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Bone-setting: Jaw reduction

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Here's a link of how japanese do this.

Since I'm looking for alternative non-surgical ways to decrease my face size and refuse to do mandible reduction surgery. (I have square face myself)

This is a chinese site which talks about this type of procedure too.

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Because there are gaps in between therefore it is possible to reduce the size of your face. My friend will do this in hk and I will update you guys if it works. Because I definitely do not want to do mandible reduction
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I hope you do a bit more research on this procedure before shelling out $. To me, nothing about this makes sense.

Can you point out these gaps in you facial bones that these clinics claim we have? Flip through an anatomy book and you can see that the skull is one continuous bony structure, the mandible another. Also, how can these clinics claim that gentle pressure applied by massage can reshape bone? What is the physiological mechanism behind their "treatment"?

It makes me so mad how such clinics are so unethical and spread such blatant misinformation to make a quick buck.
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I agree...I don't understand Japanese so don't really know what the doctor explained in the video but my point is the skull bone is a solid structure, in order to push the bone in, they have to break the bone first, which requires a surgery and long recovery. It's similar to cheekbone reduction in Korea, doctors have to break the cheekbones and push them in to reduce the face width.
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I'm not quite certain about this procedure but a lot of celebrities in hk do this type of procedure in order to keep their faces slim. I'm not good at reading Chinese so I can't really have much resource to back this up. But this method for sure is not effective as mandible reduction.

I definitely trying to look for ways to reduce my face size besides Botox and mandible reduction. Anyone else got ideas ?
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She will start doing this starting next month. I will definitely keep you guys posted. it is very popular in hk. unfortunately due to the lack of Chinese knowledge, It is very hard for me to research about this procedure,
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