decent amount of pressure and keeping that pressure there for what seemed like 5-7 seconds. at the time it felt long

i don't know how long they waited, but they waited until the numbing stuff took effect before the dr started his thing

ur awake throughout the whole thing - so no dr switching lol u can see and hear the dr. he will tell you to open and close ur eyes, for what seems like a million times - he just wants to make sure the crease is good

u can feel him tugging and poking at ur lids but it's not painful. i describe it like someone poking u in the arm. you can feel them doing it, but it doesn't cause pain or even discomfort. my pain threshold is high, but there's honestly no pain.

the whole procedure was over in about 30 mins....time had no meaning to me as i was still tripping out. i was able to walk back to my place str8 after

**sorry if i'm not making sense, i honestly was just out of it. so the whole thing was a blur to me. it was over quickly.

you will be fine - it's not that hard
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Thanks for the information. So u were under some form of sedation for a few minutes...Im doing a partial incision+epi+ptosis... so i was hoping to be asleep for epi at least
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